Almighty GIGASAMPLER vs almighty JV1010


New member
hi guys,

I've searched the post before posting this, but I could not find an answer.

I wanted to buy a jv1010 for some good sounding piano, strings ,and bass, and I was pretty much decided on that.


I read about the gigasampler/gigastudio, which, incredibly has a 1gigabyte sapmled piano.

What I am looking for is quality and not quantity, so I don't really care if I only have one or two sapmles of the instrument groups.

My question is this:

which will give me better realism, the gigasampler or the jv1010. I have read good things about both, but I am turning to you guys who have used both or have used one of them and were absolutely stunned.

Well, for realism, which is a subjective issue, I'd say you should find a chance to audition them both. Many pro recordists use the piano samples from the JV-1010, and so far, we haven't heard anybody say, "Hey it's JV-1010 in this song!!!". For Giga though, you wouldn't be stuck if the piano samples that came with it doesn't sound realistic to you. You can always find piano sample CD at hundrends of bucks to replace the default ones. Keep in mind though, realism is not provided by the samples alone. It's also the performance and the mix. Good luck.
