Last night at band practice..


:mad: I fucked up my main guitar.. :mad:

I rearranged my band room yesterday before practice. I use hangers for my guitars instead of stands to save floorspace and with the new arrangement, I have to walk over the cables.

Well after all of one hour, I caught a cable with my foot and ripped my Brian Moore off the wall and it hit squarely on the CONRETE FLOOR!! :mad: This smashing in the bottom edge and ripped the bridge almost completely out. :mad:

The guitar is a Brian Moore i9 that I guess I'll try taking about today to see if I can refasten the bridge. I'm not sure I'll be able to fix it though so I guess I'll have to take it to a repair shop. :(

I'll have to play my Godin in the meantime... :(
lol i have guitar hangers but i NEVER leave the,m plugged in while theyre hanging up. thats like asking for seomthin bad to happen

I dropped it off at the music shop. They said its not something they can fix there and that they'll have to send it off.

I guess they'll call me with an estimite in the next week or so. :rolleyes:
VSpaceBoy said:
:mad: I fucked up my main guitar.. :mad:

I rearranged my band room yesterday before practice. I use hangers for my guitars instead of stands to save floorspace and with the new arrangement, I have to walk over the cables.

Well after all of one hour, I caught a cable with my foot and ripped my Brian Moore off the wall and it hit squarely on the CONRETE FLOOR!! :mad: This smashing in the bottom edge and ripped the bridge almost completely out. :mad:

The guitar is a Brian Moore i9 that I guess I'll try taking about today to see if I can refasten the bridge. I'm not sure I'll be able to fix it though so I guess I'll have to take it to a repair shop. :(

I'll have to play my Godin in the meantime... :(

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Try to do the right thing & @#$% happens.
Perhaps it was meant to be & the thing will come back having become stronger throught the experience.
Fingers crossed for you anyway.