Analog/Digital consoles -- your views

I'm writing an essay for my post audio class based on analog vs. digital consoles. Not necessarily saying one is better than the other, but just the overall different things. I'm almost done, but I was wondering if you guys had anything to suggest that I might have not covered.

i.e. having to use menus to gain access to EQ, etc. on a digital board vs. using real knobs.
I like using real knobs rather than software ones. I've found that good 'real' hardware is less expensive than software stuff.

Are you talking about DAWs here, or digital mixers hooked up to various digital recorders?
For me, i went analog. I need the flexability of having many inputs but no need to simtanious record more than a stereo track. So i don't need a digital mixer that seperates the tracks. Now you can get digital mixers that don't do this for cheaper but it costs about the same or more. The downside of low budget digital mixers is that you are pretty much stuck with the converters unless you upgrade, or get a better soundcard and run it analog. The first is a big turn off, the second is pointless.