Ampkit VS Amplitube


New member
Been looking at both of these. They both seem to be about the same except the Ampkit Link is battery powered and iRig isn't. Has any guitarists used either of these, and what is your take on it/them? The is for iPhone/iTouch in case anyone is wondering.
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You're so biased!! lol, Baddddd. hahaha Anyways, is the iRig compatible with both Amplitube and Ampkit, or is specific to just Amplitube?
Buy the ILink interface!!

The ILink (ampkit interface) works with both apps. The iRig does not.

I bought the iRig and Amplitube first. I then purchased Ampkit and tried to use the iRig interface. The feedback made it unusable. I then purchased ILink and the Ampkit app. Personally I prefer Ampkit over Amplitube (And I LOVE "Revalver" which is the PC version of Ampkit.) But, it's a CLOSE call. Both have their strong points. The best advice I could offer is to buy the Ampkit (ILink) interface. Then download both the "Amplitube Free" and the free "Ampkit" apps. You can then decide for yourself.

Amplitube uses a software mechanism for handling feedback. The ILink handles it in the hardware (which I would assume is part of the reason it requires batteries.) So, you just turn off the feedback functionality in Amplitube and let the iLink take care of it.

If you decide to go with Ampkit DO NOT upgrade the free version. Delete the free version and buy the full version.

Hope that's helpful.