ok this is gonna be my drumset

Nick The Man

New member
this will be my drumset soon (mostly recording, maybe some gigging) i am goin to get the Pacific CX series kit for 900 then the zildjian K/Z combo hats, Sabian AA Rock ride, and for chrashes im thinking about the studio series that sabian makes ....what do you guys thing good for recording or bad
I would get a used drumset/cymbals for recording. Something made from maple with good bearing edges. I would buy used zildgian As for my cymbals. I would much rather have an old green cymbal that sounded good than a shiny new cymbal that came in a pack of 5 that sounds like shit.

Then I'd get some coated heads or some aquarian heads and be done with it. The crummy part of old drumsets is the hardware. But if it is always set up all of the time in a studio then screw the hardware.