Ezdrummer or Addictive Drums for blues/rock/funk/fusion/jazz


New member
I want to start recording some decent backing tracks. I intend to make them fairly simple but good sounding. I play guitar and bass, and my style is somewhere within blues/rock/fusion/funk/jazz. I have briefly tried both Ezdrummer and Addictive Drums. The both seem good.

Which would you recommend? Addictive Drums costs a bit more, but that's okay.

Do you find one easier to work with than the other?

I probably would not spend too much time tweaking sounds. I mostly want to get good drum grooves with some variations and be able work fast without too much fiddling around. So ease of use is important to me.

If there is something else besides these 2 that you think also would fit well for my needs, please let me know.

Thanks a lot,
I've been using ezdrummer for about a year and find it... well... easy. Haven't used AD so I can't compare for you.

EZdrummer has canned patterns so you can put a track together in minutes. But you can also edit everything so you don't get that canned pattern feel. I think the drums sound great, but I'm not an expert. I have had comments come back about being a little "roomy", but I kind of like it. And it's adjustable.

The one thing I noticed when using something like ezdrummer (and I'm sure it applies to other sampled drums) is when someone else uses it, you recognize it immediately and get the feeling that your drummer is playing out on you. It's kind of weird. :D :rolleyes: :eek:
I have both and both are good. FWIW I had EZDrummer first. To jump to the conclusion, I'd pick Addictive Drums without pause.

Both are easy to use.

EZDrummer might be a tad easier and the groove variation more useful for what you seem to be looking for.
EZDrummer has a humanizing feature that is very useful - AD does not....I wish it did.

Both have settings for room mics, wet/dry, etc.

AD has effects and they are useful, EZD does not.
AD ssamples can be tweaked and it is not only easy, it is fun. This yields WAY more variety IMO.
AD sounds better, more alive, period.
Although I have ALL of the EZD libraries I have found I choose AD drums almost all of the time.

Bottom Line: Once again, AD would be my pick hands down; however, both are good and you really wouldn't go wrong with either.
Based on what you've mentioned, I think EZDrummer might be a better fit for you.
If EZDrummer still has the $50 rebate, bringing the price down to $100 vs. $200 for Addictive Drums, I'd definitely say just go with EZDrummer.

Good luck on whatever you pick.
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Getting EZ drummer for half the price seems like a good deal. I like the sound of AD better, but for my little projects, it shouldn't be a big deal. I use Garageband for recording. Not sure how big deal it is that EZ drummer doesn't have effects - I'd probably just throw some reverb on the drum track and hope it sounds decent. :)

Which one has more grooves in it? With either of these to products, I am hoping I get lots of different grooves with plenty of variations so I can quickly get some tracks together.
EZDrummer probably has more of the type of grooves you seem to be seeking.
Also, you can always check out Groove Monkey for more grooves.