YouTube Channels That Give Music Tutorials?

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But see, that's the thing...after seeing your "How to Make Money" video...there was nothing in it that actually revealed *how to make money*.

I really appreciate your advice, and criticism, it has really helped me see that I could make more series type videos diving more into the specifics of these subjects. :)

You have some knowledge/ if you are going to do the videos, be real (the sunglasses make you look fake)

I don't know how much more specific I would want to get in a short YT video about making money in a home studio. Would you really want me to say "click here" "run these ads and target them to these people" and "post instrumentals to your website and use SEO to gain traffic while using promotion and special offers to close the deal"?

The video was for people who have never made money in a studio and would like to start, its not a How To Grow Your Home Studio Business video, which I might get into in the future.

Starting off generic is a better way to go IMO because you cast a broader net on the subject, if someone wants to know more they can either check out my other videos or videos of others who explain deeper into the process. Also there are only about 4 other videos on "How To Make Money In A Home Studio" so its not like I'm just reiterating the points of hundreds of people before me.
This is one of the best 'click bait' threads in a while. :D
There was mention of 'wanting to be part of the community'. I see litte of that.
I see more 'look at me', 'look at my sunglasses', 'look at my videos' going on.
And here we are. ...... discussing it.

I'd say your plan is working. You've got the promotion aspect down pretty good. Now work on the content. It could be much better.

haha I never mentioned my sunglasses, that was someone else first. TBH I never even thought about the sunglasses during the filming or editing of the videos. I had my uses for them so I used them. I am definitely trying to be apart of the community by starting this thread and asking others to post their channels and the channels they love so we can all check out each others music.

I can see how you think it got "clickbaity" after all of these posts regarding the sunglasses but I think thats really just more fun and games then anything.

And for the "look at me" and "look at my videos" there are a lot better ways of getting views then posting them on a random thread in a forum. I don't even have my YT as my tag at the end of my posts. I'm really more trying to say "look at everyone's videos" and "lets share ideas"

I do know a little bit about promotion, but not enough to cause I whole thread based on sunglasses. That's a bit out of my skill/planning level. lol :)

I would love to hear your feedback about what could be better with my content so I can work on developing it. I do a video everyday, but only about 3 tip videos a week so far up to 42 videos and definitely know I can improve, so if you have some criticism or tips send them my way, its always useful to hear peoples opinions as sometimes I'm to close to it due to the fact that I am making and editing these everyday
Look...everyone on the planet who does music would like to figure out how to make money from it.
It's not like there's never been any talk about it until your video or the 4 other ones you found on YT.

The point is...your videos don't really tell people that in any specific way.
You're telling people to "get equipment"..."learn how to use it"...."it will take a few years to get good"....etc...and I seriously doubt that anyone watching will have a eureka moment..."WOW! I just learned how to make money off my music!"

I'm just saying you might get more mileage by talking about one single aspect at a time, with greater detail and steps/solutions/examples...
...instead of 15 minutes of "get equipment"..."learn how to use it"...."it will take a few years to get good"...

...and then more people will hit your channel, more times, when there's really something there for them to sink their teeth into.

Anyway...maybe you should keep the sunglasses on...because that's the only thing that's gotten any discussion...instead of the video content. ;)

It's just forum humor...don't let it bother you.
if he's going to take the time to do the videos...but it takes more work and effort to do that

I definitely agree that I could be more detailed in certain videos, and in certain videos I have. I make a video everyday, record people everyday, mix everyday so I definitely know how much work it takes.

Its kind of weird to tell someone to work more on their videos when you promote your YT with every post you make, yet there are only 2 videos from 6 years ago with no link to your website that states those are from your "Hold On" album. On the same website stating "Generic" tips like
"If you are working alone in the studio, like I do very often, learn to “shut out” the rest of the world during that time."
"If you’re tired, turn off the gear and go rest up."
"While staying focused is important, you do need to take breaks from time to time"
"Finally....remember to have FUN!"

I know this is fun forum humor and that's why I love it lol I also have no problem pointing the finger the other way so to speak haha ;) also you shouldn't unbutton your shirt to your belly button it really looks like your trying to be "cool" I would never listen to a professor if they came in with a 70's shirt unbuttoned to their stomach lol
BobbleGerg looks cool! Thats my name for him anyway. :D

To jp. Content hmmmm. Watched a few of your vids. It seems more like just a video diary rather than educational content.

That may be fine for the folks you know, but if you really want to go somewhere, it's not enough.
Where do you actually want to go with it all? Yes I saw your 'what you're here for' vid. :D

Still it was vague, and without direction.

In this modern psycho world, video blogging has replaced real friends and human contact. Likes = affection.

I'd hate to see anyone fall into that.

Me, I don't go on youtube to be entertained, I search out videos where I can actually learn something or become informed.

You seem like a decent enough, sincere guy. Just figure out what you're looking to achieve.

It is apparent that you like Fl. Why not do some FL turorials?

Take what I/ we say with a grain of salt,
Hey, you can always apply your 3 tips on dealing with haters.
Its kind of weird to tell someone to work more on their videos when you promote your YT with every post you make, yet there are only 2 videos from 6 years ago with no link to your website that states those are from your "Hold On" album. On the same website stating "Generic" tips like
"If you are working alone in the studio, like I do very often, learn to “shut out” the rest of the world during that time."
"If you’re tired, turn off the gear and go rest up."
"While staying focused is important, you do need to take breaks from time to time"
"Finally....remember to have FUN!"

Well...the two videos are not from any album of mine...and I think in the videos it clearly states where the backing tracks came from, and they are just videos of me playing I'm not selling anything, I'm not promoting anything, and I'm not offering any kind of instructions or how-to to anyone. It's just about the music.
The album reference on my website is to an old album I did about 8-9 years ago...which is separate from the two YT videos.

AFA my website...I'm flattered that you took the time to dig around looking for something to toss back at me...:D...and as you noted, I don't go out of my way to post links to my website because I'm not looking to promote my "instructions" on anything, and I'm working on new material, so the old album stuff is gone.
Those are however valid studio recording tips for people doing actual live studio recording, playing instruments, singing vocals, etc...which may not be of any value to guys who just make beats.

On the forums here...we all toss around suggestions and advice around, but that's not the same as producing specific videos and then coming here to promote/market a YT channel...etc. I ARE here to promote/market...right...?
So I think it's only fair for people to question the content of what you are promoting/marketing...but you are certainly free to keep making and posting your videos. I'm not saying you should stop...I'm saying put some more detailed content in them rather than generic "info".

Oh...and I wasn't wearing any sunglasses in my videos while playing, and mine are uncut, unedited videos, and I didn't have any issues with framing or focus. ;)'s just some forum fun....but seriously, I think you will come off m,ore personable if you lose the sunglasses, and if you take like one specific topic, and cover it with detail, you will get more positive response than just posting generic fluff ".info". Make it count...people will appreciate it more, and come back for more. :thumbs up:
RFR, see that's great advice and real constructive feedback. That is like gold to me. Thank you so much for that.

I actually see my vague style as you call it as my strength, too many people are trying to start a channel saying "I'm a photographer, or a mixing engineer or whatever is" and make videos like they are the all knowing authority on the subject, but with me I would much rather be "the guy in the process of following his dreams" so people can see me progress over time and hopefully inspire them to either start the process of their dreams or push harder at their dreams. In short while everyone is being "fake" in a sense I am trying to be transparent.

The FL tips are a great idea! I know where I'm trying to go it's just not the generic "I want to be famous" of kids my age. I want to be a content creator in every sense, music is where I started but I have just as strong a passion for video and marketing.

I have quite a few friends so I'm not super worried about that lol

Don't worry I would never take what anyone says with a grain of salt, criticism is where the real advice is, so maybe my videos aren't up to your level but I think I'm doing great for a month on YT and I have a feeling people especially newbies to music will find value in my videos regardless of if they are generic. I have personally gotten some of the best advice from some of those generic videos. I would rather be told the concept behind something then be told someone's specific opinion of the only way to do something. :)
Well...the two videos are not from any album of mine...


Its not the fault of someone checking out your website to know that you didn't keep any of the information updated. Also why not post your album you released years ago instead of two random YT videos? People will go to your site and find no original music from you, at that point why have a site called "Miroslav Music" if there is none of Miroslav's Music?

I don't go out of my way to post links to my website because I'm not looking to promote
If you think having your YT link in every post of your 15k posts on here isn't promotion then I don't know what you think promotion is. And it not linking to your album is just bad promotion really. Also you do post it on YT you just didn't explain they are from your album, which I guess their not but again with the above you can see the confusion

Those are however valid studio recording tips for people doing actual live studio recording, playing instruments, singing vocals, etc...which may not be of any value to guys who just make beats.

Thank you for proving my point that generic tips can be valid. I don't think a tip can get more generic than "If you’re tired, turn off the gear and go rest up" and also I never claimed I make beats, just where to find information from people that do. As I stated, I do work in live studio enviorments, recording, playing instruments and singing vocals. I actually do all of those almost every single day. Or follow your own advice from a couple lines down "I'm saying put some more detailed content in them rather than generic "info"

you ARE here to promote/market...right...?
As stated, I am here to find others than are internested in music advice and music channels through YT, trust me the worst way to promote or market your music would be through a forum, I have gained 0 subscribers from this forum and in the same two days have gained 15 through social media, yet I'm still here because I love these conversations and criticism and advice. This is how you progress and how you find others interested in what you are.

Oh...and I wasn't wearing any sunglasses in my videos while playing, and mine are uncut, unedited videos, and I didn't have any issues with framing or focus. ;)
No sunglasses but I mean come on, a shirt opened to your stomach is the EXACT same just a different age group ;) as for the cuts thats on purpose and would make no sense to cut a guitar riff video oh btw you are definately out of focus at least in your BB King video.
When you lean forward part of your hand comes into focus

haha I love these fun a playful forum conversations, I'm glad none of us get angry we just call it out how it is. I just wish people wouldn't contradict themselves so much to prove a point. I think we all have great advice just different strokes for different folks, at the same time like I said if someone tries to pick me apart I have no problem turning the mirror back around. Seriously you guys are awesome, all of you. This has been such a great forum so far, I'm glad I can be here going back and forth with you guys
I do work in live studio enviorments, recording, playing instruments and singing vocals. I actually do all of those almost every single day.
So instead of all the how-to videos and trying to convince us that you're not just some spammer, post up some stuff you've actually done. This is a recording forum. We're interested in recording. We don't care about social media followers and going viral on youtube like some teenage girl. Let us hear your actual work - something you've recorded and/or performed on while recording....and not sampling beats or loops. I'm not trying to call you out, but damn dude, you got the talking done already. Let us hear these daily recording sessions. That will go a long way towards giving you some credibility.
Well I gotta say you're taking it all in stride. The fact that you are staying in the conversation is to your credit and benefit.
You did initially come on this forum to market your video.
Those type of first posts usually result in the poster being torn to shreds with them leaving.
You got lucky.
Well I gotta say you're taking it all in stride. The fact that you are staying in the conversation is to your credit and benefit.
You did initially come on this forum to market your video.
Those type of first posts usually result in the poster being torn to shreds with them leaving.
You got lucky.

Oh man, you've got that right. I was just thinking that this has gone so much more smoothly than most posts in the marketing forum, that this may be some sort of record for warmest reception ever for a post that contained a link to a YouTube channel :D
So instead of all the how-to videos and trying to convince us that you're not just some spammer, post up some stuff you've actually done. This is a recording forum. We're interested in recording. We don't care about social media followers and going viral on youtube like some teenage girl. Let us hear your actual work - something you've recorded and/or performed on while recording....and not sampling beats or loops. I'm not trying to call you out, but damn dude, you got the talking done already. Let us hear these daily recording sessions. That will go a long way towards giving you some credibility.

I thought we weren't supposed to promote our music here? I feel like that is more promotion then posting a video asking others to post their videos as well. But if you want to check out a song I did recently here one is: its not a guitar or metal tune like I see alot of people here make but I did make everything myself, all the drums and instrumentation and vocals.

I haven't spammed, I mean I haven't posted any of my videos or lyrics in any other thread or gone thread by thread posting my videos just kept it all here so I don't think that can count as spam. And I know this is a recording forum but I posted this in the "Marketing/Publicity" thread which has little to do with recording and a lot more to do with "social media followers and going viral on youtube like some teenage girl" as you kindly put it which btw I doubt going viral on YT is inheirently a teenage girl thing, and I'm pretty sure its almost impossible to go "viral" on YT with a music advice video. Maybe someone has done it I just havent seen it, with the most common definition of viral being 5-7 million views in the first 3-5 days

Im pretty sure if your in the marketing thread, you do have some interest in getting your music noticed, unless your trying to market to no one. Another also, I never gave any tips on social media followers or going viral in any of my comments or videos. I'm trying to share my progress of me becoming more established in my fields, and give tips along the way that I would of loved to have 10 years ago.

I am starting to record more of me in the studio and recording other people in the vlogs on my channel, which in one of my other videos I address that my camera doesn't do well in low light and so I don't want to give dark footage where you can't see anything going on just to have it in there. "regular room light is not bright enough for most Canon DSLR's, until you get to the 6D and 5D Mark iii" As I progress I will a way to get a more dynamic camera, which hopefully should be coming soon.
Oh man, you've got that right. I was just thinking that this has gone so much more smoothly than most posts in the marketing forum, that this may be some sort of record for warmest reception ever for a post that contained a link to a YouTube channel :D

Haha thanks, I think its either because no one has gone to rough on me "which I don't know what that would look like" or I am very comfortable in what I'm doing and am really here to try to be apart of a community with other like minded musicians/YT'ers. There is nothing anyone could say that could discourage me from continuing, I really like critiscism, I believe that is truly where you find the real answers. People that like you wont tell it how it is, but people that either dont like you or just dont care have no problem doing so. I am just trying to create my little space here where people can post their channels or their videos or even their favorite videos and have conversations about what they like, what the've learned etc.

You guys are great, you remind me of my mentors in music who would tell it how it is and be down right insulting some times but it was always to help me get better. :)
My understanding of the mktg forum is this;
it's a place for members, key word being members, to promote their finished works. As in recordings.

The mp3 clinic is to test the waters with your mixes, get help, offer help with recordings.

The newbies section is for newcomers to introduce themselves.

I could be wrong, but after a year or so, that seems to be the way it works.

The problem with the mktg is that every stranger thinks it's cool to spam this place with shit that no one except the unknown poster cares about.

In fact, its a place for members who record to show off completed works.

So the whole point here is that this is a forum about recording music.

Hence why newcomers peddling their wares, without earning the right to do so by being a contributing member of HR, usually get lynched

I thought we weren't supposed to promote our music here? I feel like that is more promotion then posting a video asking others to post their videos as well. But if you want to check out a song I did recently here one is: its not a guitar or metal tune like I see alot of people here make but I did make everything myself, all the drums and instrumentation and vocals.

I haven't spammed, I mean I haven't posted any of my videos or lyrics in any other thread or gone thread by thread posting my videos just kept it all here so I don't think that can count as spam. And I know this is a recording forum but I posted this in the "Marketing/Publicity" thread which has little to do with recording and a lot more to do with "social media followers and going viral on youtube like some teenage girl" as you kindly put it which btw I doubt going viral on YT is inheirently a teenage girl thing, and I'm pretty sure its almost impossible to go "viral" on YT with a music advice video. Maybe someone has done it I just havent seen it, with the most common definition of viral being 5-7 million views in the first 3-5 days

Im pretty sure if your in the marketing thread, you do have some interest in getting your music noticed, unless your trying to market to no one. Another also, I never gave any tips on social media followers or going viral in any of my comments or videos. I'm trying to share my progress of me becoming more established in my fields, and give tips along the way that I would of loved to have 10 years ago.

I am starting to record more of me in the studio and recording other people in the vlogs on my channel, which in one of my other videos I address that my camera doesn't do well in low light and so I don't want to give dark footage where you can't see anything going on just to have it in there. "regular room light is not bright enough for most Canon DSLR's, until you get to the 6D and 5D Mark iii" As I progress I will a way to get a more dynamic camera, which hopefully should be coming soon.

Jesus christ dude, you do protest too much. I don't give a single fuck what the hell you do here or on youtube. I'll never watch your videos. It's not personal, I just don't want or need rank-beginner's advice from a beginner. I was just curious if you actually record anything.
I completely get where you are coming from. But as a newcomer this is what I see.

That makes it clear to me that its a place to talk about, "The best ways to market music, to talk about what your doing what works and what doesnt."

I started off in the newbies thread by asking the moderators where I could post my videos and what would be the best section for me to start my thread on. I was pointed here so I came here.

I could understand thinking its spam if I was going all over posting it, or if I was posting my own music saying "Check me out, Im the best" but I came here with tips for musicians on starting to make money for themselves, general music tips etc. I post vlogs on my channel as well and I haven't posted them here because they aren't directly music related so I'm respecting the space I'm in.

I assumed I was a member by signing up and engaging in conversations with people? I assume we all started out new here at one point or another.

But really I am talking about recording music. Getting clients is part of the battle so is studio etiquitte tips, getting through writers block, a beginners guide to making music and working with difficult artists. "a couple of videos I have made" Releasing and promoting your music is the last step of recording music.

There are a million videos saying "ok get a sm57, put it here, turn the signal up this loud, record at this level, comp the best takes, try different things for different tones etc..." but I want to talk about the things that I don't usually see people talk about. "even if they seem general" When I typed in "How To Make Money In A Studio" on YT I saw a space where I believed I had some knowledge that I could contribute.

I'm not sure how I would have to "earn my right" but I'm pretty sure it would start with starting conversations, giving help in the best way I can and trying to be apart of the community.
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