wiring cams

Very cool...

Just one question...camera#2...what are we seeing? It's good to see that you've started working in the studio now that the big construction work is finished.
Hey Punkin. What you were seeing is this:



In a nutshell, all the non-audio related wiring. Four ethernets, four speaker wire pairs (for surround monitors), one coax for wordclock, and one for "Akainet", RS422, and something else I'd have to look up. I decided to run this type of wiring first, together and sporatically wrapped in electrical tape, because it's going to kink and twist and get caught while I snake it through the hangers: Supersized Wiring Staples. Anyway, the audio snake cable has a nice, strong jacket on it so I'm not worried about it anywhere near as much as I was this cable. So, it went in first. Tomorrow I'll tuck it in the big staples, and wire up the other side behind the wall, THEN I can get started on the balanced audio snake cable, and start soldering.

Oh, and the above cable does down into the dark caverns of hell, known as the garage:

I just have to make a wooden cable tie truss so I can remove that white metal rod I'm currently using to keep the weight of the cabling off the blue electrical box. Two deck screws and a piece of 1x3 oughta do it :D
I put two links for each camera above.

The first link is live video if you are using IE or netscape. If you're using something else (like Firefox or whatever), you click the second link, then select "Java" off the menu, and get true video.

Though do note the bandwidth is not the greatest, so you're only going to get a few frames per second, and less as more people attach. The main studio camera has six people on it. Not sure why, unless people are trying to figure out what i'm eating :D
I'm trying to figure out what you've got precariously perched on the stool behind and left of you...wondering if it's all about to come crashing down. Looks like a couple bantam patch panels from where I'm sitting.
BTW Punkin, did you see me wrapping the wires while I was on the phone? Did you see the phone fall off my shoulder? And..... down the cable hole into the garage? LMAO
I missed it...darn...I'm gonna have to hook my VCR up and catch up on the missed scenes. Finally something worth watching on TV :D
It's about time. Now I can be a voyeur once again!! Last year we were all glued to our screens watching the dust fly while Frederic was doing his drywall work. Now we get to see wiring 101 in action.

Cool indeed ;)

Yep, enjoy the view. At about 2pm eastern I'll be back to wiring. The second camera might be offline a while longer as I relocate it to the garage.
thats so awesome that I can see you...............impressive

hey, what are you doing on the computer, shouldnt you be soldering! good luck
I just waved :D

You're right, I should be soldering, or running the snake across the hangers in the garage, however my wife is setting up the little guy, his santa outfit, and wrapping empty boxes to make presents, for me to take a xmas card picture. It was supposed to be done by now however you know how these things go. Plus, my floodlight didn't work and I had to get another bulb, and the cord was a bit frayed from the above spotted cat thinking the cord is edible... and so on. I'll get to the wiring, no worries. But that will be on cam2, once I move it to the garage and reboot that network switch. Figure an hour or two, hopefully less.

I know this is so exciting for you LMAO

As far as what i'm doing, I'm just killing time until it's photoshoot time.
Ha! I saw the wave. That was a couple minutes ago tho, the delay for postings on this board is longer than I thought. No worries, Ill check back in a bit, ive got some soldering of my own to do :( :mad: :(


Now, to terminate it on the console table side, then measure what extra is cut off, and run the audio snake cable!