Why is so unequable the recorded guitar strip?

Man, that's sad. You pretty much lost a life-long companion.

My situation was a bit different. He was only 2 years old. It's a different kind of hurt because it was like losing a friend too soon. It's like, which is sadder? Losing your wife of 50 years, or losing your new bride of 2 months? They're both devastating as hell in different ways. This guy was like a close buddy. He was as affectionate and playful as a puppy. One day we were playing, the next day, he's dying in my arms at the vet and I'm balling in the vet's office like a 5 year old. It will always mark me.
I totally understand.
I lost a yellow lab that was my soul-dog on Christmas eve 11 years ago.
It ended Christmas in our house ...... we've basically just never done Christmas again.

If I live to be 100 I'll be Mr Bojangles .... still grieving over that dog.
In fact I'll quit talking about it or I'll get weepy now.
One of my beloved wiener dogs is very old. She's still kicking pretty well, but I know in the next few years I'm probably gonna have to put her down. I'm really hoping she just peacefully dies in her sleep. I'll bury her in the backyard. I don't wanna make that last drive to the vet.
I hope you get spared that man.

It would be nice if our pets would do us the courtesy of going in their sleep.
Jesus, that is hard. Sorry to hear it man.
I know what you mean about long-term/short-term. It's a fair point, alright.

Cats can be real snooty bastards and I get why some people don't like them, but Max was surprisingly loyal.
One of those cats that'll follow you everywhere and always want to be in on whatever you're doing.

I recently realised that one year has passed. I would have sworn blind it was a matter of months! :eek:

100% My Max (couldn't believe that) was rescued from a 7 day shelter here. He has been my constant companion. Sits in my lap while I work at the computer, sits by my side at the dinner table, sleeps curled up against me, watches me mow the lawn from the deck...He's so big a part of my life, I'm not sure how I'll handle it when he goes. He's only 8 now, but you know, some day... I'm just happy to have him. I think he knows I saved him from being put down.
I guess this place isn't just about tweaking things. We're people in a community. I guess posting about pets might make us more "human" to each other. C'mon now, group hug and a chorus of kumbi-fucking-ya.
I guess this place isn't just about tweaking things. We're people in a community. I guess posting about pets might make us more "human" to each other. C'mon now, group hug and a chorus of kumbi-fucking-ya.
I love you, man.-----sniff----sniff----

I think the reason it's hard to find guys who are sensitive, able to discuss their feelings, and are in touch with their feminine side is because......most of those guys already have a boyfriend.:eek:

(not that there's anything wrong with that, etc....)
Not to mention, I think I was the only one that caught that Muttley was talking about knocking up a burger in a different post... :eek:
I guess it must mean something different in the UK, here if you knock it up you better be prepared to marry it.

We had to have our oldest cat put to sleep 2 months ago - intestinal cancer was wasting him away, couldn't eat at all, or even hold down water in the last few days. Most affectionate cat possible, every night he would jump up onto the bed and climb on my chest, rub my face with his and purr away. Then 2 weeks ago we had to have our dog put to sleep as she was in pain and couldn't really walk any longer, let alone stand up on her own.
We had to have our oldest cat put to sleep 2 months ago - intestinal cancer was wasting him away, couldn't eat at all, or even hold down water in the last few days. Most affectionate cat possible, every night he would jump up onto the bed and climb on my chest, rub my face with his and purr away. Then 2 weeks ago we had to have our dog put to sleep as she was in pain and couldn't really walk any longer, let alone stand up on her own.
that sucks man ..... sorry for your loss
We had to have our oldest cat put to sleep 2 months ago - intestinal cancer was wasting him away, couldn't eat at all, or even hold down water in the last few days. Most affectionate cat possible, every night he would jump up onto the bed and climb on my chest, rub my face with his and purr away. Then 2 weeks ago we had to have our dog put to sleep as she was in pain and couldn't really walk any longer, let alone stand up on her own.

That's rough, sorry man.
I'm not worried about the poor English. You should have seen me in Paris ordering food. When a guitar or any other track conflicts with the vocal try putting a parametric eq on the music and cutting 1k almost all the way out. That should clear up any conflicts.
Rod Norman


This unequable thing, has bad impact for the voice?
Should I correct this thing? If yes, then how?
Here is a picture, for the better understanding: http://kepfeltoltes.hu/140421/180391942Untitled_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png

Thanks in advance!
When a guitar or any other track conflicts with the vocal try putting a parametric eq on the music and cutting 1k almost all the way out. That should clear up any conflicts.
Rod Norman
Another "gem" by Rod Norman. :eek: