What's goin' on with everybody

Good morning ladies and germs. Up early, got the garden watered, having a second cup-o-joe before I take a sit and ride for a few hours on the ol' John Deere mowing machine. The dew hasn't burned off yet and I don't like mowing the "grass" when it's wet, but she's startin' to heat up out here already. It's gonna be another scorcher out today, but later the possibility of thunder storms, winds, possibly power outages. After today temps are supposed to moderate for this time of year, mid 80s by the first of the week, chance(s) of rain by midweek. I'm thinking maybe a nap mid-afternoon, cook up a mess of vittles later, perhaps throw something on the grill under canopy if the weather isn't too severe. Beers, and more beers, and maybe check out the What music do you like thread for something new. Maybe take a sit on the porch with the mandolin and attempt to upstage the deluge, iffin it comes. Life is pretty dang good, I reckon. Oop, the sun just peeked over the tree line, better get movin'.

Hope you guys have a good day, and keep pickin' them guitars!
In my morning browsing, I tripped across an obituary for my cousin Jackie (John) in Chicago. Though we spent several summers over the years doing some heavy partying, we were never very close and didn't keep in touch. He was a musician. Turned me on to Led Zeppelin, Clapton and Beck among others. I turned him on to Pink Floyd and Aerosmith. He played a Les Paul until his fretting hand got mangled (never told me how), preventing him from bending two of his fingers. The last time we hung out was when my mom died and he had me up to his place for a couple weeks over the Christmas holiday. That was one bone chilling winter season, the air was dry and the winds were constant. We hit all the bars in all the various ethnic neighborhoods - I felt as if I was backpacking through Europe. R.I.P. Jackie.
In my life long line of work that's always been my biggest fear as a gtr player - working with my hands.... on and around unforgiving mechanical equipment for fear of serious injury. And I have had numerous stitches and one broken finger. But so far so good. The right gloves help a lot.
In my life long line of work that's always been my biggest fear as a gtr player - working with my hands.... on and around unforgiving mechanical equipment for fear of serious injury. And I have had numerous stitches and one broken finger. But so far so good. The right gloves help a lot.
Yah sorry to hear that Spantini,
im in the same boat PHM and 2 years ago I fell out of a conveyor about 12 feet down to cement floor. Shattered my left wrist and the first thing I thought about was playing guitar. I’m trying to get used to the limited rotation I now have, and retraining my muscle memory. It can be done


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Yeah, sorry to hear that Spantini. A heck of a way to find out something like that.

I was in a car accident back in the 90s and hyperextended my elbow. Wound up with a constricted "funny bone" nerve in my left fretting arm. The ulnar nerve. My pinky and ring fingers started going numb at times. Phantom type shooting pains. I was thinking not good for a guitar player. It was tough making the decision to have surgery, who knows the outcome. But what if I didn't. Possibly damned if you do, damned if you don't. Went for it, they shaved a bone on the side of my elbow, moved the nerve out of the pocket down in there, and pretty much just laid it on the side of my arm. Couldn't straighten my arm totally for quite some time, actually still can't totally, but close enough. Things turned out alright, everything pretty much normal...except being that my "funny bone" is laying out on the side of my arm I "laugh" more than I otherwise would. Hardy har.
Yah sorry to hear that Spantini,
im in the same boat PHM and 2 years ago I fell out of a conveyor about 12 feet down to cement floor. Shattered my left wrist and the first thing I thought about was playing guitar. I’m trying to get used to the limited rotation I now have, and retraining my muscle memory. It can be done
Use something with a bar, lap steel, dobro, pedal steel?
About 7 years ago at work I rolled my left ring finger and middle finger backwards almost to the back of my hand. I can't believe I didn't break them. It took over
six months before I could use them again and it has never been the same. I did have the pedal steel to see me through. I have never broken a bone. Have gone down a grand staircase backwards, fell out of trees, etc. Sometimes I think my bones are made of hard rubber.
Thanks, everyone.

In '07, due to some new prescription meds, I fell backwards down a staircase - a little over 20 FT. I wound up at the bottom landing, face down on a cold tile floor - just like in those "Help. I've fallen and I can't get up!" commercials, only I didn't have a little red button to push. When I tried to stand, my left foot wouldn't support me. Turned out I broke my ankle, lower leg just above, and a couple bones in the foot. Operation time. When I woke up, my lower left leg and foot was in an external fixator [OUCH !]. I was laid up for 3 months in a rehab center, confined mostly to bed and wheelchair. After the fixator was removed and I finished my therapy, it was nearly 2 years before my foot returned to (almost) normal size and color. It was about 8 years total before all the swelling had completely disappeared and my foot actually showed very little sign of repair.

I don't have any pics of my foot, so I'm throwing this poor guy's foot in as an example of what mine looked like. It's not exact but it'll do. My foot was swollen a bit larger than this one.

When I went down the stairs it was in Monmouth Hills Country Club, a long grand staircase. I woke up the next day in a bed in the
basement and everything hurt but nothing was broken. I think because i had ingested some Parest 500s it might have had something
to do with it. That and the alcohol. They probably turned me into rubber. The last thing I remember was going to shake my friend Johns
hand and starting to fall backwards. That was the last time I ever did any downs. I lost too many friends and realized I might be next. That
was circa: 1971?
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Thanks, everyone.

In '07, due to some new prescription meds, I fell backwards down a staircase - a little over 20 FT. I wound up at the bottom landing, face down on a cold tile floor - just like in those "Help. I've fallen and I can't get up!" commercials, only I didn't have a little red button to push. When I tried to stand, my left foot wouldn't support me. Turned out I broke my ankle, lower leg just above, and a couple bones in the foot. Operation time. When I woke up, my lower left leg and foot was in an external fixator [OUCH !]. I was laid up for 3 months in a rehab center, confined mostly to bed and wheelchair. After the fixator was removed and I finished my therapy, it was nearly 2 years before my foot returned to (almost) normal size and color. It was about 8 years total before all the swelling had completely disappeared and my foot actually showed very little sign of repair.

I don't have any pics of my foot, so I'm throwing this poor guy's foot in as an example of what mine looked like. It's not exact but it'll do. My foot was swollen a bit larger than this one.

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Thats a mighty cute foot you got there. Hows about a date?
I went and stripped that van on Saturday. Hottest day of the year here so far. I didn't get the transmission, I will have to go back.
I got all six doors, tI had to drill the head of the bolts off the back bumper I took the hood, cowel, two very expensive tires and rims, radiator, distributor, starter motor, dashboard, instrument cluster, 4 nice wheel covers, ac compressor, new set of wires, gas cap door, sun visors, hoses, fuses, clamps, all running
lights, grille, all headlights and bezels, 3 seats, two radios, battery, wiper assemblies, speakers, valve covers, intake manifold, some new
weather stripping. I couldn't get one bolt off the hitch. When I go back I will bring my angle grinder and grind the head off. I pulled a lot of the interior
switches etc that I can't use in my van but can sell. I took all the wood trim. I couldn't get the front bumper loose. Without a torch I don't think I will get it.
Will give it one more try with the angle grinder when I go back. At around 3:30 the skies opened up and I got soaked. I was so hot and muggy out it was a blessing.
She don't look like the picture anymore.


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It's so hot outside.


It's so hot, wasps are crawling through the cracks to get into my (cooler) apartment - and it ain't cooler just because of my Jimi Hendrix poster.

I spent the past 30 minutes stalking a paper wasp unlucky enough to have made it's way into my dwelling. Being indoors, and not wanting to alert the authorities to a fire in the building, I decided to forego my usual flammable aerosol ignited to create a flamethrower solution in favor of an ordinary can of foamy glass cleaner - unignited. I foamed his little *** to death.

His big mistake was ducking behind the window blinds, which were closed. He kept bouncing around between them and the glass in search of his original ingress in order to egress [there's a song in there somewhere] [gotta get in to get out...?].

Now the place reeks of ammonia, but that will pass. These things will pass.

I'm seeing more spiders also, but I let them go about their business without hassle.

The End

The perp :

Digger Wasp.jpg
glass cleaner? thats getting on the cruel side..do it quickly...does glass cleaner really work as an insecticide?

when i find a hive..at Sun down i place a mason jar filled with gasoline a third of the way, over the hive. they fall asleep from fumes and into instant death at the bottom.
I was trying to swat him with a similar item but he got into the narrow space between the window and closed blinds where I couldn't swat. I didn't want to raise the blinds and let him loose again, so I switched to aerosol.