What is spam?

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...ya know....i like my spam on white with mayo, lettuce, tomato and cheese......hey bluebear....i got a question for you about canadians...is there a canadian cheese? you know like theres chedder, swiss, monterey jack, american, feta, cottage....you get the idea. please note that i am thinking about dinner and not about being a traffic cop for this thread.
DJL said:
I wish you posted this in the Cave rather than on the mic forum... oh well.

Man, I wish we could have a microphone forum without all of these lame rebuttals to simple conversation.

Dragon, when are you going to set things right here?
distortedrumble said:
...is there a canadian cheese? you know like theres chedder, swiss, monterey jack, american, feta, cottage....you get the idea.
There's Canadian Cheddar...... but I don't think there's a "native" cheese... we have back-bacon though!
Blue Bear Sound said:
Of course not - you can comment... but there's a world of difference between policing and commenting.
Sure there is... and like you I commented, only without attacking anyone.
Look again...

QUOTE: "I wish you posted this in the Cave rather than on the mic forum... oh well. Anyway, the Dragon is in the process of working on the new hr.com rules and he will post them when he does. In the mean time (IMO) it might be best not to post any messages that might even be mistaken for an advertising message or spam."

1. I wish this thread was posted this in the Cave rather than on the mic forum.

That's a comment, and I still wish it... or better yet, PMed to David.

2. Dragon is in the process of working on the new hr.com rules and he will post them when he does.

That's a fact.

3. In the mean time (IMO) it might be best not to post any messages that might even be mistaken for an advertising message or spam.

That's a comment/opinion and not an order (and I still think it may be a good idea)... but heck, if you want... go a head and post spam or advertising type messages, I won't like it... but I'm not the police.

PS... Thanks Bruce. :(
boy oh boy you have no job do ya DJL :rolleyes: ?

You do?

WTF bother then?

"Mummy all the kids think I'm stupid"
Not to beat a dead horse here but I pretty much don't mind if I see advertising in a signature as long as it is relevant to recording or at least music in general. I don't think I need to see any get rich, lose weight, or me so horny crap in a recording forum. If a guy wants to sell monitors or mics or advertise his mastering service I think it to be more of a service than spam.

Having said that does anyone want to buy some wood? :D
Blue Bear Sound said:
Actually, reading it back - you're absolutely right, you did technically phrase it all as "your opinion"........ my apologies.

Yes he did, but.....

DJL, since the other side of the spam issue is "who decides what is spam" and who gets to say something about it, perhaps as well people ought to refrain from posting things which in any way resemble policing, at least in this gray area. You gotta expect some flack about a comment like that, given that you are heavily involved in this flap.
boingoman said:
... given that you are heavily involved in this flap.

Heavily involved my ass. He is this flap.

How many times do you get to say, "I'm leaving this thread." or, "That's it, I'm outta here." before any credibility you might have had is totally obliterated?

On a side note - has it been determined if DJL has any recording credentials? I've heard allegations but seen no references. I want to make sure the opinions I pay attention to are from knowledgable practitioners of the art and not some puffed-up, self-important wannabe.

Sky Blue Lou said:
Heavily involved my ass. He is this flap.

How many times do you get to say, "I'm leaving this thread." or, "That's it, I'm outta here." before any credibility you might have had is totally obliterated?

On a side note - has it been determined if DJL has any recording credentials? I've heard allegations but seen no references. I want to make sure the opinions I pay attention to are from knowledgable practitioners of the art and not some puffed-up, self-important wannabe.


:D :D :D :D

Just trying to be a bit diplomatic.
Blue Bear Sound said:
Actually, reading it back - you're absolutely right, you did technically phrase it all as "your opinion"........ my apologies.
I'm not sure an apology is necessary. This thread is concerned with what the members of this forum see as "spam". The topic is endemic to this forum, and only to this forum. I believe that it's a topic for legitimate discussion here. Did DJL comment on the subject being discussed? No, he suggested that it wasn't an appropriate subject for this forum (in his opinion) and that it should have been posted in the Cave. Did it contribute to the quality of information in this thread? I don't think so.

Then he says, "In the mean time (IMO) it might be best not to post any messages that might even be mistaken for an advertising message or spam."

But that's exactly what this thread is all about - who defines what is advertising or spam - Dragon, or DJL? Again, no contribution to the thread.

So his first comment chides the original poster for even bringing up the subject in this forum, and his second comment implies that any comments by parties with connection to a specific product should not be involved in commenting on those products. Oh, yes, all in his opinion, of course.

Well, isn't that the whole purpose of discussion in this thread? Who decides what is and isn't appropriate; Dragon, or DJL?

The whole question is really simple: Do we want (or need) DJL acting as a self-appointed Uber-policeman, deciding for the entire group what is appropriate or even allowed here?

Does anybody, other than the moderators, have a right to come in and disrupt a thread on this forum (that the members are participating in peacefully), yelling "spam and advertising are not allowed"?

I don't believe those comments were in keeping with the subject of the thread, nor did they contribute to the quality of this thread, so I don't believe that an apology is necessary except for yes, he carefully couched his off-topic remarks in "IMO" brackets.
DJL said:
Sure there is... and like you I commented, only without attacking anyone.
Look again...

QUOTE: "I wish you posted this in the Cave rather than on the mic forum... oh well. Anyway, the Dragon is in the process of working on the new hr.com rules and he will post them when he does. In the mean time (IMO) it might be best not to post any messages that might even be mistaken for an advertising message or spam."
Best answered by:
Richard Monroe said:
...That is really the only problem I've ever had with DJL's posts, which are transparent, condescending, and reveal the thinly disguised agenda behind them. Furthermore, the claims that they are innocent questions from inquiring minds who want to know is insulting to my intelligence....
It would be helpful if Dragon could weigh in here. How about it, Dragon? What is spam and advertising? Can Alan post about his microphones? Can Harvey advertise his headphones? Can Warren post his company link in his sig? Can John Scrip (Massive Master) post his link in the body of each post? Why is only one of these harrassed by the spam police, and the others free to do as they wish?

How about it, Dragon? We need some guidance.
John Scrip gets him name at the top of every other BBS page. If that isn't spam ... who does he think he is - I'll bet every one of his posts is a sly attempt to increase his business turnover.

See how silly it sounds when I'm not DJL and the target is not Alan?
crazydoc said:
Best answered by:

It would be helpful if Dragon could weigh in here. How about it, Dragon? What is spam and advertising? Can Alan post about his microphones? Can Harvey advertise his headphones? Can Warren post his company link in his sig? Can John Scrip (Massive Master) post his link in the body of each post? Why is only one of these harrassed by the spam police, and the others free to do as they wish?

How about it, Dragon? We need some guidance.
Well, I've tried to personally avoid controversy in these areas as much as I can; I don't have any sig line, or even an avatar. I've posted any affiliations I have enough times, I hope. I don't even include a link to my own forum on another site. But I'd love to hear from Dragon on how he envisions this mic forum operating, not from a self-appointed policeman.
crazydoc said:
How about it, Dragon? We need some guidance.

+1. I still think this whole matter could be settled by promoting the turning off of viewing signature links but if I gotta post anonymously around here I would like to know.

Keeping on topic, I always thought spam was a barrage of emails etc. trying to get my penis or breasts enlarged... and not identifying who you are in a forum so that people can relate that to your comments and see what you do.

If spam is in the eye of the beholder, then maybe promoting a "report this thread" button on each thread that would allow people to have their opinion and a moderator to have the final say.

Would you all mind a couple of random comments from a relative newcomer here?

You all seem to react to DJL based not on what he has said presently, but by what he has said in the past. It seems that his past actions have earned him such ill will that even innocuous statements garner him scorn and contempt. I didn't think his post on this thread was such a big deal. If it was posted by someone else, I'm not sure the poster would have been quite as reviled. But, then, I'm not really familiar with the whole DJL history (nor do I really care). I must say, though, DJL, if you are indeed "turning over a new leaf", you might just want to chage your login ID. As it is, it seems that every post coming from "DJL" is looked on with suspicion. That wouldn't be the case if you had a noew identity. Of course, if you are just trying to stir the pot...

Also, when Dragon said "spam", I think its obvious that he didn't really mean "spam" as that term is commonly understood (i.e. unsolicited e-mails, etc.). His statements were clearly directed at commercial advertising-type posts (and I doubt that his concern is with .sig's). Of course, the whole thing requires some further definition. But all the posted definitions of "spam", etc., aren't really solving anything because that's not what he is concerned about. I'm sure he'll post some guidelines shortly.
nkjanssen said:
Also, when Dragon said "spam", I think its obvious that he didn't really mean "spam" as that term is commonly understood (i.e. unsolicited e-mails, etc.).
Others on this board have historically (and incorrectly) called any postings here about commercial enterprises as "spam." So that's the term we use here. But of course, that's not what it's about.

It's about what is allowable of a commercial nature, and who is to make that determination.

I think it's perfectly reasonable that if someone feels another has crossed the line, they report the post to the moderator. But that should be the end of it. No posts about it, no clogging up the threads with bullshit as has historically been the case. And that also presupposes active moderation, which has not been the case in the past.

If this forum is to be about microphones, then accusations about "spamming" (sic) have no place here.
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