What is so bad about the MR-8?

The point that e'one "stands up for the recorder they have",...

may look good on paper, and it may be true to a certain extent, but I won't be put into a nice, neat little box like that.

I cited many reasons why the Tascam 424mkIII is superior to the Fostex MR8. Technical reasons,... not just the way I feel or think, or because I have the Tascam and not the Fostex, and therefore I must boost the Tascam and trash the Fostex. Technical reasons,.... listed above.

There's an old saying, that 'we see what we want to see, & hear what we want to hear', and if you see/hear that the MR8 is the superior choice, based on sound or technology, that's your choice. We shape our own individual realities with our choices.

Anyway, enough armchair philosophy.

Next point, any time you "bounce" tracks on a 4-track, you'll suffer some degradation of the sound. Comparing your "bounced" 4-track compositions to anything done on a discrete 8-track is not a valid comparison. For any 4-discrete tracks done on a 424mkIII, you'd have to compare them to 4-discrete tracks on the MR8. I don't have the MR8 for actual comparison, but my money's on the 424mkIII.

For anything that warrants more than 4 tracks, I have an actual 8-track, actually several,... and I'd put any one of them up to the MR8 in comparison,... but that'd be too easy,... like shooting fish in a barrel. Anyway, there are numerous posts where I compare other actual 8-tracks to the MR8, and the MR8 is sadly the loser in each case. I don't care to regurgitate my previous posts here & now, but there's the search function, if you'd care to find them.

And,... it's not that I have to "boost" my Tascam 38 or Tascam 388, and "trash" the MR8,... the MR8 is just no comparison, and that's by tangible qualities, not "just my opinion". The 38 and 388, (your choice),... literally crushes the MR8, any way you'd care to compare them. Whether that's features, sound quality or usability,... eh,... you get it. I don't want to gratuitously repeat that the MR8 is the sad loser, over and over, but it is.

However, if you want an entry level multitracker that's closely linked to the 'puter for full functionality, and you otherwise love 'puter recording and all it brings to the table, then I guess the MR8 could be for you. And,... it's red!

Please don't try to put my rationale about the MR8 and competing devices in a neat little box. My details are many, as listed above, if you'd care to read them. Thanx.
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Hello! Reality check!

You can often get this Tascam 388 for even dollar to the new MR8.


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Just to be fair to you MR8 guys:...


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The first phrase is taken out of context, so I'm afraid I don't know what your comment is pertaining to. Sorry! Except,... if you're taking exception with my use of the word "rationality" instead of "rationale", then...

We already had one Derek Verner. Don't be a second. Anyway, there's the edit feature, and I can use it. Thanx for pointing out my grammatical flaws,... Derek,... eh,... Jay!

You're right, though, it's not my MR8, as pictured. I don't own any red recorders!:eek:
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no, nothing about your grammar, and I don't know the name you mentioned. I saw, rationality, and it reminded me of irrationality or insanity or maybe obsession with Red's shortcommings.

Hey why not get one and add it to your collection? :eek:

You could have it as an example of the contrast bewteen the good 4 and 8 tracks vs. the little red evil devil of multies. :p
Crusade against Digital Recording?

A Reel Person said:
There's an old saying, that 'we see what we want to see, & hear what we want to hear', and if you see/hear that the MR8 is the superior choice, based on sound or technology, that's your choice. We shape our own individual realities with our choices.

Whatever???? What are you some kind of crusader against digital recording? LOL.....give it a rest.

I'm not sure what your point is but I thought I made it clear that I am not trying to say the MR8 is better than anything. It's entry level and I can live with that.

Oh by the way, there is a forum for Tascam users on this site.
ch2os7 said:
Whatever???? What are you some kind of crusader against digital recording? LOL.....give it a rest.

I'm not sure what your point is but I thought I made it clear that I am not trying to say the MR8 is better than anything. It's entry level and I can live with that.

Oh by the way, there is a forum for Tascam users on this site.
Anyone who knows him knows that he is a dedicated analog guy, and has a pretty impressive gear hoarde. It's just his nature, and that's why we love him... :D :cool:
Uhuh, okay!

ch2os7 said:
Whatever???? What are you some kind of crusader against digital recording? LOL.....give it a rest.

I'm not sure what your point is but I thought I made it clear that I am not trying to say the MR8 is better than anything. It's entry level and I can live with that.

Oh by the way, there is a forum for Tascam users on this site.

The MR8 sucks? Is that what you want to hear? Okay, I said it!

So, you're okay functioning at a low level in recording? That's okay too!

You're not sure what my point is? This thread was titled, "What's is so bad about the MR8?", & I just detailed e'thing that's wrong with it. If it upsets your little red apple cart, then I'm sorry. This is not a crusade for analog.

PS: Eat me!
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Rokket said:
Anyone who knows him knows that he is a dedicated analog guy, and has a pretty impressive gear hoarde. It's just his nature, and that's why we love him... :D :cool:

Haha, thanx Rokket. You're so diplomatic,... it... hurts! ;)

Anyway, Ch2os7, or whatever your handle is, that's not pronouncable,... I'm hardly a crusader against digital recording. FYI, I have no less than 6 able digital all-in-one mixer/recorders, none of which is the MR8, and all of which handily blow away the MR8,... based on real capability,... not just my slanted opinion. They are: [1] Fostex FD8, [2] Fostex FD4's, [2] Tascam 564's & [1] Yamaha MD8. So, don't try again to put me in a neat little box. That may work for you, but not for me.

You are an ass. Eat me again.

PS: FYI, Ch2os7,...

I've already detailed, at length, why the FOSTEX FD4 and FOSTEX FD8 are better than the MR8, but I already told'ya, I'm not here to regurgitate old posts that I wrote months ago. There's the search function for that.

You want me to stay on the FOSTEX topic, because this is the FOSTEX forum? Well, there's your answer. If you didn't just arrive here yesterday, you might have known that.

Plus, I've given many tangible reasons for my rationale, which hardly constitutes a crusade. Anyone with half a brain can read them. You, on the other hand,... eh,... never mind.

Pls refer to my detailed posts, above.
Okay: Fostex Forum: Gotta stay on topic!

This Fostex FD8, w/built in mixer and hard drive, may often be had (used) for the price of the MR8,... and it's a waaaaaaaay better machine, based on features and production capability. Appx. ~$300/Ebay bid price, depending on the day.


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A Reel Person said:
Haha, thanx Rokket. You're so diplomatic,... it... hurts! ;)

Anyway, Ch2os7, or whatever your handle is, that's not pronouncable,... I'm hardly a crusader against digital recording. FYI, I have no less than 6 able digital all-in-one mixer/recorders, none of which is the MR8, and all of which handily blow away the MR8,... based on real capability,... not just my slanted opinion. They are: [1] Fostex FD8, [2] Fostex FD4's, [2] Tascam 564's & [1] Yamaha MD8. So, don't try again to put me in a neat little box. That may work for you, but not for me.

You are an ass. Eat me again.


Take a chill pill man. You are way over the top. I guess you are entitled to your opinion but you lost your credibility when you started with personal attacks. Since you can't seem to handle any differece of opinion try this: Tascam 424 cassette recorders are entry level too, tapes hiss, dbx cuts some highs and can make for muddy mixes but if you don't use it, HISSSSSSS!, cassettes are going the way of the 8 track tapes, they're obsolete, bouncing tracks degrades quality, (you weren't comparing the 828 cassette to the MR8 you were comparing the 424.) Even mixing from cassette to a mix-down deck loses some quality. Even the best cassette tapes can be prone to drop outs and mechanical problems. (I think, Tascam recommends TDK SA High bias tapes) There is nothing more frustrating than to lay down a good track and have a bad spot on the tape or a flutter and know that track is useless because of the tape. Again I repeat, I am not an apologist for the MR8. I own one but that doesn't mean I think its the best thing on the market. It certainly has a lot of limitations. In fact, if I didn't transfer tracks to the computer for editing and mixing, I wouldn't even use the thing but it serves a purpose.
You are in denial about digital technology. It does have a lot of advantages. Analog does too. That's why the industry is successfully merging the 2 technologies using the strengths of both.
One last thing, GROW UP, and stop with the pathetic childish insults. (eat me?) C'mon, What are you? 13 years old? LOL!
Oh yeah, LOL.

I simply started with how the 424mkIII is better "tech" than the MR8. There are many better solutions out there, whether we're talking digital or analog. The 424mkIII was simply the starting point, as one of the best known and readily available NEW high end Tascam Portastudios. There are plenty of other examples, if you want to go there, given LOADS of used gear to choose from, with the 388 and FD8 being only the tip of the iceberg, on that. And yes, I'd even hold up the Tascam 488mkII as a hell-of-a-lot better 8-tracker than the Fostex MR8. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. If you want technical details, I've got'em, but they follow much along the lines of my 424mkIII post, above, so I won't bore you any longer with details.

I'm hardly in denial about digital, whatever that means, but I'm no huge fan of it, either. I absolutely hate PC or 'puter recording, but to each their own. The MR8 is just an underpowered front end to the 'puter, in my estimation, because the standard 128mb CF card only holds appx 3 minutes of 8-track data. What are you supposed to do after your 3 minutes are used up? Well, there is the option of mixing down completely, which I bet no one does, and the obvious step of pulling your tracks over to the 'puter, and there you are 'puter recording again.

J-Unplugged has a much viewed and well known post about the great lengths he went to, to find a large CF card that was 100% compatible, & didn't have glitches or problems,... all because he wanted to use his MR8 as a viable standalone recorder. A noble cause, I must say. I read that post with great interest, (but... it was before your time). Anyway,... the great solution to the MR8 CF card dilemma,... was to buy a Korg HD 16 track! You gotta give props to J-Unplugged for the great lengths he went to, but ultimately there was no solution! You may wanna go there, (into MR8/CF-card hell), but I don't! Again, as with anything technical, YMMV.

I never said the 424mkIII or cassettes themselves were perfect, but I said they were better,... (than the MR8 as a solution). As with anything, your mileage may vary.

There is no 828, but maybe you're thinking of the 488, or 488mkII. I, for one, cited the Tascam 388, but it seems to not be a good comparison to you, or that I'm "obviously" on an "analog crusade". Well, my friend, you're wrong on both counts, but you're entitled to your own opinion.

This was not the Ch2os7 vs. A Reel Person thread, it was "So what's wrong with the MR8" thread. I think I've given many valid examples of what's "wrong" with it,... given the topic. All you've done is try to poke holes in my examples, but it doesn't change the technology behind my statements.

Cassettes are by no means a perfect medium, but for many reasons, cited above, it's my firmly held opinion that the 424mkIII is technically a better recording platform than the MR8. If you have both the 424mkIII & MR8, and you disagree, that's okay with me. I won't lose a bit of sleep over it. However, such a factual comparison as I've laid out might prove valuable to anyone who's considering such a purchase. Both of our minds are made up already.

I'm not sure we entirely disagree, but the MR8 is what it is,... no matter what I say about it. If people love it, I'm happy for them. I won't buy the MR8 because it's my opinion that it's technically an underpowered machine.

I'm used to the Tascam 388, 38 with external mixer, 488mkII, Fostex FD8, and several other technically superior recorders,... and that hardly amounts to an analog crusade, or being in denial about digital.

I never said anything about mixing down to cassette as a mixdown medium, & I think that's a whole other post. I've done it, and of course it has it's limitations. That's so late-80's, anyway. Currently, I mix down to the 'puter, and that's the entire extent to which I'll tolerate 'puter recording. You won't find me multitracking with the 'puter and software, now or any time in the future. Of this, I assure you. Is that what you call being in denial about digital? I say, give me a break! Sheesh!

The 8-track may have been obsolete 25 years ago, and the cassette may have been obsoleted yesterday, but your 'puter will be obsolete tomorrow, so what's the point?

The MR8 doesn't cut it with me, based on real facts and specs, but YMMV. It's red, and it's cute, but it's no-sale.

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Reel said:
J-Unplugged has a much viewed and well known post about the great lengths he went to, to find a large CF card that was 100% compatible, & didn't have glitches or problems,...
Hmmm, I can't speak for Jay, but I haven't had any compatibility "problems". I spent much time looking for those cards which were compatible...maybe I was lucky...maybe my time was well spent searching... but I've not had problems (yet) with any of mine.

That being said, much else (if not all) of what you said about the mr8 IS true. But at least for a while, the mr8 was the only solution in its' price niche for "8 track" digital recording.

It is/was a good learning tool. I've heard people make very good recordings with it (to my ears anyway). Limited?...Yes. Worthless?...No.

Now you guys kiss and make-up :D

You are distracting my shopping for a Delta 1010...
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Dang, cellardweller, you're quick on the uptake!

Pls see this thread:

If you've found a 512Mb or 1Gb CF card that works on the MR8, then I'm particularly happy for you! The 512Mb or larger CF card hunt, was the point of the above post.

Still, when all is said & done, with regard to the MR8,... you're still shopping for a Delta 1010, so what does that say? That basically proves my point, to a large extent.

I've also seen your, "Mr8 Users who want to transition to the PC" thread, so don't crucify me, okay? I totally understand. I do.


PS: I never said it was "worthless". :eek:
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A Reel Person said:
yea, I remember that thread well. Actually there is probably much good info for MR8'ers in that thread.
A Reel Person said:
If you've found a 512Mb or 1Gb CF card that works on the MR8, then I'm particularly happy for you! The 512Mb or larger CF card hunt, was the point of the above post.
Kingston 512 works well. Once they updated the firmware to 1.20, many doors were opened it seemed.
A Reel Person said:
Still, when all is said & done, with regard to the MR8,... you're still shopping for a Delta 1010, so what does that say? That basically proves my point, to a large extent.
I agree and never meant to imply anything to the contrary. It says that, though the MR8 is an good introductory tool, and one that was peerless in its' affordability for a while, it has many limitations. I'll spend less on the Delta 1010 than I did on the MR8 unit itself (CF cards aside), AND have 24/96 capability among other things...
A Reel Person said:
I've also seen your, "Mr8 Users who want to transition to the PC" thread, so don't crucify me, okay? I totally understand. I do.
Those aren't nails in my pocket, I'm just happy to see you Dave! :D
A Reel Person said:
PS: I never said it was "worthless". :eek:
I know you didn't! :)