What are the tone differences in the D112 & Shure Beta 52A?

Heres an opinion based on experience. This is only MY experience and as always YMMV..........

D112...Sounds a bit like a basketball being bounced in a medium-sized empty gym. It takes EQ really well and doesnt seem to have a point of overload. It sounds great on bass cabinets and on closed-back twin speaker guitar cabs.

Beta52...Really a LOT of low end and highend, not much in the middle. Your smileyfaced EQ for sure(Shure??)....Seems to like to be off axis a bit more than not. Takes EQ ok. Compresses well. Is a GREAT floor tom mic. One trick pony is apt.

ATM25...This one is the best overall at most things. Not only is it a clean and accurate kik mic, but its a GREAT guitar amp mic as well as a vocal mic for certain types of voices. It will work on ANY percussion you put it on. It CANNOT be overloaded....(I cant overload it.....)It EQ's like an expensive condenser and really has no bad habits. Very accurate so if your kik sounds like crap, this will point that out.

Audix D6...Instant kik sound. It doesnt seem to matter where you place it, it sounds like it does. Its got a crapload of gain, again with the smileyface EQ curve....Though it has a tighter bottom than the Shure and a bit more uppermid definition. It likes cheap compressors, and doesnt distort easily. If its a live kik sound with a modern edge you're looking for, this one is it. No training necessary. Stick it and turn it up. I also like it on bass cabs, not as much as the AKG.

Audix D4... A lot of people overlook this mic in the kik. Its very very focused and tight. I use it with a small kik drum setup right in on the beater strike mark. Always with a condenser outside or an ATM25 at the airhole. This is the click you imagine you're going to get out of all the others. Great on all percussion. Small and easily mounted. Bulletproof for wild and indiscriminate drummers. An extreme heavy harmonica mic....Sounds great on guitar amps especially closed back 4-12's. Blend with an i5 or a 57 for a really complete guitar sound. Loves the compressor and the EQ.

The MD421 was mentioned and I didnt see the EV RE20 come up.....Both are the shizit.Both do many many other things better than a kik drum but do that well too.
Nick The Man said:
everyone of these threads i end up reccomending the D6, so here i go.

I have used the D112 and i didnt like it but then i bought a Audix D6 and it blew my mind, you can get a good sound where ever you place it, but if you find a sweet spot it sounds even better
i too use a d6 and love it but it doesnt really fit for alot of styles unlike the d112 which will work for most anything
cavedog101 said:
D112...Sounds a bit like a basketball being bounced in a medium-sized empty gym. It takes EQ really well and doesnt seem to have a point of overload.

Beta52...Really a LOT of low end and highend, not much in the middle. Your smileyfaced EQ for sure

ATM25...This one is the best overall at most things. Not only is it a clean and accurate kik mic... Very accurate so if your kik sounds like crap, this will point that out.

cavedog101 said:
Thank you Farview & Cavedog - the sounds clips & your comments above are extremely helpful.

I have an ATM25 now and can't seem to dial in the tone in my head, and I think the reason is due to poor tuning and the fact that the ATM25 doesn't color the sound so much as the other two (I have no control over the tuning; these are recordings of quick set up and tear down demos).

It sounds as if the D112 is what I'm looking for; a kick mic that will tighten up the tone but not make it too clicky. The ATM25 can take a long time to place on a kick and even then it's not always spot-on depending on the other circumstances. I'm hoping the two in tandem will be just right.