Wet Blanket Girl

this is really good... maybe bring the vocals up a little and compress them a bit, --compression is my answer to everything, you can usually just ignore anything i say about compression, all of my own music sounds like it's about to blow the speakers and the voice sounds like it's coming through a telephone, but that's the way i like it-- but other than that, this is really really good, and i like the song too... i mean as far as the writing and performance... all around i'd give it a ten and the only changes that could be made are not even necessary, more a matter of my own personal preferences.
I'm always amazed by your talent as an engineer, Darth. What kind of drums is the drummer playing? This sounds so good, I don't know what else to say.

Keep up the great work!
Thanks guys!!! I'm not sure what kind of drums they were...I didn't track it, just mixed it. I can tell you that it would sound a lot better if I DID track it, though! :)
Hey Man! Sorry I missed you last time you were around. Glad you're doing OK.
My feeling was that the lead vocal could have been about 2db louder. Oh, and that last part with the second vocal line behind the lead vocal. I think they could all come up a touch.
I guess there's not much you can do with those tom-toms huh? Nice mix none the less! Just the comment about the vocal man.

See ya soon!
Cary...I agree TOTALLY with the vocal issues...but it's what the band wanted...and they're paying me well for it. Hence, lead vocal down, and bg vox even further down. They like it that way. I'm glad you agree with me, though!