Weird response to a question I had on eBay

Be Loveless said:
I'd never buy from him. What a fucking prick. To be honest your question was phrased a little obnoxioulsy. You coukd have simply asked...."What will shipping be to Zip code ------" and left it at that however I don't think you were being a smart ass and your question did'nt warrant that response. I sent him a message and told him so myself.
I was a little quick to judge
He initially sent me back a slightly nasty reply and I in turn replied with a very civil "Agree to Disagree" context. He replied to that with kind words thanking me for the civil response and the email equivalent of a "no hard feelings" friendly handshake. He seems like a reasonable guy after all. You two just managed to rub eachother the wrong way. PROBABLY A GOOD RULE OF THUMB when dealing with transactions between two faceless entities is to keep everything brief,cordial and to the point ie "How much would shipping be to such and such zipcode Freecountry USA?" or if you had to add a comment as to conditon " I am not too concerned about packing procedures since the item is in less than pristine condition." something like that, at least until you feel eachother out a little bit. Thats my two shits.
Garry Sharp said:
Good point. I once used the three letter abbreviation for Japanese on the talkbass forum (it's a completely non derogatory word here in the UK) and got moderated for racism! :eek:
You got busted for talking to a Jap? :eek: :D:D
The seller guy sounded irritable to me.

There are lots of things about the way people communicate which bothers me, but I ignore these things and don't pounce. For instance, why is it that so many people begin their posts with the word "Ok". I can't stand that. But, I haven't pounded on anyone yet for it (until now).

The web permits useless maggots to harrass others beneath the cloak of alleged anonymity. Therefore ignore these fools and continue pursuit of the objective whatever it is.

I will agree with several of your comments that I may not have stated my position or intent as clearly as some might like, but... I still stand by my original post (^^the first one^^) that his response was out of line. And he continued with his attitude even after I requested clarification.