Want to take a fun voice acting challenge?

this sounded fun, so since my voice is not really useful for singing lol:) ...

Oh yeah and my recording abilities suck too :)

I don't know if it's what MISTRAL's looking for...but that was awesome!!!!!:cool:
Hey thanks. Not too shabby.. I think that you could project more, it sounds like you're trying to keep other people in the building from hearing you :)

This is a common issue.

I'd like to hear a bit more pause between and a slower delivery of these lines in particular: "It is not the place we remember any longer... it is a cursed place".

Otherwise, and besides the projection issue, you may have nailed it. It's a bit hard to tell to be honest :) Good stuff anyway, thanks for getting the ball rolling.
Upon another couple of listens - it's not these lines that are too quick, it's the "that's impossible boy" that felt too quick. Still though more pause between "any longer" and "it is a cursed place."

I like the tired quality to the delivery, I think for the most part you got his attitude correct.

Maybe a tad more "kindly", like he's almost smiling at the boy's enthusiasm inside but too weary to entertain his notions.
Gah.. You know what, I listened to your RAMI mp3 for kicks and I thought that one actually suits a sort of thug type character that comes later on. Me, stereotype much? Noo..
Character 3:[/b]

A man with a tortured but intelligent mind. Important to play with a matter-of-fact attitude with subtle flashes of mental anguish or 'insanity.
I ignored the grandfather type individual you're seeking irrespective of my qualifications.

Tortured souls is more up my alley!

Do you have script?
lol - Hi 60's guy, yes I do. I'd like the lines in the first post specifically done for a demo so I can easily compare different people's entries. If I hear something I like I will approach the person in private about additional script.

Tortured soul demo line: "Yes! *I* caused this all... so I must undo it. Those feelings.. both that burden, and the euphoria.. these things are what have kept me going all these years."
Yes, I think that is better. I'd still like to hear more projection, the voice seems to come from the throat rather than the gut. For this character it *might* work. I'm not sure yet :)

Also it may have gone from too rapid to too slow - it's a fine line. His words don't need to drag per se, just to sound thoughtful.

its funny they are all starting to sound the same...for every one you have heard, i have made 10 so im getting lost in a maze of grandpas! :)

anyhow..any closer?

Thanks Danny.

I could probably make something useable from these, but here's my concern: The grandfather probably has about 5-10x that amount of dialogue total. I feel that perhaps for this dialogue, which is going to be directly in the opening scenes, this approach may be a bit monotone. What I am missing is some expression. The mp3 where you improvised the little rant had expression and character. Admittedly in a different style from what is needed for the grandfather role, but all the same. I think maybe you are equating "weary" too much to a somber monotone delivery.

I do appreciate the efforts, and if you feel what I am saying, you can do some more, just keep those things in mind.

Finding the character is half the battle though.. the rest is gravy. Ya know?
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Oh man.. that made me laugh :)

You are good. I wish you'd make a serious entry, though! You might be able to pull it off.

I got a really good entry from a younger guy named Adam via e-mail. He tried for the grandfather, but I told him he should really do the other guy (tortured soul). I'm pleased with the interest so far, hope to hear more. Just think, it could launch a career. Who knows?
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How many entries have you gotten so far?

I know I've thrown my hat in the pool ... it's a pretty fun project. I'm excited to FINALLY get to see this moving! How many years have you talked to me about this? I'm excited to see it come to realization!
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