vocal frustrations

You're also recording in a space that has very low ceilings.

You're going to need some sort of bass trappage if you're to have any hope of your tracks not sounding like they were recorded in a box.
I got an Mk-319 it sounds great on rappers but if i go to sing in it it picks up more low end than anything. Not a very bright mike.
i'm thinking of hanging thick blankets from the ceiling. that would be the least expensive option. do i have to surround the mic 360 degrees? or can i get away with surrounding it on 2-3 sides?
Hang the Behringer from the ceiling. (Sorry, couldn't resist) You need to get the crap out of there so sound doesn't bounce all over. Hanging blankets will help, mostly around the direction you are singing so that the sound can't bounce off the wall abd reverberate. Wouldn't hurt to hit all the walls though
I used heavy blankets and mic stands to make a make shift vocal booth. I have also stuffed vents with all kinds of stuff, like cardboard, to block the air from seeping through.
Why don't you just turn your air off when you are recording?
Wash the blanket... lol. And juststackit's recommandation is good... turn-off the appliances when your recording.