Vocal effects on 50 cent tracks and others. What are they using?

I defintatley see what your saying commininsecond and I don't like anything thats comming out of MTV or the radio for that matter, i was just sticking up for the artists that nobody will back up. Sometimes i feel like people just like to bash the mainstream stuff way to much and it just gets old.

Artistic Integrity is overrated.
It's a term that failed artists/ musicians use to console themselves when other people succeed where they fail. Artistic Integrity/ Commercial Success / Talent have no relation to each other. In the view of the pop world: If a talented artist has success then they have no integrity according the artist with talent that have no success. A unsuccessful artist with no talent has integrity because at least they play what they want and not for commercial success. If the same no talent artist gets huge, then they lose the integrity they had because they are successful and have no talent so they obviously "sold out" to get successful. Even if they are still playing the same no talent music they always play.

It's a catch-22 cycle that is pointless to argue about. There is no qualitative measurement of "integrity" or "talent" where there is qualitative measurement to "commercial success." It is impossible to make any sort of comparisions.

On the other hand, it is fun to argue about, anyway.
royharper3220 said:
I love you like a fat kid love cake"

Or "like a schoolboy loves his pie?"

That was from Ike & Tina's "River Deep, Mountain High", once touted by George Harrison as "the best single ever made".

I think "fat kid ... cake" is pretty damn funny...

Daf (all night long, all night long, we gonna...)
Yea, but theoretically, a fat kid doesn't necessarily love cake any more than a skinny person.

He just doesn't have as much control over his cravings, and his lack of control thus causes detrimental consequences to his health.

Turning the tables, if I were the object of someone's affections, I think I'd much rather have them love me the way a skinny person loves cake. :D That way I know they love me, but they're not going to get fat after they have me, and they're not going to over-indulge themselves in me to point of being detrimental to their own health and well-being.

So in other words, what 50 cent is saying is "Baby, I love you the way a fat, sloppy, neurotic overweight peice of crap loves the vice that one day will spell his imminent death."

Why doesn't he just say "I love you like an addict love crack" ?

How about "I love you the way a dog love to smell shit?"
Dethska i dont think you could have over generalized more.
i was referring to 50 cent not every pop artist ever.

did i comment on the value of artistic integrity?
I just wanted to be sure no one thought 50 cent had any.
the value of atistic integrity is another argument.

although i do agree that it is fun to argue about,Dethska.
I wasn't really trying to critisize anyone's viewpoint on artistic integrity. I was just posting my opinion. I was generalizing to make a point. I hang in mostly punk circles where "artistic integrity" and "selling out" are widely discussed about any band that has any commercial success.
I can't comment on 50 cent directly because, believe it or not, I've never heard a single song by him. I CAN say that I haven't heard a decent rapper besides eminem in a long time (flame away.) All the commercialy successful rappers anymore just mumble over some beats and then have a female r&b singer sing the hook. Nobody rhymes anymore. Nobody tries to speed rap anymore. And you can't understand what they are saying. I know that makes me sound old. But if the point of rap is words over beats, then lyrics that you can't understand make the song pointless.

But, I'm a punker who lives far away from the "urban" world, so maybe I'm not supposed to get it. I know few rap fans who "get" punk, so I'll shut up about rappers now.
Linchpin said:
I can't believe people are using artistic and 50 cent in the same sentence. Get a grip!

What is art? I thought it was expressing yourself. I would like to hear your definition.

Modus said:
What is art? I thought it was expressing yourself. I would like to hear your definition.


Art is the product of imagination and skill. Expessing yourself is self expression. They are closely related, but not the same thing. People are pretty eager to deem something as art these days.
I'm not about to open this can of worms or argue with a rap fan right now. I know that's a futile task. We all like different things.

Peace out
First of all im not a rap fan, second, your definition of art may be a little different than mine. I go by the dictionary. I believe there is good art and bad art, i never said 50 cent was in my opinion a good artist, but thats just my taste. None the less still an artist.

I have to agree with Linchpin. Self-expression is not art. Self-expression with imagination and skill, that is art. And besides, how do we know that 50 cent was expressing himself, or if he was expressing what the producer told him to express in order to move more units?
I see your point, you could say that self expression is not art itself, i guess i wasnt using the best words, it would be better to say that art is a means of expression.
I see that self expression is not the only motive for making art. In 50s case it could very well be money. For some people, creating art could be to make money, to deal with an emotion, to get a girl, it could be a million different things.
Some people make art just to eat.

So i guess the motivation for making art cant really dictate wheather or not it is in fact art, if you believe this then i guess you would have to explain to me how the end product is not art. And please list the correct motives so that i can be sure to comply

This has gone way too philosophical. Modus, your last statement completely lost me. And on reflection, I'm not even sure which side of the argument/discussion I'm on anymore. What is the point I'm trying to make? What is the sound of one hand clapping for 50 cent? If a tree falls on 50 cent in a forest, does it count as art? Who the hell is 50 cent anyway?
Sorry if i get to deep. I believe that as a group of people here on the bbs (any group with a common intrest, no matter how small), that the more we can agree on a common way to look at a question as simple as "what is art" then the more we can help each other out and the more efficient we can be as a comunity. Group hug anyone? Tee hee hee

By the way, there is always more sides than just two.

I disagree with the agreeing part. I think it's better if we don't all agree. It makes for more interesting conversations, music, etc. I think it is important to respect another's opinion and not start flame wars. But, if everybody agreed on everything, then all the music would sound the same and that would be really boring. Unity is one thing, conformity is another.
You're misunderstanding me, im saying a common way to look at a question so that you dont get confused to what the question really is, not a common answer.
In this thread alone there was many different definitions of one single word that can only have one definition. I'm talking about making the question clear, not the answer. I understand fully that, not only is it imposible for everyone to agree, but it would be very boring.
If we can make the question clear then we can help each other understand what we are trying to comunicate, and of course people are going to disagree.
Basically I'm talking about better comunication, what i said has nothing to do with conformity (well, i guess if you consider speaking english conforming to a language, then maybe I am).
