TnC Mics

I'm trying to remember ..... how many 500 units you can get into the rack mount power supply? You have to purchase that as well you know. And there was problems with enough power to muti units but that may have been resolved.

As I understand it, you can put 6 500 units in the API 500 6B. There are some 500 units that have to be wired differently. Hopefully, I don't run into that.
Ok, so I bought a API 600B lunchbox and an A Designs P1 mic pre. They should be here by Monday. Now I have to sell these other 2 mics or I face the possibility of debtor's prison. Help a fellow out.
There is the 200 and the 70 left. I need to move these mics. Make me an offer. Offer me a trade. Help out a poor fat slob.
I don't know, maybe a RNC or something along those lines. I'd really like to put these towards a 500 series module. I realize I'd have to add money for the module.
Those are excellent prices.
Particularly on the phantom powered, dual ribbon.
That's a lot packed into one mic.
RNC for the both of them? Is that what you mean.

Well I was thinking for the 200 and maybe a little cash on my end. Or the 70 and a little more cash. Don't they sell for about $125 or $130.
I'm not trying to cheat any one, but I don't want to get beat up either.
The ACM 200 is no longer for sale. I opened it and took the basket off and both ribbons have sag in them. Now I need to find some one who will retention these.

I also opened the ACM 70 and it's ribbon is fine.