This is far beyond sick.

Jimmy certainly did not threaten you on a personal level.

He absolutely did. There is no such thing as "you" in a general general sense. "You" in this case specifically referred to Ibleedburgundy.

There is nothing confusing or ambiguous about Jimmy's physical threat. It cannot be walked back.
That’s right. There’s such an epidemic of teachers telling their kindergarten students that men can get pregnant that we need the government to step in. That’s a bigger threat than kids having legitimate questions that can be appropriately answered without the teacher fearing a lawsuit, or opportunistic people coaching their kids to try and force the teacher to say something so they can sue the school, or reinforcing alienation of lgtb people leading to more depression and suicide.

Thanks for setting me straight.

Again, if you really need an enemy in your culture war, YouTube is the country you should invade.

But it is not a one off, or a rarity anymore. It is the wish of not only education establishment but segments of society at large to push forward with redefining age old truths. And it's not some kind of unrealistic paranoia that the goal is to catch them while they are young so they won't grow up to be homophobes and "bigots" like their parents. Look back at some of IBB's posts, among them examples such as below...

IBB said: will die with your children or your grandchildren ashamed of your archaic beliefs.

It is not a matter of children having questions. There clearly is a desire to proactively "educate" children contrary to parent's wishes, and certainly without consent. That is inflammatory, provocative and antagonistic language he(and many others) is using. It implies your children or not your own to decide their welfare. Not sure you have, but I have seen the videos. Teachers menacingly taunting that they have your children beyond your consent and control. Some even wishing/hoping your children turn out to be gay or trans to spite you.

Did you see my post about my granddaughter's teacher telling her and scaring her beyond her understanding that it is not constitutionally possible that if Donald became president he was going to send all the black people back to Africa? Was there an epidemic of such bullshit from teachers telling grade school children such utter crap....bullshit that any educated person especially A TEACHER should know is bullshit, and given that, the motivation for the statement was not based on reality or an effort to educate but to....what? I or we don't know if it was an epidemic, but it was one too many times as far as I am concerned. There are a lot of sick people in this world, some with degrees which might qualify them to teach.....teach, I don't know, reading, writing, and arithmetic? They have no business talking politics or sexual orientation to 5-8 year olds without a parent's knowledge or consent. As far as I am concerned, I don't give a fuck how many tantrums that are thrown or how triggered towards instability they get.....I think Parental Rights in Education is a damn good idea, especially given the current "culture war(s)".

If kids have questions, "Yes, Timmy says he has 2 moms." If the children have any further questions, "Talk to your parents about that. Now back to todays reading/writing/arithmetic lesson." Nobody's child gets "educated" beyond their consent, nobody gets sued. This isn't as hard as it is being made out to be......unless the goal is not to teach children but to re-educate them to a new way of thinking beyond parent's control. Which clearly it is. In that case.....WAR.
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It is not a matter of children having questions. There clearly is a desire to proactively "educate" children contrary to parent's wishes, and certainly without consent. That is inflammatory, provocative and antagonistic language he(and many others) is using. It implies your children or not your own to decide their welfare. Not sure you have, but I have seen the videos. Teachers menacingly taunting that they have your children beyond your consent and control. Some even wishing/hoping your children turn out to be gay or trans to spite you.

Did you see my post about my granddaughter's teacher telling her and scaring her beyond her understanding that it is not constitutionally possible that if Donald became president he was going to send all the black people back to Africa? Was there an epidemic of such bullshit from teachers telling grade school children such utter crap....bullshit that any educated person especially A TEACHER should know is bullshit, and given that, the motivation for the statement was not based on reality or an effort to educate but to....what? I or we don't know if it was an epidemic, but it was one too many times as far as I am concerned. There are a lot of sick people in this world, some with degrees which might qualify them to teach.....teach, I don't know, reading, writing, and arithmetic? They have no business talking politics or sexual orientation to 5-8 year olds without a parent's knowledge or consent. As far as I am concerned, I don't give a fuck how many tantrums that are thrown or how triggered towards instability they get.....I think Parental Rights in Education is a damn good idea, especially given the current "culture war(s)".

If kids have questions, "Yes, Timmy says he has 2 moms." If the children have any further questions, "Talk to your parents about that. Now back to todays reading/writing/arithmetic lesson." Nobody's child gets "educated" beyond their consent, nobody gets sued. This isn't as hard as it is being made out to be......unless the goal is not to teach children but to re-educate them to a new way of thinking beyond parent's control. Which clearly it is. In that case.....WAR.

Gay people exist. According to Gallup, 7.1% of adults identify as gay in the USA. That's 24 million people. They are at McDonalds, at the mall, at the school - everywhere. Whether you know it or not. Virtually every school has gay kids. Some of them are teachers, counselors, principles, volunteers, etc. The topic will come up inevitably.

You think you can control this issue by brute force, and through big Government. You cannot. The topic of homosexuality will arise inevitably and organically. Your entire premise is nothing more than an illusion of control. You think it's teachers taking away parents' control when in fact it is the reality that parents don't have that control to begin with. Teacher do not have a choice of whether to deal with it. They must.

Often in life, it's intelligent people who are able to acknowledge when something is outside their control.
He absolutely did. There is no such thing as "you" in a general general sense. "You" in this case specifically referred to Ibleedburgundy.

There is nothing confusing or ambiguous about Jimmy's physical threat. It cannot be walked back.

ferfuxache, Don't be a crybaby. That is silly beyond belief. You can't be that obtuse. "You" is often used in a generalized sense.

If one were to say, "You never know", is the person to whom he/she is speaking to take that statement as saying "You're dumb as a rock without a functioning brain cell in your head?"

You fuck with my child, you're fucking with me.

Does lbleedburgundy feel threatened? In the above sentence.....Don't want no trouble, won't be none. FAFO(fuck around and find out) anyone crossing that line.

Grow up, dude.
It is not a matter of children having questions. There clearly is a desire to proactively "educate" children contrary to parent's wishes, and certainly without consent.

Ok, I think we are not that far off. Perhaps it’s a matter of our local experiences. I won’t share where I am for my own privacy, but my kids have never had issues in schools. Kids don’t seem to be getting indoctrinated into anything and no one seems to get bullied if they’re different. I’ve volunteered a lot in the schools and never saw anything you’d object to, I am certain. I’ve been to parties at teacher’s homes. All wholesome and good.

If anything inappropriate was happening, I’d be pissed too. I do know several lgtb kids (now young adults). I know their parents and we discuss at length. Any influence that they weren’t born with didn’t come from school. It came from social media and YouTube. I see no issue fully accepting homosexuality, as I think it’s entirely how someone is pre-wired, and even if it’s a choice it’s anyone’s right to live how they want. I am cautious with trans gender, erroring on the side of acceptance but would never support any medical intervention for a minor, except counseling.

Schools have a tough job trying to keep everyone happy. The examples of teachers overstepping seem so few and far in between that the downsides of the bill seem worse to me. It’s not like schools allow sexual discussion in kindergarten now anyway. I recognize you don’t agree on that point, but perhaps we’re both guessing how prolific or not that is.

The psych today article I linked to way earlier pointed out what I said about social media. Many kids who became trans reported a huge increase in consumption just prior to coming out. I’ve seen many of the channels. There absolutely are people trying to groom kids. That is why I say it’s not the teachers.
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Gay people exist. According to Gallup, 7.1% of adults identify as gay in the USA. That's 24 million people. They are at McDonalds, at the mall, at the school - everywhere. Whether you know it or not. Virtually every school has gay kids. Some of them are teachers, counselors, principles, volunteers, etc. The topic will come up inevitably.

You think you can control this issue by brute force, and through big Government. You cannot. The topic of homosexuality will arise inevitably and organically. Your entire premise is nothing more than an illusion of control. You think it's teachers taking away parents' control when in fact it is the reality that parents don't have that control to begin with.

Often in life, it's intelligent people who are able to acknowledge when something is outside their control.

That's rich, you lecturing about "control by brute force through big government". Do you hear yourself, and the lack of consistency of your belief system? You're either a monumental hypocrite, or intelligence isn't exactly your wheelhouse. I'm sorry, that's mean and I should be ashamed of myself. Maybe you're one of them Rainman types. I'll play along....

What do the numbers say about the percentage of those who suffer from some form of mental illness in the USA?

Wapner at 4!
I have boundaries. Jimmy clearly crossed the line.

A pussy would let it go.

You saying, " will die with your children or your grandchildren ashamed of your archaic beliefs" is not crossing a line? Incidentally, "you" is never used as a generalized term? To whom were you speaking, then, specifically?

It would appear boundaries aren't as clear as you at times insist. The reality, it's the same old play book of an attempt to control the narrative not based of rationality but by your own warped definition of the problem.

Example, you're all in on control through big government except when you're not. Parental rights in determining what is best for their children is the opposite of control through big government. Seriously, dude, you should consider stepping back from such a partisan mindset once in a while. Take a deep breath and clear your head. Not that you could probably relate, and not to trigger or stress you out, but like the old spiritual says, "You're drifting too far from the shore".
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I’m not in favor of more laws in a general sense. More government control.
It’s sad that a law had to be drafted to give back power to the parents, which should have been (and was at an earlier time) theirs all along.
As to the law, it doesn’t go far enough. Should go all the way to grade twelve. Most kids are legally minors for the entire k through 12 period.
The left, in my opinion, is pissed off mainly because control is being taken away from them, the government, the lgbt movement, the teachers.
Here’s an example of a school board meeting.

Momma bear speaking out

I’m not in favor of more laws in a general sense. More government control.
It’s sad that a law had to be drafted to give back power to the parents, which should have been (and was at an earlier time) theirs all along.
As to the law, it doesn’t go far enough. Should go all the way to grade twelve. Most kids are legally minors for the entire k through 12 period.
The left, in my opinion, is pissed off mainly because control is being taken away from them, the government, the lgbt movement, the teachers.

^^ This.
You saying, " will die with your children or your grandchildren ashamed of your archaic beliefs" is not crossing a line?

Maybe, depending on the rules of a particular forum. If that particular line exists on this forum, it doesn't appear to be consistently enforced.

Physical threats represent a very clear line that are enforced on all decent forums. And even if they weren't, it's a clear line that is adhered to by all decent people.
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Maybe, depending on the rules of a particular forum. If that particular line exists on this forum, it doesn't appear to be consistently enforced.
Rules. laws. Words. You are all the same. You dont want to get along. You see that people are one way and want to change them. You want control and power. Still the rest will want nothing to do with yall.

Make it a law I cant hate you...whatever..they cant even make people wear a mask..
Would really like to know exactly what the teacher said. Do you know?
I wanted to get away from the forum for a bit, check out some music related videos, and boom! That popped up. So I shared . 😂

I know no further details.
Rules. laws. Words. You are all the same. You dont want to get along. You see that people are one way and want to change them. You want control and power. Still the rest will want nothing to do with yall.

Make it a law I cant hate you...whatever..they cant even make people wear a mask..

You can hate whomever you want, but you cannot prevent other people from cleaning up the mess it leaves.
Maybe, depending on the rules of a particular forum. If that particular line exists on this forum, it doesn't appear to be consistently enforced.

Physical threats represent a very clear line that are enforced on all decent forums.

A pity, you stooped below your own line of decency. They say true character is what you ("you" as in a general term!) do when nobody is looking. Well, we are looking, so I guess that makes you a hypocrite for holding others to a standard to which you do not hold yourself?

As far as physical threats, do you feel threatened, a real threat to your safety, seriously? Does it frighten you. are you frightened?

Any word back yet from the Washington Post on the percentage of those suffering from some form of mental illness in the USA?