This is far beyond sick.

Im curious. Is reproduction and biology, where do babies come from, would that be fair material?

Sex and the emotional aspects would be left out. I dont think you should show a child birth.

What did I get wrong?
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So what do you all think of this?
I remember in kindergarten, I told a girl named Ivey, that we would get married and have a family. She agreed.
We weren't even friends. I had no idea how babies were created.
My dad explained how in an age appropriate way.
I said that sounded like an awful lot of trouble.
I asked why anybody would want to do that.
My dad told me I would understand some day.
I concluded that adults were kind of dumb, and romance was silly.
Do you think I was ready for the shit-show they want to teach in public school about gays?
How does a gay couple have children? uhmmm well er uhmmm .... the stork!!!
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You're mincing words, leddy. Teaching and Oreintating young minds?

Teaching young children the alphabet, reading and writing, and a basic understanding of math is the primary job of teachers.

I find it truly difficult to understand why IBB, and yourself, see it acceptable that teachers should be allowed to discuss gayness, lesbianism, and transgendering with young kids who are still in the process of learning how to tie the shoe laces on their own damn shoes.
Orientation as in attraction preference. Is that not clear?

I’m not suggesting any special attention gets paid to it. There’s no lessons. Just teach the stuff that’s been taught in school since we were there. If a kid happens to ask a question that can be answered appropriately, answer. This doesn’t have to be a thing. Teachers shouldn’t have to be afraid. You know this FL bill is going to bring kids who get coached in to testing teachers to make headlines or money grabbing lawsuits.

Are you under the impression that there’s “gay lessons” now?
For every occasional teacher that goes too far like the original video, there’s probably 10,000 YouTube videos that ARE trying to influence kids. It’s not the teachers. If anything, schools should be the place where kids can get compassionate, educated answers to the potential garbage they’re being exposed to outside of school (when parents fail to, anyway). This FL bill does more harm than good.
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The Parental Rights in Education bill will do more harm than 5-8 year olds getting "compassionate, educated answers" from people who say a man can get pregnant?

Surely you jest.
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I look forward to hearing the "textbook explanation" for kindergarteners -- that explains how a gay-couple has children compared to a straight-couple -- while explaining that their marriages are equal.
See, that's what I am not quite getting. Although, at the risk of not being adequately "compassionate", i'm not exactly wrecking my brain trying to comprehend what I already have a pretty thorough understanding. I digress. If you're a woman, and then you decide you are a man, is it a big fat no-no for someone to bring up the fact that you were once a woman? Is that phobic of some sort? If you were once a woman, and now you are a man, and though you are no longer a woman and now you are a man, and you are still attracted to the opposite sex from what you were before but now the opposite sex is of the same sex, a man, are you now homosexual rather than hetero sexual? Excuse, cis, cis gendered. And if you are no longer a woman and choose that others validate your decision to become a man even though you choose not to have surgery.....but that choice does not invalidate your decision and others must respect that decision and refer and believe you are a man, and if you become pregnant from having hetero (homo?) sexual relations with your male partner, are we also then to believe that men can become pregnant?

Yeah, it's all a little difficult to wrap your head around, innit? No doubt it requires redefining the meaning of words, to say the least. And biology, a few redefinitions there as well. No problem, right?....a little tiny bit of compassionate education for 5-8 year olds from those who are seemingly making it up and redefining things willy nilly as they go along to placate what has been and is a disorder in a very small segment of the population ought to do the trick. Hey, who knows, a little compassionate education and you never know, it might not be such a very small segment of the population after all. A little roll out the rainbow carpet for an increasing bandwagon of the sexually confused. Wouldn't that be great?

No, it's insanity.
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This thread isn't done just yet. I'm just at the beginning of saying what I have to say.
My daughter announced her gayness, lesbianism in 1994 at the time that a majority of people were not as accepting as most people are these days.

She eventually moved to Los Angeles, got herself a job at Virgin Records and met the love of her life. As soon as they learned that the state of Massachusetts passed a law permitting marriages of gay men couples and lesbian couples they immediately moved to Boston and married each other.

Their marriage fell apart after a few short years.

And then she met another woman she fell in love with and married. That marriage fell apart also, aligning that failed marriage with her first failed marriage. Bear with me. I'll explain it all.

A year later or shortly thereafter, my daughter began dating a young woman 20 years younger than herself.

Immediately, I knew what would eventually happen. Sure enough, she informed me that her girlfriend had hooked up with a guy.

At that point.......

I said to her, "Does it really surprise you that once again you find yourself in the same situation that you're facing now? Both women whom you married are now in love with a man. Do you not truly understand how difficult it became for me to keep my mouth shut throughout all the years that I witnessed the ups and downs of all of your relationships throughout the years."

She said, "Dad, why didn't you say something before now?"

I said, "It wasn't within my right to intrude on decisions you have made."
Yeah. You fucking did.
Jimmy certainly did not threaten you on a personal level.
If he had threatened you on a personal level, Gekko would have immediately intervened.

Jimmy wrote.....

"If you even came up to my daughter in a playground and talked anything about sex/sexuality to my 4th grade daughter I would rip your face/eyes out with my bare hands......"

He used the word you in a general sense.
Are you under the impression that there’s “gay lessons” now?
I'm only under the impression and of the understanding that small American towns and school boards throughout the U.S. do not approve of any teacher who steps out of bounds discussing sexual topics with extremely young children.

If you're expecting me to chastise you for thinking that is OK, don't hold your breath.
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What happens to you if suddenly your input is constantly suppressed like the democrats and mainstream media have done for your narrative against opposing views? Well, I know for a fact that for myself, I would never take away your ability to express it or deny you the ability to speak your opinion. That is what freedom of speech is man! None of us conservatives/libertarians/normal people wish to take that from you. Why do you support such for the other 50% or whatever your polls tell you? Do you want this country to be a dictatorship? Do you desire for a government to control you? You guys are treading down a dangerous path that can likely make you the fools in history books to come..
I appreciate your dedication to free speech on this forum. There’s not too many free speech platforms left.
Jimmy wrote.....

"If you even came up to my daughter in a playground and talked anything about sex/sexuality to my 4th grade daughter I would rip your face/eyes out with my bare hands......"

translation: This father is very protective of his offspring.
You will get goosed if you take a strange interest in them.
They're cute, but they aren't play toys.
They don't need anything from you.
So just stay away.

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. You fucking did.
Hey man, tighten up. We are all venting behind our keyboards, wrapping our heads around this. Can you be an adult and not the victim? Thicker

During her senior year in high school the band school teacher frequently made jokes about her being "gay" in his classroom.
That is wrong. It doesn't belong. She's underage. He is not teaching sex ed. They arent buddies. His responsibility was to maintain a decorum and teach band.
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The Parental Rights in Education bill will do more harm than 5-8 year olds getting "compassionate, educated answers" from people who say a man can get pregnant?

Surely you jest.
That’s right. There’s such an epidemic of teachers telling their kindergarten students that men can get pregnant that we need the government to step in. That’s a bigger threat than kids having legitimate questions that can be appropriately answered without the teacher fearing a lawsuit, or opportunistic people coaching their kids to try and force the teacher to say something so they can sue the school, or reinforcing alienation of lgtb people leading to more depression and suicide.

Thanks for setting me straight.

Again, if you really need an enemy in your culture war, YouTube is the country you should invade.
I'm only under the impression and of the understanding that small American towns and school boards throughout the U.S. do not approve of any teacher who steps out of bounds discussing sexual topics with extremely young children.
Again, we agree on that. We disconnect on what is “sexual”. Timmy has two moms has nothing to do with sex. See also above my response to Mick, especially the YouTube comment. I can’t really explain myself any better. Peace.
Pardon me, but isn't that kind of a lie -- the same as men having babies?
Only one of them can be the real "mom".
That's how sex works.
Timmy standing in a room with two women. Maybe one is his mom, maybe they adopted. Everyone has clothes on.

Where’s the sex?