Wow, I wonder how much he was making off them before this and paying a pittance in tax.
It doesn't matter how many $ Musk was reaping. It does matter that people buy his products. Demand and supply economics 101.

For the time being, Musk isn't handing out layoff notices to his employees.
It doesn't matter how many $ Musk was reaping. It does matter that people buy his products. Demand and supply economics 101.

For the time being, Musk isn't handing out layoff notices to his employees.
He ain't cuttin anybody any breaks either, that's pretty obvious.
How many spaceships have you built and launched?
I have made with my hands millions of parts for all different kinds of things like satellites, medical equipment, jet aircraft, computers, military. I am the type of person that makes things you can use and Elon makes his money off of. I made 30,000 parts a night for the shuttles. It takes two to tango.
It takes two to tango.
It takes a village....of idiots :laughings:

We're all in it together but ol Elon is definitely a unicorn in the bunch. I don't know the guy personally. All I know about him is what people and the media say and what he says when he is being interviewed ( on his best behavior ) Based upon that I reckon he's a hard working task master who slept on the floor of his factory for several months to show how committed he was to putting his own nose to the grindstone. His results are proof of the pudding..he gets shit being the first private company to put a craft in outer space...That's kind of a big deal.

Is he at the top of the food chain..yep kind of like Kings and rulers of the past getting Castles, Pyramids and great walls built...someone has to crack the whip,,,someone has to lead the charge...

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I love rags to riches stories... it appears though he would like to lead us to believe that is what he is...he isn't ...he is a child from a wealthy family

Still he has kicked ass and taken names with the gifts he was blessed with
I love rags to riches stories... it appears though he would like to lead us to believe that is what he is...he isn't ...he is a child from a wealthy family

Still he has kicked ass and taken names with the gifts he was blessed with
Cool, pay your fair share of taxes, and it should be upped. I was listening to a radio broadcast today, Ike was running for president, 1952, the year I was born, Truman was still president, check out the tax rates then and now. That is just the tip of the iceberg of why this country is going down the shitter. The middle class has been carrying this country, people of all color, races, religions, genders, on it's back for decades now. I understand the poor don't pay much in federal or state taxes as it should be, but they are getting socked everywhere else with "fees". utility surcharges, surcharges, gas taxes, state sales taxes, sin taxes, etc. the list goes on.
PS: They were also playing the top hits of 52, it was scary.
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actually there are only two, one on each side.
Conscientious objectors?
Still he has kicked ass and taken names with the gifts he was blessed with
Not sure the ideas to build his products were conceived by him.
he is a child from a wealthy family
an emerald mine. hundred k in scshool debt....say it isnt so..wait i gots emeralds. whats hundred k of emeralds ? like five-ten stones..
it IS the shitter

yeah..things are gonna change.
I still find this to be the greatest country on the Earth, I could be wrong,so imagine how I feel about the rest of the planet. Don't get me wrong, I love you Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and the Penguins.
Tell me how things are going to change? It won't be 1789 again I hope?
There will be no backs of the middle class to abuse..there will be no middle class at all.
Well, that solves that problem. I think the upper class 1% will do away with us as soon as A.I. and advanced robotics are to the state where they
can do all our jobs, including doctors and lawyers, better. Then they will sit around and eat grapes, get fat and party.

Living off The Fat of the Land​

John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men:
LENNIE: How long is it goin' be till we git that little place to live on the fat of the land?
GEORGE: I don't know. We gotta get a big stake together. I know a little place we can get cheap, but they ain't givin' it away. [CANDY turns slowly over and watches GEORGE.]
LENNIE: Tell about that place, George.
GEORGE: I jus' tole you. Jus' last night.
LENNIE: Go on, tell again.
GEORGE: Well, it's ten acres. Got a little windmill. Got a little shack on it and a chicken run. Got a kitchen orchard. Cherries, apples, peaches, 'cots and nuts. Got a few berries. There's a place for alfalfa and plenty of water to flood it. There's a pig pen....
LENNIE [breaking in]: And rabbits, George?
GEORGE: I could easy build a few hutches. And you could feed alfalfa to them rabbits.
LENNIE: Damn right I could. [Excitedly.] You goddamn right I could.
GEORGE [his voice growing warmer]: And we could have a few pigs. I'd build a smokehouse. And when we kill a pig we could smoke the hams. When the salmon run up the river we can catch a hundred of 'em. Every Sunday we'd kill a chicken or rabbit. Mebbe we'll have a cow or a goat. And the cream is so goddamn thick you got to cut it off the pan with a knife.
LENNIE [watching him with wide eyes, softly]: We can live off the fat of the land.
GEORGE: Sure. All kinds of vegetables in the garden and if we want a little whiskey we can sell some eggs or somethin'. And we wouldn't sleep in no bunkhouse. Nobody could can us in the middle of a job.
LENNIE [begging]: Tell about the house, George.
GEORGE: Sure. We'd have a little house. And a room to ourselves. And it ain't enough land so we'd have to work too hard. Mebbe six, seven hours a day only. We wouldn't have to buck no barley eleven hours a day. And when we put in a crop, why we'd be there to take that crop up. We'd know what come of our planting.
I was just expounding on this earlier The Merican is still alive n well but we Mericans are to brainwashed and conditioned to see it, catch it and take advantage of it. I know several immigrants who came here with nothing that within 20 or 40 years became millionaires , in one case a multi billionaire ( my old boss) I know very few of my friends or acquaintances who like myself were born here and programmed through our educational system to become worker bees that are millionaires..That was not what the machine had planned for us...The immigrants could see the machine clearly and did not aspire to work for the machine but rather be the machine and the results evidence it.
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