The New Tone Thread

Bill: Check you pm's man....The clip you posted sounds pretty good....You mentioned a Zoom R24, are those things any good??? I had a Zoom HD8, & it was ok, but would only record in 16-bit...

In my entire life, I've encountered one, only one, Telecaster that I've liked and it was a G&L. I don't remember the model. ASAT maybe? I don't know. It belonged to my friend from high school. He got it maybe in the early 90s. He, like the rest of us, always had cheap knockoff Strats and shit. It was the first nice guitar any of our crew ever head. It was a Black body/Rosewood neck Tele with humbuckers. Nice guitar. Played great. Sounded great. My buddy's house got robbed recently and that guitar is gone forever.

The tele I had was nice man, it's commonly known as the "Radiohead" guitar because their guitar player uses 'em...I didn't know that until just a couple years ago though...Mine was a sunburst with maple fretboard, & had Fender Lace Sensor p'ups in it...Wish I had it back, but it's long gone now, sold it like 15 years ago, & the price on 'em is pretty damn high...I gave $700 for it used around '99...

A quick look on E-bay, & found 3 of 'em, the cheapest being right at $1,000, & the highest being $3,800. Way more than I'd give for one btw...
Bill: Check you pm's man....The clip you posted sounds pretty good....You mentioned a Zoom R24, are those things any good??? I had a Zoom HD8, & it was ok, but would only record in 16-bit...

The tele I had was nice man, it's commonly known as the "Radiohead" guitar because their guitar player uses 'em...I didn't know that until just a couple years ago though...Mine was a sunburst with maple fretboard, & had Fender Lace Sensor p'ups in it...Wish I had it back, but it's long gone now, sold it like 15 years ago, & the price on 'em is pretty damn high...I gave $700 for it used around '99...

A quick look on E-bay, & found 3 of 'em, the cheapest being right at $1,000, & the highest being $3,800. Way more than I'd give for one btw...

I used to use 2-R24's linked with a USB cable to give me 16 inputs so I could record the band. They did everything I needed them to do; capture the audio. I'd import the files into my DAW later to mix. With the Behringer, I no longer need to use them. The R24's record in 16 or 24 bit and either 44.1 or 48 kHz (if hooked to your computer, I'm lead to believe you can get up to 96 kHz). They are nice little units that have served me well over the years. But not having to bring 2 of these, with all the cables, plus a large Allen and Heath Mixwizard II has already made my life much easier.
I used to use 2-R24's linked with a USB cable to give me 16 inputs so I could record the band. They did everything I needed them to do; capture the audio. I'd import the files into my DAW later to mix. With the Behringer, I no longer need to use them. The R24's record in 16 or 24 bit and either 44.1 or 48 kHz (if hooked to your computer, I'm lead to believe you can get up to 96 kHz). They are nice little units that have served me well over the years. But not having to bring 2 of these, with all the cables, plus a large Allen and Heath Mixwizard II has already made my life much easier.

I'm sure it is easier than lugging 2 of those things around....I know the Zoom units aren't big/heavy, but still gear you don't have to mess with at all...

I was considering getting a real drum kit eventually, & being able to record 'em, I'd need another interface...
I just have to say, I can NEVER have enough gear. I can't help it, I love having music gear around me. And I'm not currently seeking any professional help, either. :D

And now, from my gig on July 4th. This was recorded using the XR18 board, connected via USB to my laptop and straight into Studio One (my DAW). All instruments close mic'd. We were under a small tent, on the driveway with a pretty good wind. On some of the tracks you can hear fireworks going off (thankfully no one lost a hand or any fingers). The drummer had never played a gig with us before but we have jammed together many times. Four mics on the kit (kick, snare and 2 overheads).

and for shits and giggles, here's the pedal board for the day:View attachment 97434

I normally never use a delay (in fact, I hadn't used this since May of last year with my other band). All to my Princeton and using The Fool SG.

This is what the soundboard/recording setup looked like (though these pics are from a different gig I did which was in a garage. I'll post some clips from that too):
View attachment 97436

View attachment 97435

The amount of gear I no longer have to bring with me is amazing. My life has become so much easier at gigs.

And here's a tune Till The Money's Gone from July 4th (again, we're under a small tent on a driveway)

All in all I have to say I'm pretty pleased with the gear. The Wifi seems to be an issue but not much of one (yet). And I keep getting compliments on the sound at gigs now. Being able to move around freely and still control the board is HUGE in many of the places I end up doing sound. I'm going to try to run it as an audio interface soon and see how i performs there.

Wow that really sounds pretty good. The sax came out great. Needs more drums though. :D

Nice lead. Tell that sax player to shut up while you're ripping. :)
Alright, here's the cleanest tones I can coax out of the little EVH head....It's still not "clean", but would work I'm sure...The gain was set as low as I could get it, & still pass signal through the amp....Most likely this is why it sounds weak & boxy, or that's my excuse anyway.....

Signal chain:
SG > EVH LBX > EVH cab > i5

Amp settings:
15w mode
Blue channel

First part is with the guitar's volume rolled down to about 7, second is full on....

Dryden Prison Blues

And here's another clip with the exact same settings/guitar/mic position, only thing different is I put the gain on 2...First part is the blue channel, second is the red....

ShitClip 2

After listening back to this 2nd clip, there's quite a bit of fizz in it, especially the part with the red channel, so I'm gonna have to figure out how to dial this thing in on the red channel a little better...Could be the mic position, but I've had that mic set up for a couple days, & didn't notice it as much as today's clips...It seems to scoop the mids, & boost the high end quite a bit on the red channel...

I don't use a lot of clean tones in my songs, & can make this little amp work, but if I depended on a lot of sparkling, super clean, I'd be looking for another amp....
actually there's another way to clean it up even more.
Just take a clean boost of some kind and set the volume where it's less than the input ..... that'll hit the front end less which is the same thing as less gain.
And now, from my gig on July 4th. This was recorded using the XR18 board, connected via USB to my laptop and straight into Studio One (my DAW). All instruments close mic'd. We were under a small tent, on the driveway with a pretty good wind. On some of the tracks you can hear fireworks going off (thankfully no one lost a hand or any fingers). The drummer had never played a gig with us before but we have jammed together many times. Four mics on the kit (kick, snare and 2 overheads).
well right off the bat .... nice separation.

A good live recording in pretty much every way.
Playing and recordingwise.
Bill - cool but it does need a little more from the drums but that's a taste thing I suppose.
Minerman - there def is some sort of high freq thing happening in #2. The 1st clips had some reasonable clean with the guitar at 7.
If you need a little amp and quiet recording, those Tubemeisters are probably the best lunchbox amp there is for the price. And I think that they BY FAR have the best emulated line out.

Yep, I was looking at them for a while for this very reason. I don't dislike the display bit but it would have looked better in just about any other colour than blue...
Alright, here's the cleanest tones I can coax out of the little EVH head....It's still not "clean", but would work I'm sure...The gain was set as low as I could get it, & still pass signal through the amp....Most likely this is why it sounds weak & boxy, or that's my excuse anyway.....

Signal chain:
SG > EVH LBX > EVH cab > i5

Amp settings:
15w mode
Blue channel

First part is with the guitar's volume rolled down to about 7, second is full on....

Dryden Prison Blues

And here's another clip with the exact same settings/guitar/mic position, only thing different is I put the gain on 2...First part is the blue channel, second is the red....

ShitClip 2

After listening back to this 2nd clip, there's quite a bit of fizz in it, especially the part with the red channel, so I'm gonna have to figure out how to dial this thing in on the red channel a little better...Could be the mic position, but I've had that mic set up for a couple days, & didn't notice it as much as today's clips...It seems to scoop the mids, & boost the high end quite a bit on the red channel...

I don't use a lot of clean tones in my songs, & can make this little amp work, but if I depended on a lot of sparkling, super clean, I'd be looking for another amp....

I think the first two are pretty decent. Try that with a Strat or something and you'll be in business. The Red section is a little harsh to me.

What Boob said is a good idea. A clean boost turned way down does the opposite of what we really like to use them for.
Thanks guys (to all that listened and/or commented)! I agree the drums should be louder; I'll re-EQ and see what I can come up with. I'll try to put up another tune this weekend.

As a side note, back in early April I broke a string on the SG. I replaced that set of strings (my goto for years has been XL .011's) with those NYXL strings that Boob and Gerg were talking about. If I were to guess, I'd say I have a good 6 or 7 full gigs (minimum 2 hrs 30 mins), about 10 open mics (almost full gigs) and probably another 20+ hours at practices or jams. And I just broke a string last night with about 3 songs left in the gig. What amazes me the most is that the strings held their tone and feel the whole time. Normally the strings end up very rubbery and dull sounding. These maintained their brightness and feel for 4 solid months of playing. Looks like I'm off to get a couple more sets for some of the other axes.

Edit: Oh, and Greg, I actually asked the sax player to play bits during the solos. I find it can (but not always) fatten the sound up. Because what we do is all improvisation (including changing the arrangements on the fly) sometimes things work out great and other times not so much. But it did make me chuckle when I read you're comment ;)
Yeah, for real, those strings are great. It took me a while to believe it too. Boob had mentioned those strings a while back, and of course I trust his judgement, but for me I was like "meh, strings are strings". I finally tried a set, and simply put, they're fucking amazing. Every guitar I own is now strung with NYXLs.

Now I've got my own local guys using them and they love them too. If this were a guitar string pyramid scheme Boob would be getting rich.
Thanks guys, there is definitely something different going on with the red channel...Although it does add tons of gain (which I do like, IE: I can just push a button for a lead tone, then push it again to go back to a rhythm), but it also seems to scoop the mids & add some high end fizz...More tinkering/playing is required on the red channel, I've spent 90% of the time I've had this thing on the blue....

Bob: Good idea man, shows 'ol Bob's been around, & has a solution to about anything one could think of....

Greg: I'm glad you popped in dude, I know you're quite a distance away from all the shit happening in Texas, but still dude, I hadn't really heard much from you & was getting worried....Hope you & yours are all ok down there man...

Bill: Good to hear about those strings man, I've been using Elixr's for years now, but there's just something "off" about 'em, even when they're brand new...I was a faithful user of Ernie Ball strings for years, but started using the Elixr's because they lasted a lot longer for me...I may grab a few sets of those in the next week or two, it's getting about time to change 'em out...I've got enough Elixr's to re-string all my guitars right now, but may try the NYXL's & keep the Elixr's for next time....

I'll have a real wah pedal in a few days too (thanks Bill!!!), no more software through the amp...To be honest, I've never used a real wah since I started recording in '09, other than the one that was built into the POD X3L, so I'm actually pretty excited...
Everything is fine down here in far as I know. I'm pretty secure and isolated out here in whitey world. :D

That's actually my favorite part of living out here in Katy - it's pretty rednecked. It's a typical modern suburban lifestyle with strip malls and a Chili's on every corner, but these people out here are die-hard flag-waving 'Murricans. There's no chance in hell a protest, riot, or terrorist act would last more than 1 second around these rednecks. These people can't wait to go to war with someone. :laughings:
Everything is fine down here in far as I know. I'm pretty secure and isolated out here in whitey world. :D

That's actually my favorite part of living out here in Katy - it's pretty rednecked. It's a typical modern suburban lifestyle with strip malls and a Chili's on every corner, but these people out here are die-hard flag-waving 'Murricans. There's no chance in hell a protest, riot, or terrorist act would last more than 1 second around these rednecks. These people can't wait to go to war with someone. :laughings:

Good to hear man, that sounds like around here, we might be the most backward rednecks ever, but we don't put up with much bullshit either dude....Again, glad to hear you're ok man....
Yeah, most of these suburban rednecks repulse me in every way, but I'll happily blend in and let them be good Murrican vigilantes on my behalf.
Yeah, most of these suburban rednecks repulse me in every way, but I'll happily blend in and let them be good Murrican vigilantes on my behalf.

Crazy shit goin' on man...I might be a ass-backward country boy, but I know a lot of places I could go that a lot of folks would have no fuckin' idea where I had disappeared to if it came to that...That is one advantage of living in Deliverance-ville my whole life, & there are thousands of people like that around here...