The New Tone Thread

That's cool, to actually get to play for some of your musical heroes... hmm, celebrity audiences... I played a gig last year with famous UK nature documentary presenter Bill Oddie in the audience (Bubba will know who I'm talking about... if David Attenborough is a Les Paul Custom, Bill Oddie is a Chibson with the bridge in the wrong place and cheap single coils under the humbucker pickup covers.

Lol. That's the thing with these guys. No one knows who Daniel Rey is. It's unfortunate to me, but that's just how it is. He probably likes it that way. To me, I see a guy that the heavyweights of the NYC scene liked and trusted. Joey and Dee Dee Ramone wrote songs with him. He produced Ramoes records. He plays with the Dictators. He was on Joey Ramone's speed-dial to the very end. He's tight with the upper echelon of NYC punk rock. To me, that makes him a special dude. He's anonymous enough that only total fanboy retards like me pester him. The rest of the spiky hair postcard punk posers have no idea who he is or what he's done. Same with Handsome Dick. I bet 90% of the people there just saw some old guy walking around. I see him as a NYC legend.
Bill maybe a Chibson compared to Attenborough re twitching & nature but he's a Burns Stagg when it comes to off the wall 70s comedy - AND he wrote Funky Gibbon...
Fucking hell! I didn't realise he was such a committed muso when I saw him in the audience.
Did this today. Working on that "influences" album I mentioned before. Working up demos for the guys to track to. This one is AC/DC's "Touch Too Much". Again fake drums, real bass and guitars.

All guitars - Gibson Angus Young Signature SG.
Left rhythm:
Marshall JCM 800 2203
Presence - 5
Bass - 6
Mid - 4
Treb - 4
Gain - 6
Master vol - 6

Right rhythm:
Marshall JMP 2204
Presence - 4
Bass - 7
Mid - 4
Treb - 4
Gain - 5
Master vol - 6

Same as left rhythm, JCM 800, boosted with Tube Screamer set as clean boost

Marshall 1960A 4x12 - Celestion G12-65
SM57 on axis, on grill, halfway to edge
Audix i5 on axis, on grill, dead center
50/50 blend

No EQ, some reverb added to guitar group bus, and lead.

See what you think. I think these are pretty good AC/DC style tones, but for this the guitars maybe need more grit.
Suck Too Much
Did this today. Working on that "influences" album I mentioned before. Working up demos for the guys to track to. This one is AC/DC's "Touch Too Much". Again fake drums, real bass and guitars.

All guitars - Gibson Angus Young Signature SG.
Left rhythm:
Marshall JCM 800 2203
Presence - 5
Bass - 6
Mid - 4
Treb - 4
Gain - 6
Master vol - 6

Right rhythm:
Marshall JMP 2204
Presence - 4
Bass - 7
Mid - 4
Treb - 4
Gain - 5
Master vol - 6

Same as left rhythm, JCM 800, boosted with Tube Screamer set as clean boost

Marshall 1960A 4x12 - Celestion G12-65
SM57 on axis, on grill, halfway to edge
Audix i5 on axis, on grill, dead center
50/50 blend

No EQ, some reverb added to guitar group bus, and lead.

See what you think. I think these are pretty good AC/DC style tones, but for this the guitars maybe need more grit.
Suck Too Much

Sounds pretty decent, but I do think the guitars need some more grit/dirt to 'em myself.....I'm not good at describing sounds/tones, but they need to be a bit "thicker" if that makes any sense...

I know that album is tuned down a half-step or so too, & that could alter the tone a hair (it's weird man, I'm doing something similar to your "influences" album dude, first I've mentioned it here, that I can remember anyway)....

I'm gonna try to get around to all the other tones posted the last few days too, gimme a little while...
Yeah I'm gonna redo em. I don't know why though, I'm not even doing the guitar tracks on these songs. :laughings:

It's the most fun part though....until I do the real drums. Dealing with these fake drums SUCKS!

Speaking of drums, yours are coming. I got my kit half setup today and I stripped out a cymbal arm clamp, so I gotta go get a new nut for it tomorrow. Then I'll be ready.
Yeah I'm gonna redo em. I don't know why though, I'm not even doing the guitar tracks on these songs. :laughings:

It's the most fun part though....until I do the real drums. Dealing with these fake drums SUCKS!

Speaking of drums, yours are coming. I got my kit half setup today and I stripped out a cymbal arm clamp, so I gotta go get a new nut for it tomorrow. Then I'll be ready.
Lol....I think it's good just to keep the thread going....this thread is like me, it comes it spurts....

No hurry on those man, they'll definitely come in handy & will most likely sound better than anything I've got...I dunno why these drum vsti's can't get a cymbal or hi-hat to sound half-way natural...Drum programming sucks dude, it seems like I've spent half of my life doing that shit, matter of fact, I'm in the middle of doing the midi shit right now...

Check your pm's got a question or two on those cymbals dude...
I felt like noodling a little today. I was off and didnt have a ton of shit to do like I usually do. So, I recorded this instrumental. Its a Hendrix song Villanova Junction. Anyway, I downloaded a preset for my mustang amp called "texas flood". I don't think it really sounds like the SRV tone on the song Texas flood but to my ears it sounds nice on this song. I had the amp turned up loud as fuck and a sm57 on the speaker. My '66 strat on the neck pickup (its a fender 57/62 reissue original neck pickup died on me) No effects just the preset with nothing else added. I didn't eq it on this mix and the guitars low end may be flabby with out EQ. My ears are shot. Let me know it y'all think this a decent tone for this song.

Those are some pretty nice licks Jimi, definitely hear the influence in you hammer-ons & pull-offs dude....Actually sounds pretty good, right up there with your ZZ cover of "Drivin' While Blind"...:)
Lol....I think it's good just to keep the thread going....this thread is like me, it comes it spurts....

No hurry on those man, they'll definitely come in handy & will most likely sound better than anything I've got...I dunno why these drum vsti's can't get a cymbal or hi-hat to sound half-way natural...Drum programming sucks dude, it seems like I've spent half of my life doing that shit, matter of fact, I'm in the middle of doing the midi shit right now...

Check your pm's got a question or two on those cymbals dude...
It's just massively time consuming isn't it, mate? I generally get up really early so tend to do drum programming with a coffee starting at about 630Am on the weekend. Sometimes I'll look at the clock see that it's like 1030 or something and wonder how I've lost so much time!

Greg, I'm not familiar with the original, but it does sound to me like it needs a touch more gain to beef it up... Maybe a bit more bottom... Give it a (dare I say if?) more modern tone...
I felt like noodling a little today. I was off and didnt have a ton of shit to do like I usually do. So, I recorded this instrumental. Its a Hendrix song Villanova Junction. Anyway, I downloaded a preset for my mustang amp called "texas flood". I don't think it really sounds like the SRV tone on the song Texas flood but to my ears it sounds nice on this song. I had the amp turned up loud as fuck and a sm57 on the speaker. My '66 strat on the neck pickup (its a fender 57/62 reissue original neck pickup died on me) No effects just the preset with nothing else added. I didn't eq it on this mix and the guitars low end may be flabby with out EQ. My ears are shot. Let me know it y'all think this a decent tone for this song.

Jimi, this sounds great. Dunno about SRV but it sounds like pretty authentic 60s/70s blues rock.

There's one or two rouge notes in there which sound a touch odd, but not in a good way, like the wrong lead note and chord coincide occasionally. Sounds like the sort of piece that you could stick on loop in you headphones and play lead along with for hours though.
I felt like noodling a little today. I was off and didnt have a ton of shit to do like I usually do. So, I recorded this instrumental. Its a Hendrix song Villanova Junction. Anyway, I downloaded a preset for my mustang amp called "texas flood". I don't think it really sounds like the SRV tone on the song Texas flood but to my ears it sounds nice on this song. I had the amp turned up loud as fuck and a sm57 on the speaker. My '66 strat on the neck pickup (its a fender 57/62 reissue original neck pickup died on me) No effects just the preset with nothing else added. I didn't eq it on this mix and the guitars low end may be flabby with out EQ. My ears are shot. Let me know it y'all think this a decent tone for this song.

I think that is a decent tone for that type of song for sure....what screws it up for me is the slop in all of the playing. The drums, bass, guitar, it's all just crashing together and not jiving. So tone is great, fine for the style, but if you're gonna make a mix out of this thing, at least get the drums way way better. I know this thread is about the tone though, so good job there.
Greg, I'm not familiar with the original, but it does sound to me like it needs a touch more gain to beef it up... Maybe a bit more bottom... Give it a (dare I say if?) more modern tone...

Ooooh, I don't think it needs more bottom. I do think it needs more hair. I'm gonna retry it today. Maybe not more modern, but with more gain. There is room to go on these amps.
Thanks for checking it out man.

I've been know to hit odd notes (not in a good way) many times. I guess it's my trademark. lol.
Actually, this piece is kind of tough for me. I have to think outside the box (the blues scale box that is) to play it.

You're right. The drums suck. On the original Mitch Mitchell is doing fucking rolls all over the place and I couldn't really get a handle on what the drums need to be doing. I'm not really capable of producing a good drum track to tell the truth. Therein lies the problem. I have never had to worry about recording buddy Donnie always took care of that and he was really good on drums. Now that he is dead I'm kind of lost in the drum track area.
I wish I could lay a great drum track down like you man!
Jimi, I think I maybe read somewhere that you play the song several times recording one drum at a time? If so, please, you must stop doing that. That's a nightmare on a million different levels. Some smart ass hero worshiper might chime in that so-and-so-drum-god did that once, but I don't give one single fuck. That method of drum tracking is fucking goofy. If you can't drum and/or can't record drums, get familiar with one of the drum programs. A canned beat is better than recording a kit as you throw it down a flight of stairs. :D
Jimi, I think I maybe read somewhere that you play the song several times recording one drum at a time? If so, please, you must stop doing that. That's a nightmare on a million different levels. Some smart ass hero worshiper might chime in that so-and-so-drum-god did that once, but I don't give one single fuck. That method of drum tracking is fucking goofy. If you can't drum and/or can't record drums, get familiar with one of the drum programs. A canned beat is better than recording a kit as you throw it down a flight of stairs. :D
I used to record like that...
Now Just just record the bass drum first and then everything else all at once in the next pass!