The New Tone Thread

ya' know ..... I wanna clear up my comments because reading them now they seem kind of harsh which was not my intent.

I agree there are valid points of view on both sides of the matter.

I certainly didn't mean to imply that there was something wrong with bubba's opinion.

In the grand theme of things a big part of the reason for even having a place like this is to teach newbs and help all of us gain a better understanding of playing and recording and I get that.
The vast majority of tunage should be posted in the clinic .... I actually don't disagree with him at all.

I was simply hoping to explain that there in fact are reasons for some of us to post here instead.
He seemed dismissive of it as if it was stupid that we might post here and I was trying to explain it's not.

I can't speak for anyone but me, but I just don't care 'bout the newbs anymore ..... I'm not a bad guy .... I've been here for 16years!!!! :eek:

I've answered LOTS of questions and listened to and commented on LOTS of tunes and posted lots of my own plus a lot of collabs.

For me, meh ..... it just doesn't interest me right now .... maybe again later but not now.

And getting reviews from someone who is just a screenname is meaningless to me. I have no way of knowing if they even have any idea of what they're doing here, I know almost everyone that comes in here and I know they have ears.

So that's why for me ..... hope I didn't offend anyone.
hope I didn't offend anyone.
Bob, we've had our mini run ins, but I think it was always a matter of one or both people mis-reading what the other one meant. You're a good guy. You didn't offend me, speaking for myself.
OK, I was going to wait until I put real drums on this. But by that time, it will become a Clinic post.:D

So, I'd like to know what you guys think of the guitar tones so far. I programmed some drums half-ass for now, so don't worry about that. It's a pretty guitar-driven song.


  • Pelican In My Breifs.mp3
    7.9 MB · Views: 7
I agree. With JDOD it's a step-by-step thing, so for me it's cool to hear how his work is working in a mix.

Yes, 100% dude, just the way you pretty much held my hand walking me through some of this stuff...And I'm sure Jdod (or anyone else for that matter) appreciates it, exactly like I did, & still do....

ya' know ..... I wanna clear up my comments because reading them now they seem kind of harsh which was not my intent.

I don't think you were being harsh myself Bob, you were just being Bob, which is how it's supposed to be IMHO...:)

I know almost everyone that comes in here and I know they have ears.

And all of the above is why our thread is the best thing on the 'net for me...
OK, I was going to wait until I put real drums on this. But by that time, it will become a Clinic post.:D

So, I'd like to know what you guys think of the guitar tones so far. I programmed some drums half-ass for now, so don't worry about that. It's a pretty guitar-driven song.

Another clip for my "Rami" folder....

First of all, I gotta hand it to ya man, the names you give these clips are just cool man....:laughings:

Ok, don't take this the wrong way, but the hammer-on parts (especially at the end) remind me of Iron Maiden, but I mean it in a good way dude. I like some of their older stuff quite a bit, & to me it sounds like 'em in spots...

Great chord changes/progressions dude, you've been killin' it lately in this category, I like it, a lot...

The tones aren't bad, but (as usual here goes my suggestion...:D) might need a little help in the high end once you have your drums in there, maybe...

I did hear a couple little things tuning-wise on a couple open chords, but it sounded more like you were playing the fuck out of it, & the initial transient went a little sharp...

Just a couple little nits from me, but really, these are probably as good as the rest of the tones you've ended up using in your songs dude, you're gettin' it down pretty good now...
Another clip for my "Rami" folder....

First of all, I gotta hand it to ya man, the names you give these clips are just cool man....:laughings:

Ok, don't take this the wrong way, but the hammer-on parts (especially at the end) remind me of Iron Maiden, but I mean it in a good way dude. I like some of their older stuff quite a bit, & to me it sounds like 'em in spots...

Great chord changes/progressions dude, you've been killin' it lately in this category, I like it, a lot...

The tones aren't bad, but (as usual here goes my suggestion...:D) might need a little help in the high end once you have your drums in there, maybe...

I did hear a couple little things tuning-wise on a couple open chords, but it sounded more like you were playing the fuck out of it, & the initial transient went a little sharp...

Just a couple little nits from me, but really, these are probably as good as the rest of the tones you've ended up using in your songs dude, you're gettin' it down pretty good now...
Hehe...I got to call 'em something, anything until I actually name them. :D

Thanx for the advice, Miner. I'm sure I'll have to EQ them when I mix the song. These are all dry for now. No delay, reverb, eq, etc...

Iron Maiden never crossed my mind, but pretty cool I guess.:cool: :D

That riff just came from a finger exercise I was doing. Not even an exercise. I was trying to see how many notes I can hammer on and off between picking. So, it just turned into this riff which has groups of 6 hammer on and offs for every note I pick, mixed with groups of 4. It just turned into a weird riff, so I went with it.
I'll have to listen for the out of tune-ness.
It's good man, really, but I could've sworn I heard a little delay on the guitar solo (unless you were only talking about the rhythm gtrs)...

I think you've found your workflow dude, your tones have been pretty consistent the last little while, good job....:)

Again, the little tuning quirk sounds to me like you're hitting an open chord, & you were just pummeling the strings...:D I'll re-listen & tell you exactly where in a few...
It's good man, really, but I could've sworn I heard a little delay on the guitar solo (unless you were only talking about the rhythm gtrs)...
Actually, you're right. I have delay only on the duel "solo" that comes in at about 2 minutes for a few seconds. But I recorded that delay, I didn't add it later. None of the other tracks have any effects on them.
I'll re-listen & tell you exactly where in a few...
Thanx man, I'm sure as soon as you point it out, I'll totally hear it.
Like all RAMI stuff it's great.

I can't comment on the mix as my 'puter speakers seem to have developed getsoverdrivenbybass-itis.

But I like the playing and the gits sound great in the mix to me.
Like all RAMI stuff it's great.

I can't comment on the mix as my 'puter speakers seem to have developed getsoverdrivenbybass-itis.

But I like the playing and the gits sound great in the mix to me.

He's definitely got his shit wired tight Bob...Fuck, his click track/drum machine sounds as good/better than my fake drumbs....:laughings:
Kinda makes me feel bad picking on ya, but if it makes you feel any better I do the same thing dude, ain't no pussy pickin' goin' on in our power chords....:D
Hehe....Don't feel bad, man. This is why I post it. You know I re-amp, which means I always have my raw files to go back to if need be. So, if anything I post ever sucks, please tell me.

But I like the playing and the gits sound great in the mix to me.
Thanx Bob. The guitar sounds are what matter to me at this point. I'm far from mixing this yet.:cool:
He's definitely got his shit wired tight Bob...Fuck, his click track/drum machine sounds as good/better than my fake drumbs....:laughings:
Aw shucks, you sure no how to make a girl blush. :D

I just repeated the same 4 or 5 patterns and fills. I use this. It's the gtg dpc 3. Free: DPC 3.jpg

It's free and pretty easy to program. You can replace the sounds, too. I only use them as my guide tracks, so it's rare that I program as much as I did in this tune. But I got a collection of free drum samples and got some pretty good sounding snares and kiks. I'd probably use this program if I wasn't able to record drums.
The re-amper is the shizzle, ain't it???

I'm programming some drumbs right now dude...and yes I've got an e-kit, but the hi-hat controller is so limited, I do just as well programming 'em like I always did...Hmmmm...maybe sell the sucky e-kit & put that toward something else...:p
The re-amper is the shizzle, ain't it???
Yeah, and I figured out a way to still use my amp while I record the raw tracks. The only difference is volume. So when I'm able to really blast my amp, I just run through the tracks, knowing which sounds I want, rather than look for a sound as I'm re-amping. When I first started re-amping, I tracked through a sim and then futzed around with my amp a lot when it came time to re-amp.. Now, I can track with the sound I'll be using rather than through a sim.
Yeah, and I figured out a way to still use my amp while I record the raw tracks. The only difference is volume. So when I'm able to really blast my amp, I just run through the tracks, knowing which sounds I want, rather than look for a sound as I'm re-amping. When I first started re-amping, I tracked through a sim and then futzed around with my amp a lot when it came time to re-amp.. Now, I can track with the sound I'll be using rather than through a sim.

That's exactly how I record my tracks Rami, I mic my cab, but I also record my di at the same time. I can sit right in front of my amp without it being ear-bleeding levels, & still have the interaction between the guitar/amp/speakers...Then after I get my takes how I want 'em, crank the amp up for maybe 10 minutes & the guitar tracks are recorded for that song....I love my re-amp box dude, I also tried fucking around with the ampsims, but using the amp at just enough volume to get the interaction I want, it records it "into" the di (feedback for instance), & about all I have to change for the keeper tracks is the amp's volume....It's great IMO....

There are a lot of tricks you can do with your di's man, like automating the hardware send hitting the re-amp box, it's like rolling off the volume on the guitar...I know a lot of guys will frown on this, but if you get feedback going while recording a di, you can copy/cut/paste it into any song, & even change the chord/key of the feedback. Again, there are all kinds of shit you can do with di's & a re-amp box...I'm really glad I bought the Radial RMP, best $100 I've ever spent gear-wise...
I had to think about how I have it hooked up because I did it a while ago. I just remembered how simple it is. When I track, I simply set my track up to send the signal out to the re-amp box and into my amp, same way I would set it up if it was a pre-recorded track that I was re-amping. So, the same channel that's recording the raw guitar is also sending the signal out to my amp. That way, I don't need to split the signal or anything.
I had to think about how I have it hooked up because I did it a while ago. I just remembered how simple it is. When I track, I simply set my track up to send the signal out to the re-amp box and into my amp, same way I would set it up if it was a pre-recorded track that I was re-amping. So, the same channel that's recording the guitar is also sending the signal out to my amp. That way, I don't need to split the signal or anything.

Yeah, it's pretty easy. My interface has extra 1/4" main outputs that can be used for another set of monitors or whatever. I keep my re-amp box connected 24/7, so it only takes a couple minutes to get rolling. Plug the guitar & mic into the interface, run a cable from the RMP to my amp, that's it...

I also have track templates set up in Reaper that adds the di + the mic/amp'd track with the routing already there, the parent/master on the di muted, etc...

It adds an extra track for every guitar in the song, but to me it's not a problem, it's actually a convenience IMO...