The Last American Wise Guy.

Thanks everyone... Much appreciated!!!!!!

The pre was my Davisound TB10 with an AT 4033... Some eq and some pre-delayed verb on the vox.

Guitar was Mexican Strat through Pod...

Bass was a '78 USA Fender Jazz direct from bass into the Digi 001 Box. (no fancy direct boxes or anything in between)

Synths were E-Mu- Esi2000..

Mixmkr and the others mentioned the transition levels and drums in the verse, I must say have very good points.... I never realized that the drums sound funny in the verse, thanks for pointing it out.. Seriously.

What I might do is put the same drum sounds that are in the chorus into the verses and see how that goes. It might smooth out the transition, and I will let that chorus guitar sound "announce" the transition..

Or something like that.

Thanks for listening everyone.
