The HR Tubercular Choir--an idea and a request

You ain't strappin' on nothin around me. My girlfriend tried that shit and it ain't gonna happen.:eek:
I can swing 5 octaves, but have a 'hole' in the transition between the 4th and 5th....

I can sometimes 'fake' it though, depends on the song!

I have a pretty wide range but I'd probably be most useful as a bass or baritone.
Can I use my BBTTE?
I'm in. I'll do verse, chorus, backups. Whatever. If we are gonna do mass vocals, we should maybe have a guitar solo with a little piece from different people. If there is a place for a lead that is.

BBTTE is mandatory!
HangDawg said:
we should maybe have a guitar solo with a little piece from different people.
Oh...excellent idea! Each guy do about 4 measures, then hand it off to the next guy.
we all know my vocals suck, but Im in.....look at it this way, my suckiness will make the rest sound that much better by comparison......

Awesome idea...I'm gonna sing like Michael Jackson though :D

Oh and in case that wasn't clear... I'm in :D. Sounds like a hoot!!

Oh...and range...havent' measured in awhile...7 inches maybe :p

Seriously...a barlytenor :D. I can probably squeak out 4 octaves (don't hold me to that), but I have lost a lot of power on either end. Can fake baritone & tenor. Decent the BG's thing can happen too :D
Thoughts so fasr

Well, the Tubercular Choir has 19 positions filled so far--good deal! I'm still hoping for fifty if possible! :D I've just started writing something--still a long way to go. I figured, with all those singers, its gotta be sort of a rock anthem (besides freebird, Chad!) When I get lyrics and a melody done, I'll post a simple demo, then we can search for the optimum key.

I like the idea of some solo trading too. I will try to incorporate a logical instrumental section.

To continue the spirit of the thing, I want to use other people besides myself to play bass, drums, keys, guitar, etc. I'l get a decent scratch track and erase my parts as better ones come in.

As for the rest, I'll co-ordinate the vocal tracks and get everything set up in a mixable fashion. Maybe somebody else wants to do the final mix? If I can get this song to happen, I'll be real happy.
I would think mixing this will be a real challenge as well. All those different vocals, guitars, and whatnots. All with different levels of quality. Should be interesting. Glad I'm not doin it.
Can I just lip sync????

I'll find a way to do well................even if I have to sit on a thumbtack.

I'm in