The headphone dilemma

I mixing in headphones all the time, I use Sennheiser Momentum, and they sound much simular to my ProAc Speakers I use as monitors, the thing is to learn how different music sound in your headphones and compare it with Monitors.

I do the main mix in the momentum, then I listening to my monitors, Pad, cellPhones, and my Car stereo,
then I dont care if someone therefore usually the complain only come from those who listen to a Laptop, or bad earphones, and can not be receivable from a good recording anyway.
Pretty sure a couple of people have said this, but you CAN mix on headphones. It's all about learning how your reference speakers/headphones translate in most environments. This obviously takes time and is necessary for ANY speakers/headphones you buy, even into the thousands of dollars range. For example, a guy is used to mixing on Yamahas, goes to another guys studio, and tries to mix on KRKs. Usually not a great mix on the first few attempts. Or even 8 inch Yamahas and then trying on 5 inch monitors. Makes a difference. I mix on 160 dollar headphones and they get the job done. But it took a long while to learn how they would translate in a car or laptop or whatever. Obviously the higher quality and flat the frequency response of the source, the easier this is. But not impossible to do on low quality cans. Just time consuming.