The Fake Drums Tone Thread

Here's a fake drums test:
View attachment 96318
I've left a bassline on for a bit of context.

What do you think?

Doesn't sound bad Jdude, I might try to vary the velocity of the snare a little more from hit to hit.

What kind of drum vsti are you using, & is the ambiance/reverb I hear on this from the drum vsti or what??? Might need a little less room/ambiance on, the snare, & bring it up just a little on everything else so it sounds more like a drum set in a room....Just my opinion dude, but lemme know what you're using for these drums.....
I do the same thing man, but only after I'm completely sure I won't do any more tweaking...

What daw do you use Armistice??? I've got a couple little tricks for Reaper that come in handy for programming drums from time to time I'd be happy to share with you, lemme know...

I'm a Reaper boy... so fire 'em at me miner!
Here's a fake drums test:
View attachment 96318
I've left a bassline on for a bit of context.

What do you think?

OK, so... in the spirit of fostering improvement:

1. Dislike the snare sound - soft and undefined
2. At the very start the snare fill sounds robotic, timing isn't quite right
3. Minor fill @ 0.41 also doesn't quite sound right timing-wise
4. Ride sounds like the same sample over and over - needs variation
5. Volumes generally need variation

:thumbs up:

I'll post one of my tracks when I get home, show you all where I'm at with this, perhaps. :eek:
OK, so... in the spirit of fostering improvement:

1. Dislike the snare sound - soft and undefined
2. At the very start the snare fill sounds robotic, timing isn't quite right
3. Minor fill @ 0.41 also doesn't quite sound right timing-wise
4. Ride sounds like the same sample over and over - needs variation
5. Volumes generally need variation

:thumbs up:

I'll post one of my tracks when I get home, show you all where I'm at with this, perhaps. :eek:
Cheers, mate. I'll look into those snares to try and give them a bit more crack and check the samples and timings on the other bits.

Miner, I'm not using a VSTi.
I'm a Reaper boy... so fire 'em at me miner!

Ok dude, here are a couple little things I use for adjusting velocities for my drums. These kinda get 'em in the ballpark, but you will probably still have to adjust/edit some one by one...

MIDI Note Selector

Set Random Velocities With GUI

You'll need to make a toolbar in the midi editor for each one , & you can name 'em whatever you like on the toolbar...

Just right-click the links to download, & put them in your scripts folder...

While it's not anything super-duper special, these do let you select whatever notes & adjust the velocity to suit you...

Here's what they look like when in use (the toolbars are hi-lighted in red here):

Jamstix 3 does most of the "grunt" work for me with the timing variations, but these 2 scripts are really helpful IMO to fine-tune the velocity of the hits....
Ok dude, here are a couple little things I use for adjusting velocities for my drums. These kinda get 'em in the ballpark, but you will probably still have to adjust/edit some one by one...

MIDI Note Selector

Set Random Velocities With GUI

You'll need to make a toolbar in the midi editor for each one , & you can name 'em whatever you like on the toolbar...

Just right-click the links to download, & put them in your scripts folder...

While it's not anything super-duper special, these do let you select whatever notes & adjust the velocity to suit you...

Here's what they look like when in use (the toolbars are hi-lighted in red here):

Jamstix 3 does most of the "grunt" work for me with the timing variations, but these 2 scripts are really helpful IMO to fine-tune the velocity of the hits....

Thanks man, I've grabbed them. I didn't even know I had a "Scripts" folder! I'll have a play during the week next week.;)

Actually I'm having a play now. So I didn't have a Scripts folder in REAPER directory but I do now, I've put the files in it, worked out how to get buttons on the MIDI Editor toolbar - but, in terms of the note selector one, can't work out what it ACTUALLY DOES. I can see it selects all notes on whatever line is highlighted in the editor, quicker than finding a note, right clicking etc., but the other three lines in its little interface - I'm not sure what they're denoting, or doing, or whether it actually does anything else? Or there's some way of interacting with it that I'm not getting.:confused:

I worked out the randomiser one though... :D
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I became a fake drums person awhile back. I did three demo projects with live drums and I didn't know how to use a click track and the demos were fairly messy. So when I started using Reason I was very happy that I could program drums without having to play anything and that there would be no rhythm issues from my drumming deficiencies. Plus in my view it was hard to find a drummer and a place to record and I can't actually play or record drums where I live.

I've been working with Reason Essentials 8 that came out last fall and the loops and the actual drums sound much better to me than what I worked with in the past. Obviously if someone is a real recording artist in a band where they make money they want real drums. But for a home recording enthusiast like myself I found that midi drums are a great way to lay a rhythmic foundation for my home recordings.

As far as getting a good tone, I think the main things I've heard were 1. Don't program stuff a real drummer couldn't play. 2. Adjust velocities, particular on a snare roll so it doesn't sound like a shotgun going off.
Thanks man, I've grabbed them. I didn't even know I had a "Scripts" folder! I'll have a play during the week next week.;)

Actually I'm having a play now. So I didn't have a Scripts folder in REAPER directory but I do now, I've put the files in it, worked out how to get buttons on the MIDI Editor toolbar - but, in terms of the note selector one, can't work out what it ACTUALLY DOES. I can see it selects all notes on whatever line is highlighted in the editor, quicker than finding a note, right clicking etc., but the other three lines in its little interface - I'm not sure what they're denoting, or doing, or whether it actually does anything else? Or there's some way of interacting with it that I'm not getting.:confused:

The way I use the note selector is make a time selection (IE: 2 bars or whatever, so it'll loop/repeat), then I click on whatever note in the piano roll (on the actual "keys", far left side, like you're auditioning a sound. Doing this will "tell" the script which notes you wanna select. You can do this with the "Pitch" line in the little gui, but I just always click on the piano roll (where it says "kick", "snare", "hi-hat open 2", etc)...

In the little gui here's what each line does:

Mode: You can select or un-select notes in the time selection by clicking on "Mode"

Select every 1 note: Use your mousewheel to change from every note, to every 2 notes, every 3 notes, etc. This is really handy if you want to change the velocity of the hi-hat that's playing 8th notes for example. You can select the hits which are on the kick & snare, adjust them, then select the "in-between" notes & adjust those. Usually a drummer will hit harder on the kick/snare, & a lot softer on the "in between" hits....

: Offsets which notes are selected starting with the first note in the time selection

Pitch: Changes which notes you want to select

Myself, I never use the "Mode" or "Pitch", I only use the "Select every X note" & "Offset"....

I hope that makes sense, if not, I'll try to make a little gif or video showing you what I mean, but I think you can figure it out pretty easy just messing with the little gui box. One thing to remember is make a time selection on the section of notes/hits you wanna adjust, otherwise it'll change all the hits from start to finish...

I worked out the randomiser one though... :D

Yeah, that's a cool little script. I didn't write these btw, & there are tons of 'em in the Reaper forum, you just have to search for 'em. IIRC, there's a sticky somewhere with about all of 'em in one spot...

Lemme know if this makes sense to you or not, & if not, I'll try to explain a little better...
Here's a little gif demo of the note selector:

View attachment 96332

Lemme know if this clears it up for ya Armistice....

Scroll wheel! Fuck... never thought of that. Because I've got some ongoing issues with my right arm, and I work in an office and type and design and basically live in front of a screen, I've got a special "orthomouse" that doesn't have a scroll wheel, but you operate the scroll function using your thumb on some special buttons.

At home I have a normal mouse but I've so got out of the habit of using a scroll wheel because of the work mouse that I never even thought of it!

Will hop on over to the Cockos forum at some stage and see what other goodies I can snag. My aching forearms thank you. :D
Scroll wheel! Fuck... never thought of that. Because I've got some ongoing issues with my right arm, and I work in an office and type and design and basically live in front of a screen, I've got a special "orthomouse" that doesn't have a scroll wheel, but you operate the scroll function using your thumb on some special buttons.

At home I have a normal mouse but I've so got out of the habit of using a scroll wheel because of the work mouse that I never even thought of it!

Will hop on over to the Cockos forum at some stage and see what other goodies I can snag. My aching forearms thank you. :D

No problem dude, glad the scripts work for you, for me, they're a god-send. There are some complicated scripts over at the Reaper forum, but I'm a pretty simple minded guy :), so these 2 are about all I need to adjust the velocities in my fake drums...
I'm a trackball person. I guess I'll have to hook up a mouse so I have a zoom wheel if I want to go further on that...
That really cool man. Props to ya minerman!

Thanks Jimmy, but I didn't write those scripts, I just use 'em. There's a couple/few guys at the Reaper forum that write all that voodoo wizard stuff, I'm merely one of the folks who get to benefit from their hard work....
Ok, here's another little contribution to the thread, a couple clips, one is a mix, other is solo'd drums. I've uploaded the midi file for this so you guys can grab it, throw it into your daw, & actually see what I've done with it....I've also included the text/note map for you Reaper guys so you can tell what notes are what because I use a custom mapping for basically all my fake drums because I'm used to where things are, & I can work faster with it this way....

The drum map here is Toontrack's "Made of Metal" basically, but I do have a couple few things changed around. I've added a tambourine & a shaker with the X-Drum feature in Superior, but you guys may still be able to use the midi file with other drum vsti's/samplers with a little re-mapping work...

I used the tab to transient thing in Reaper to make a tempo map of the entire song (with the help of Rock Band multi-tracks), but the timing may be off a little here/there, it's tedious work (for me anyway, I did the entire song bar by bar for the tempo map), but I did the best I could...

Reaper Drum Map

War Pigs MIDI Track

War Pigs Mix

War Pigs Solo'd Drums

Just right-click & save as....

And, if any of you guys know of any faster/better/easier tricks for these fake drums (other than playing real drums...:D), please do let us all here know....
Giving this thread a little bump, I'm just wondering if anyone downloaded the midi track I uploaded & took a look at it....I'm curious to what you other guys think about it, & might have done differently.....
I just had a look at it. I don't really think I would have done much different. I noticed a couple spots where the pattern was the same, but most drum VIs have built in round robbin or random so I didn't notice anything that jumped out when I was listening to it back.
I just had a look at it. I don't really think I would have done much different. I noticed a couple spots where the pattern was the same, but most drum VIs have built in round robbin or random so I didn't notice anything that jumped out when I was listening to it back.

Thanks man, on the pattern being the same, I used ReaGate's midi output thing to record all the drum parts in that midi file.

The audio I used for it was a Rock Band multi-track, & I don't know if that is actually Bill Ward playing drums on that, but it sure sounds like it to me, so in reality, all I did was tweak the velocities, because ReaGate spits everything out at 127...

I did have to enter quite a few notes by hand, but I lined 'em up with the RB multi-tracks using the tab to transient thing in Reaper...