Tascam US-800 vs. M-Audio Fast Track Pro

Back to the original question, I actually like M-Audio gear and have never personally used a Tascam interface. However, from what I've heard, the Tascam and the Fast Track Pro are likely in a fairly similar bracket quality-wise. It's just that the Tascams have been heavily discounted lately. This often means they're soon to come out with some new models--this isn't necessarily a drawback. Model change can be a good time to get bargains.

As for the reported problems, I'll be interested to hear the results of Jimmy69's test--but these things go around all the time. M Audio had rumours about driver issues fairly recently--yet I use a Mobile Pre and a Profire Lightbridge all the time and have never had an issue. I'm always a bit sceptical about such reports.
Ok, I'm tired of hearing about it. Just ordered a US800 to test. I'll see if I can reproduce problems people are having. I am going to bet I find simple setup issues. What am I saying, I just bet $99 on it. lol!

There will be a US 800 for sale on this forum soon. :D

And I have both W7-32, and W7-64 Desktops to test, as well as Vista and XP lappy's.

Waiting anxiously for the results!!! Thanks Jimmy!
Ok, I'm tired of hearing about it. Just ordered a US800 to test. I'll see if I can reproduce problems people are having. I am going to bet I find simple setup issues. What am I saying, I just bet $99 on it. lol!

There will be a US 800 for sale on this forum soon. :D

And I have both W7-32, and W7-64 Desktops to test, as well as Vista and XP lappy's.

You're the man Jimmy!
I have used the US 800 for about a year now. At first I had issues but I solved it by reinstalling the driver in every single USB port. I got that solution from somewhere on the internet and it worked. That was on Windows 7 64 bit. I am now using it on Windows 8 64 bit and it still works great. I use Sonar X1 64 bit. The only problem I have with this interface is that when using a dynamic microphone, like the SM57, for recording at low levels the preamps can be very noisy. That's why I was looking into one of these M-Audio units with the Octane preamps. Does anybody know if this Octane thing is really that great and whether it is worth upgrading? I was thinking of going with the Ultra.