spider II HD 75

TravisinFlorida said:
That sounds like a cool amp to me. :) What amp is it? I like an amp that gets really rude when I play hard.

Vox AC30CCH. It gets a lot of shit for being built in China but I can say thru a marshall 1960a it's a mean mothergrabber.
jonnyc said:
Get it out of your head that you need a lot of watts to play live. That's misinformation that's been spread over the years. Huge name acts always played and endorsed hi wattage half stacks which began leading kids to believe you needed a 100 watt stack just to play live. If you're playing in front of 60 thousand people you might need 100 watts. If you're playing in pretty much any venue other than a stadium and sometimes even a stadium, lower wattage amps will do just fine.

I'm all for low wattage tube amps, but I've played quite a few 100-200 watt solid state amps that were just completely drowned out by a drummer. It comes down to power amp and speaker efficiency, and in the case of an amp like the Spider, it is definitely a valid question.
heroics321 said:
I'm all for low wattage tube amps, but I've played quite a few 100-200 watt solid state amps that were just completely drowned out by a drummer. It comes down to power amp and speaker efficiency, and in the case of an amp like the Spider, it is definitely a valid question.

I don't buy that. I've been letting my friend use a five watt single 12" set up for full band practice and everyone including himself can hear it just fine. I used to let the same guy gig with my old 50 watt solid state combo, also no problem.
As you can see from the split opinions, 75 watts could suffice, or then not.

I've got two bands, one is rock-ish and there I as a bassist can cope with a 100watt combo, and a guitarist can make.do with a (60 watt??) flextone2..

the other, metalband, would kill, rape and bury those amps.. as a bassist I decided to overkill with a 500watt head and cabs.

funnily, both bands shared the rehealsalplace for some time, a 4x4 meter fucking toilet..

..depends alot from the band and music...
Tell you what. You buy my 75W Spider II Combo, and test it, and then decide if you're going to buy the head.
Otherwise I'll have to eBay it.
Is a 100 watt amp twice as loud as a 50 watt amp? NO! There is only a 3 db difference between the two. You have to go to 15 watt amp to have half the volume of a 100 watt amp. I use 30 watt tube amps for small gigs and a 50 watts for large gigs. If I don't have enough volume I put an E609 in front of the cab. It's very rare that I use 100 watt half stacks anymore. I'd much rather play a 30 watt tube amp cranked than a 100 watt amp on 2.
Thanks for the neg rep pussy, whoever you are. Oh and it didn't change my total one point. Pretty shitty that you can't even sign your rep.
cubanorocker316 said:
listen, i dont mean to be mean, but i get these kind of replies all the time, and it really gets me mad. Why cant you just answer the question i asked, and if your not going to answer it, then dont reply at all, ok ? thank you

- Lou
I'm not calling out anyone in particular here, but there is a shit ton of opinion that gets forced out there in responce to simple questions, in this case it's the "you don't need all those watts" speech when wheither you like a powerful amp or not, it doesn't matter. This makes it very difficult to dicipher the helpful information without getting pissed off at some dude on the internet, and that's lame.

Now in responce to your question, I think the Spider II sounds great! I don't own one since I spend all my money on bass gear, but that's the amp I make a beeline for every time I'm in a guitar shop. The insane setting is great for metal, which is pretty much all I play.
ScreamingHead69 said:
I'm not calling out anyone in particular here, but there is a shit ton of opinion that gets forced out there in responce to simple questions, in this case it's the "you don't need all those watts" speech when wheither you like a powerful amp or not, it doesn't matter. This makes it very difficult to dicipher the helpful information without getting pissed off at some dude on the internet, and that's lame.

Thing about it is mate that the guys here get asked pretty much the same kinds of questions again and again and again...and sometimes again! :eek:
Theres a search button which nobody, myself included, uses enough.
ScreamingHead69 said:
I'm not calling out anyone in particular here, but there is a shit ton of opinion that gets forced out there in responce to simple questions, in this case it's the "you don't need all those watts" speech when wheither you like a powerful amp or not, it doesn't matter. This makes it very difficult to dicipher the helpful information without getting pissed off at some dude on the internet, and that's lame.

Now in responce to your question, I think the Spider II sounds great! I don't own one since I spend all my money on bass gear, but that's the amp I make a beeline for every time I'm in a guitar shop. The insane setting is great for metal, which is pretty much all I play.

He clearly asked "is it loud enough?" Also, just so nobody feels like I didn't answer the question, the amp sounds like shit to me, but that's just my opinion.
jonnyc said:
He clearly asked "is it loud enough?" Also, just so nobody feels like I didn't answer the question, the amp sounds like shit to me, but that's just my opinion.

Johnny C's mothafuckin righteous zeal!!! You have all been warned.
TelePaul said:
Johnny C's mothafuckin righteous zeal!!! You have all been warned.

I'm a "mothafuckin internet directory"? Shape up or I'll direct your ass, and yes your AVT still sucks my balls. :D

BTW, there is no "h" in jonnyc.
jonnyc said:
I'm a "mothafuckin internet directory"? Shape up or I'll direct your ass, and yes your AVT still sucks my balls. :D

BTW, there is no "h" in jonnyc.

All the cool ''Johnnys'' have 'h's in their name. I was actually just commenting on how serious you take this place. Not saying thats a bad thing...though...sometimes...i read your posts and..well, tremble.

As for the AVT...tone's all in the fingers mate! Was it you who favoured the MG or was that someone else?
TelePaul said:
All the cool ''Johnnys'' have 'h's in their name. I was actually just commenting on how serious you take this place. Not saying thats a bad thing...though...sometimes...i read your posts and..well, tremble.

As for the AVT...tone's all in the fingers mate!

It's the only place in life that I can express my seriousness in it's totality. Some people just fail to read, they think they've read what they've think they read and then the comment on it and sometimes it's clearly obvious they didn't put a whole lot of time into reading.

Little bit of tone has to do with the amp too.
jonnyc said:
It's the only place in life that I can express my seriousness in it's totality. Some people just fail to read, they think they've read what they've think they read and then the comment on it and sometimes it's clearly obvious they didn't put a whole lot of time into reading.

Little bit of tone has to do with the amp too.

Ah amps...amps amps amps. I used to get very hung up on them and my pedal board. I still do. I kinda bought an acoustic for that reason though, to get away from the tonal diversity of electric. If you wanna wreak havoc on my avt I posted a song in the MP3 mixing clinic.
jonnyc said:
I don't buy that. I've been letting my friend use a five watt single 12" set up for full band practice and everyone including himself can hear it just fine. I used to let the same guy gig with my old 50 watt solid state combo, also no problem.

I'm not talking specifically about wattage, I'm talking about particular amps. Some, regardless of claimed wattage, just don't cut it. The one I'm particularly talking about right now is a Crate GFX 1200 (65 watts into 8 ohms if I remember correctly) head that I used to own. I couldn't stand it, just wouldn't cut through. My 65 watt Fender solid state head through the same 4x12 did fine, as did my 65 watt Crate VC6212 and 30 watt Crate V30H. Some amps just blow in that regard, so asking if a particular amp is loud enough is a completely valid question.
TelePaul said:
Thing about it is mate that the guys here get asked pretty much the same kinds of questions again and again and again...and sometimes again! :eek:
Theres a search button which nobody, myself included, uses enough.
Here's an idea I'm just throwing out there; if you don't feel like answering the same question for the 100th time, you can always SKIP IT.
ScreamingHead69 said:
Here's an idea I'm just throwing out there; if you don't feel like answering the same question for the 100th time, you can always SKIP IT.

I guess they get tired of people wasting a valuable resource like this. By coming here, the guy knows a 75 watt head is plenty loud. He wouldn't know that if everyone 'skipped' his question.
ScreamingHead69 said:
Here's an idea I'm just throwing out there; if you don't feel like answering the same question for the 100th time, you can always SKIP IT.

If any of us wanted to skip it we would have. I just thought giving a 16 year old kid some advice about wattage may be somewhat helpful. It's a very common misconception among younger and inexperienced players that anything less than 100 watts isn't good enough and I thought he should know it isn't really that way. If his big question was about tone he should probably just go play one and have a listen.
cubanorocker316 said:
...thank you for the advice you already gave, but I'd appreciate it if you refrained from replying in this thread at all, or to any of my threads in the future.

No offense intended, but once you have started a thread, it's not exactly yours any more. You can, however, add anyone you want to your ignore list, and you won't see anything they post.