Spanish Dance

Good job David!

Crispy clear bouncy and festive. What is happening with the tempo? At around 1:46 it seems to speed up through 1:55 or so slightly and then hang there...or does it continue to increase...or did I imagine the whole thing?

Anyway, it sounds nice...I listened to both mixes and found the second to be better balanced.
Thanks for listening Demented, Naka, Ubercreep, Dawgman, Marcadiablo, miser, zero and shane.:cool:

what ya got against khatchaturian???
His work was fine, it was mine that sucked.:D

My only nit is the percussion (specially the tamburine), it sounds to electric to me, maybe some verb would fix it.

No, that wont fix it.:D It needs a better patch.:mad:

Got your eye on anything specific?
Something thats not an MXL990 :p

Awesome. Where can one obtain this music?

At soundclick.:D I hope to be done with this album by 2009, its complicated.

What is happening with the tempo?

This is ballet music. The tempo comes from the stage, and it is rarely constant.

I don't know hell how to do something like this.

Head to music college. Enroll in theory, composition and orchestration classes.:D:cool: