Sound Monitors

I have 2 main monitoring systems - Events PS6s with a Tannoy 110 sub.... very impressive sound.

I also have a pair of Proto-Js (powered by a Hafler P3000).

The Proto-Js were bass-shy when I checked them out, but they had good mids and quite reasonable highs. They sounded different than the PS6s, which is what made me buy them as a second reference.

Over the next few days, I listened to them and worked with them, did some mixes to check them out --- and I was VERY surprised.... those very modest monitors showed some anomalies VERY quickly - anomalies that my Events/Tannoy combo kind-of glossed over.

The end result is that the Proto-Js have become, for me, what NS-10s have become for others. I'll use them to track and prep a mix, then crosscheck against the more full-range monitors to verify that all is well.

Nope... I wanted a monitoring system without a sub, as well as one with a sub - to give me a good differentiation.

Once you get used to your monitors, you can compensate so that you don't exaggerate the bass unnecessarily. And since I have the Events to check against, the Proto-Js give me what I need to know as is!

Those monitors were certainly an unexpected, but very pleasant surprise.

MrZekeMan said:
You can still get the Yorkville ysm-1's brand new at Wheaton for $89 apiece. That's $178 with free shipping. Here's the link:

I just bought a used pair of NS-10m's today.


Yes, they have those listed on their sight, NO, they don't have them in stock, and are not going to have them any time soon ( I called the guy). I was able to get mine from a local DRUM shop that special ordered them for me for $98 each. BTW, $89 is dealer cost. ANother BTW - they sound great for the price, I am very happy !!!!
mrsm57 said:

Yes, they have those listed on their sight, NO, they don't have them in stock, and are not going to have them any time soon.....

BTW, $89 is dealer cost. ANother BTW - they sound great for the price, I am very happy !!!!

That just ain't right. :mad: You got a prett decent price anyway.

Did you happen to ask them at Wheaton when the YSM-1p's would be available? I called Yorkville back in May and they said they would be out in August.

Something sounds kind of fishy about the $89 dealer cost. Either your drum shop was lying to you, or Wheaton's buying them under dealer cost. They have to be buying them for substatially less than $89 to be selling them for that AND shipping them for free. Of course they no doubt buy in bulk and that brings the cost down.

Just between you and me

Or you could save your pennies for a while and in the meantime hook up your computer to your stereo, but don't tell anyone here that's what you're doing, or they'll tell you you can't do that, and then you're busted.
We would all be suprised to find out what dealer cost really is on this gear. If they told the truth we would all buy direct.;)
covana said:
Is there any decent monitors for 50 dollars or less? I want something with decent sound quality.


To answer your original query. I doubt you'll find anything approaching decent for that money. I do see these Pyles selling on eBay all the time for $59. I don't recommend them, because I don't know anything about them. But they do seem to be in your price range.

Bruce, thanks for the info....Shailat advised me in another thread to get a monitor with a weak bass response because Im monitoring in a crappy ass room....

Zoe,shhhh....thats what Im doing right now until I can make up my mind...I promised myself I would never buy twice again and either get something decent to start off with, and not settle for less because of the $$$ situation....
Any recommendations for the underlings?

I understand that good monitors are key, but for an entry level person like myself do any of you "old timers" have a recommendaton for monitor speakers for the masses?
Well if by "entry level" you mean inexpensive, you're not gonna find much cheaper than these Yorkvilles or Tannoys that have been mentioned on this thread.

roland digital monitors

I know this is well over the $50 mark but has anyone tried the roland digital monitors the new bi amped deep box type thingy that goes well with the vs 1880 and such as we all know my pye 3in 1 isn't cutting the mustard ya dig
Re: roland digital monitors

rocky outcrop said:
...has anyone tried the roland digital monitors the new bi amped deep box type thingy that goes well with the vs...

Some people seem to really like them. They used a pair of the DS-90's at the 2480 clinic in Dallas and they sounded really good. I don't know how easy they would be to mix with.

You can take the whole "digital" monitor thing and throw it out the window as a marketing ploy. The signal has to be converted to analog before the speaker can use it anyway. The digital monitors just do the conversion at the speaker.

What's the advantage of a digital monitor? The only one I can figure out would be that you might be spared a little bit of loss in the cable run from your 1880 to the speakers. But no further than that would be for monitoring purposes, that loss would be so insignificant that it wouldn't matter.

That's my opinion. Someone else might be able to give you some different input.


one advantage of digital monitors would be if your soundcard has digital outputs, you save yourself a conversion.....but if you have good converters then that dont mean squat......
--Digital Monitors--

Read somewhere about "Monitor Modeling" using digital monitors...

As in "Punch up the NS-10 patch and check the mix, now try the Genelec patch, now see how this mix sounds through those JBLs."

Makes my head hurt.... :eek:


I don't see how you're saving yourself a conversion. The conversion still has to be made. You're just making it later in the output chain with the digital monitors. The conversion is made at the monitor rather than at the sound card.

I think if your converters in your sound card are crappy, your problem of what monitors to buy is secondary. If the converters in the DS-90 are superior to the converters in your recording device, I would concentrate on addressing that first.
