Some pictures from the fake Apollo Missions that NASA just released.

If one holds a ridiculous belief, then it's quite right to be called out on it. Whether it is within the new rules of this forum to do so is another matter.
If one holds a ridiculous belief, then it's quite right to be called out on it. Whether it is within the new rules of this forum to do so is another matter.

Look, no one enjoys bashing idiots as much as I do, but I thought it was made pretty clear that we're not supposed to do that anymore. I guess it only applies to some people. Oh well, carry on.
No one has been named. Hmmm, implied, possibly. Probably even.

Either way, cool pictures.
Look, no one enjoys bashing idiots as much as I do, but I thought it was made pretty clear that we're not supposed to do that anymore. I guess it only applies to some people. Oh well, carry on.

I agree. I'm not bashing anyone, though I think the thread title definitely is baiting. I'm happy just to share and discuss the amazing astronomical photographs that have been captured recently. Unfortunately a couple of weeks ago a certain person wasn't happy to leave the Pluto thread to those who wished to discuss the photographs, the geology, the technology that got the cameras to their far-flung destination and the implications of the new discoveries, but decided to thoroughly troll the thread with a pathetic, insulting diatribe. I think that person is fair game, on that basis.
I only know one thing for sure about outer space:

If you see someone wearing a red shirt, they will be dead by the next commercial break. :(

Cheers! :)
Woohoo....Haven't even visited this place in about a week.....

HEE! :laughings:

HAHA! Greg, I appreciate what you're saying. I know it's not about me, your point in about being consistent with the rules.

Personally, other than the title, I have no problem with this thread at all. I can even take the ribbing directed at me and/or people like me that have done their research and can back up everything we say.

You see, thing is this. You don't just wake up one day and say “I think I'll start “believing” that certain things are a lie”. You come to that conclusion through research. Then you look into all the rebuttals to that research. Then, you do more research and learn that every so-called rebuttal has already been shown to be based on bullshit. Then you realize that most of these people just feel safe BELIEVING what most other people BELIEVE, based on their RELIGIOUS FAITH on whatever they're told to BELIEVE.

These idiots are the real “Religious fanatics”. The only difference is that their “god” is the government, media, and fake science. They're completely brain-washed and not able to come up with one independent thought without being told what to think. Most of these guys have just jumped onto the “conspiracy theories are stupid” band wagon because they've been brain-washed and programmed to just conform and not question anything. I guarantee you that 99.9% of these bozos have done zero research and just feel safer being in the majority.

“Science” also told people, 50 years ago, that all they have to do is “duck and cover” in case of a nuclear attack. “Science” also told people that thalidomide is safe, until people started growing arms out of their foreheads. I can go on and on with example after example of how “science” changes its' mind after lying to people stupid enough to believe anything. If anyone at that time questioned any of that bullshit, they would have also been ridiculed, because “Science” said they're wrong. LOL!

I already spent 12 pages in the original thread that started all this giving examples of fakery that nobody was able to refute. I provided links, arguments, videos, articles, you name it. But nobody addressed anything I provided, because it's a lot easier to just bury your head in the sand and keep repeating the same religious mantra “Conspiracy theories are stupid” like a bunch of 4 year old's in a school yard (and I apologize to all 4 year old's for the insult”). :D

So, I'm not the one who is a victim of “belief”, “faith” and “religion” . These brain-washed, indoctrinated sheep are more religious than a church going old lady.

As usual, I'm not going to waste more time on this. I'll do what I've done the last few times. Post this and then un-subscribe. Why waste my time coming back to read the responses. I already know what they'll be. I've already tried discussing this with evidence, serious questions, and lots of proof that nobody wanted to even try to address or refute.

So, I'll leave you with this drive-by and let you bozos revel in your ignorance.

But no, I have no problem with this thread. I found it rather amusing, as usual. :D

(JDOD quoting Lt. Bob is one of the funniest things I've read in along time. Yeah, quoting a senile, insecure, old fart who's suffering from dementia is really convincing. LOL! :laughings: )

Have fun, guys. :)
Oh! By the way. Nice pictures. I'm sure Walt Disney would be proud. :)

(Hey mods, before you have a melt down, remember. The title of this thread was total bait. I took the bait. You can't freak out now) ;)