Solid Guitar for Beginner

TravisinFlorida said:
poplar body. sound wise probably in line with a mexi strat.

With much better pickups, for less money, and set up properly. Besides, Anderson used basswood on his.
Flamin Lip said:
Most entry level guitars will be pretty compairable to one another...... the setup and quality control will not. Sadly(but true) the most important thing to keep a beginner hooked, will be how the guitar looks... my recomendation, take him to Sam Ash or GC and start with the ones he thinks are the coolest in his price range, then check the playability and tone before ya buy.

...mommy mommy, I found one I like!
Personally - I would avoid anything with a floating bridge to start out with - but some would disagree with me.
Dean makes pretty decnet guitars, and they have a couple for under a 100$ called the Evo I belive, and they come with Dean humbuckers. I was thinkin of getin one for myself for the heck of it being there so cheap use it for a gig guitar or somthing