So like

Well Ive seen quite a few things on social media about the upturn in "hate" crimes, or racial abuse. Most of it was either dismissed, ignored, deflected. No one really wants to take ownership of it. Same thing happened after brexit, a spike of 41% in those kind if incidents.

Watched that appalling video of the white guy being dragged from the car by black thugs and couldnt gelp thinking "it wont be their first crime and at least theyre taking an interest in politics now"

But it all seems quite distant..even though I live near Philly theres no BLM, or anti Trump marches in Delaware County...just sunshine and starbucks.

Then for the first time an incident happend to someone I know. She was loading her groceries into her car with her two kids, something I did yesterday too, and was told by a guy in a car to "take her chinklets and leave now, this is Trump nation!"

My kids are mixed too...I really dont want to face jail time.

Yeah, that's extremely fucked up. I can understand why she wouldn't, having her kids with her and all, but if she had caused a stink i'm sure anyone within ear shot would have quickly come to her defense and probably kicked the shit out of the guy. And by anyone I mean anyone, it doesn't matter Trump supporter or other. I can't imagine what kind of imbecile coward would target a woman with kids in such a manner. I sickens me not only for the woman, but especially for those kids. Hopefully the kids did not hear it, or if they did the mother explained to them that there is something deeply wrong with that guy. It is not in any way normal.
Yeah its pretty disgusting. Its not really the words, or sentiment, its the fact that this jerk feels like hes entitled to say shit like this now.
It boggles my mind that a person living in the United States in 2016 could feel in some twisted fucked up thinking kind of way that he had the right to say such threatening, scary racist words to an innocent woman with kids. That's the the kind of jack asses that don't deserve to live in this country.

As a white American who travels the U.S. regularly I'd have to say it'd be a stretch to say that of the @ 200 white Americans, 1/50th of 1% fall into the twisted world of that POS...sadly that still works out to about 40,000 losers that don't deserve to enjoy the freedom and liberties we get as Americans......hmmmm? maybe when build that big ass wall around the border of Mexico we can build a big ass boat and put em all on it and send them to .......damn where can we send them? I got it! We'll send em to hell....Yeah Hell...that's the ticket! ....I'm just venting..... Sorry this story really pisses me off.
That kind of behavior is fucked up.

But let's point the finger of blame at the proper target.

The Media. And it's just not Fox news. All the MSM.

They lie, they distort and twist the truth, they sensationalize, they race bait, and more importantly they beat the drums of war.

They have been the cheerleaders of every war, and are basically the advertising and public relations department of the military industrial complex and the bankers that profit from it all.

You look at just Iraq. Remember the weapons of mass destruction that turned out not to exist? Millions have died.

Now that's violence, racism and hatred on a grand scale.
I can't imagine why anyone would think they were entitled to act an ass or inflict violence on another now more so than any other time. Whether a white guy targeting a black woman with kids for verbal abuse or multiple black guys pummeling the shit out of and then stealing the car an old white guy, electing Trump is just a convenient excuse. Assholes gonna be assholes.

Time will tell, but nightmarish scenarios of the coming administration are greatly exaggerated, in my opinion. We will still be a nation of laws, checks and balances, and the vast majority of the American people are good and decent. Everyone should take a breath and relax a bit.
I personally believe Trump will do allright IF he surrounds himself with the right people.

He has an advantage of being an outsider, which is also a huge disadvantage.

Yeah, being a billionaire he is used to swimming with sharks, but.........He is in the BIG shark infested ocean now.

He talks about draing the swamp. Nope, he's in the ocean now. There are pricks in the gov't, as well as behind the scenes players, that can tear him apart and he won't even see it coming.

A good start would be to get Dr, Ron Paul on his cabinet. He's probably one of the last honest politicians we've had, and knows the game, and who the bad guys really are.

I think he'd make a good Secretary of State.
Electing Trump is just a convenient excuse. Assholes gonna be assholes.
Time will tell, but nightmarish scenarios of the coming administration are greatly exaggerated, in my opinion. We will still be a nation of laws, checks and balances, and the vast majority of the American people are good and decent.

OK an AMEN and a big ass Hallelujah
Conservation is a great notion. I do all the recycle stuff, and avoid waste...and I don't live on the expectation that someone else will make things good for me.

That said...people have to live, and at some point, if conservation puts a stranglehold on can't expect realistically that the future of some rare fish has to take precedence over the future of man.

Nobody does.

Miroslav said:
Countries like India are taking on the dirty industries that we've abandoned...and then you have China who is playing industrial catch-up, and they're polluting worse than we ever did.

Not by much, and their population is 3 times the size of ours:

China is also making serious efforts to reduce pollution:

What is China doing to tackle its air pollution? - BBC News
A good start would be to get Dr, Ron Paul on his cabinet. He's probably one of the last honest politicians we've had, and knows the game, and who the bad guys really are.

Rand would be a good cabinet choice IMO, but he slighted Trump quite a bit so that's a bridge burned.

Sadly, the initial reports of his cabinet assignments are... scary. Hopefully it's just fluff to keep people tuned in. Ever see the movie Idiocracy? We are dangerously close to that becoming reality in 2017. :p
I saw a meme of several 1st ladies, the last one being a naked Melania. I think it was supposed to be didn't have that effect on me! :D
Rand would be a good cabinet choice IMO, but he slighted Trump quite a bit so that's a bridge burned.

Sadly, the initial reports of his cabinet assignments are... scary. Hopefully it's just fluff to keep people tuned in. Ever see the movie Idiocracy? We are dangerously close to that becoming reality in 2017. :p

Sadly, we're probably fucked. It's all theatre.
The direction for the US had been determined in board meetings by nameless, faceless players long before election day.

We just have a new CEO.

There! In this thread youve seen my cautiously optimistic side, here is my pragmatic cynical side. :D

Btw, Ihink idiocracy has been here for some time now. Just look at any Black Friday insane consumer stampede. Or just go to a Wallmart. Looks eerily like the movie.
Sadly, we're probably fucked. It's all theatre.
The direction for the US had been determined in board meetings by nameless, faceless players long before election day.

We just have a new CEO.

There! In this thread youve seen my cautiously optimistic side, here is my pragmatic cynical side.

Btw, Ihink idiocracy has been here for some time now. Just look at any Black Friday insane consumer stampede.

I read a lot of history, thousands of years, China, Middle East, etc. Here is what I know:

There have always been kings, lords, barons, etc. (They didn't just disappear)

Then there have always been peasants.

Most of us are peasants with nice houses and cleaner dirt than our ancestors. But don't kid yourselves, we are still peasants that are ruled by an elite. And these elites don't hold office, they just own the string of the ones who are in office.

That is the way I have seen it for over three decades now. But I still like indoor plumbing, soft toilet paper, roof over my head and food in my belly.

No one is above me, no one is below me, we are scratching in the same dirt.
Politics simplified

You know it's funny. After Trump had his meeting with Obama, you saw a different man.

Almost like they took him downstairs into the secret screening room and showed him a Kennedy assasination film from a different angle.
They show every President Elect the film, then ask, "any questions? "


All due respect to the late, great comedian Bill Hicks.
I read a lot of history, thousands of years, China, Middle East, etc. Here is what I know:

There have always been kings, lords, barons, etc. (They didn't just disappear)

Then there have always been peasants.

Most of us are peasants with nice houses and cleaner dirt than our ancestors. But don't kid yourselves, we are still peasants that are ruled by an elite. And these elites don't hold office, they just own the string of the ones who are in office.

That is the way I have seen it for over three decades now. But I still like indoor plumbing, soft toilet paper, roof over my head and food in my belly.

No one is above me, no one is below me, we are scratching in the same dirt.

Politics simplified

You know it's funny. After Trump had his meeting with Obama, you saw a different man.

Almost like they took him downstairs into the secret screening room and showed him a Kennedy assasination film from a different angle.
They show every President Elect the film, then ask, "any questions? "


All due respect to the late, great comedian Bill Hicks.

I noticed that deer in the headlights look too. Reality kicking in pretty hard I would think.