so bob katz owes me money

I bought a basketball and a book that explains how to dribble, screen and shoot jump shots. Next week I'm going to schedule some time down at the YMCA court. Nobody's gonna tell me I can't get as good as Lebron James!

Seriously... sure, work at self mastering and have fun with it. You might be the one in the crowd who can get good enough to work at it on a professional level.
Mastering takes PRACTICE; what you are paying for in an experienced Mastering Engineer is that experience. Can you do it yourself? Sure! Will it be as good as Katz, or the famous Bob Ludwig? Likely not on your first few tries. The other thing to remember is that you are hiring an idenpendent set of ears, professional ears, to do the job. If you record the tracks, and even perform on some or all of them, you may well not be hearing what is really on those tracks - you are too close to it, which is where an independent set of ears helps a lot.
