SM57 vs. e609

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omtayslick said:
OUCH! You guys are being a little tough on him aren't you? I personally like to have afew clips to listen to now and then.

clips are nice to have, but they can MISinform just as easily as they can inform. especially when performed in uncontrolled circumstances like these were.

we all know that the "uneducated" can easily mistake this sort of thing for "what these mics really sound like", and that's what i'm hoping to "prevent". :p

of course, no disrespect meant to enferno. :D

omtayslick said:
OUCH! You guys are being a little tough on him aren't you? I personally like to have afew clips to listen to now and then. That being said, I liked the tone of the '57 better. But it did sound farther away from the source.
I wasn't being tough. I said it was excellent that he knew his tool set. He did a great job of catching a very difficult soundsource to catch. And with two different microphones. I think both tracks would be useful.
mrface2112 said:
clips are nice to have, but they can MISinform just as easily as they can inform. especially when performed in uncontrolled circumstances like these were.

we all know that the "uneducated" can easily mistake this sort of thing for "what these mics really sound like", and that's what i'm hoping to "prevent". :p

of course, no disrespect meant to enferno. :D

I agree with the respectful part. But I do thingk that tests like these are very useful. If we like what we hear, then giraffe is who we came to talk to. He can ad valueable insight as to how each sound was captured with the certain toolset, thus aiding us in realating that to our our current toolset and future purchases.
BurnBarfield said:
I highly dislike the sound of both of those samples...
I have to agree... Enferno gets an A for effort, but both clips sound just awful and certainly don't represent the potential of either mic very well....

I should also point out, that those mics would sound ENTIRELY different if some good pres were used.
Blue Bear Sound said:
I have to agree... you get an A for effort, but both clips sound just awful and certainly don't represent the potential of either mic very well....

I should also point out, that those mic would sound ENTIRELY different if some good pres were used.
I like your bluntness. You are very honest. It is a sign of strength. Do not take offense, none is intended. Arguing opinion is pointless, as there is no accounting for taste. The tracks (IMO) sounded fine.
later this week . . even possibly today . . i will re-record the tracks using the twi different mics, making sure not to change position of the mics or the amp settings at all.

blue bear, you have to consider, not everyone owns a multi-hundred thousand dollar studio like you do. the site is called home recording, not profession. i value youropinions, but sometimes i don't think you have all things considered. a lot of people can't afford the kind of equipment that we dream about, like myself. i'm only 17 years old recording out of my bedroom for christ's sake.

all that i was trying to show with this A:B comparision was not which mic is better, but simply to show the difference between in two microphones that are marketed to be used on guitar amps. i know that i am an ameatureish recorder, and i am constantly learning. i intern in one of the biggest studios in my state, however i have to make best with what i have at home.
enferno said:
later this week . . even possibly today . . i will re-record the tracks using the twi different mics, making sure not to change position of the mics or the amp settings at all.

blue bear, you have to consider, not everyone owns a multi-hundred thousand dollar studio like you do. the site is called home recording, not profession. i value youropinions, but sometimes i don't think you have all things considered. a lot of people can't afford the kind of equipment that we dream about, like myself. i'm only 17 years old recording out of my bedroom for christ's sake.

all that i was trying to show with this A:B comparision was not which mic is better, but simply to show the difference between in two microphones that are marketed to be used on guitar amps. i know that i am an ameatureish recorder, and i am constantly learning. i intern in one of the biggest studios in my state, however i have to make best with what i have at home.
you're doing a fine job of it too. Nice guitar technique too. Keep it up. You sound great.
enferno said:
later this week . . even possibly today . . i will re-record the tracks using the twi different mics, making sure not to change position of the mics or the amp settings at all.

blue bear, you have to consider, not everyone owns a multi-hundred thousand dollar studio like you do. the site is called home recording, not profession. i value youropinions, but sometimes i don't think you have all things considered. a lot of people can't afford the kind of equipment that we dream about, like myself. i'm only 17 years old recording out of my bedroom for christ's sake.

all that i was trying to show with this A:B comparision was not which mic is better, but simply to show the difference between in two microphones that are marketed to be used on guitar amps. i know that i am an ameatureish recorder, and i am constantly learning. i intern in one of the biggest studios in my state, however i have to make best with what i have at home.
That's all fine and good - and this IS - but having professional ears around helps with the learning process........... after all, having a dozen or so people all patting you on the back for doing such a great job is meaningless if they couldn't tell the difference between what constitutes a good guitar sound vs. a poor one because all they've experienced is a Samson mic thru a Rolls preamp.

At least the pro's opinions (mine, and the other pros who hang here) will give you some objectivity in the critique, not to mention experienced ears!
Blue Bear Sound said:
That's all fine and good - and this IS - but having professional ears around helps with the learning process........... after all, having a dozen or so people all patting you on the back for doing such a great job is meaningless if they couldn't tell the difference between what constitutes a good guitar sound vs. a poor one because all they've experienced is a Samson mic thru a Rolls preamp.

At least the pro's opinions (mine, and the other pros who hang here) will give you some objectivity in the critique, not to mention experienced ears!

hence why i said i value your opinion greatly.

i suppose what i'm getting at is that it's not very helpful to say it sucks get better gear. it would be infinately more appriciated if you offered some alternatives or at least say why you think the guitar tone sounds horrible.
Blue Bear Sound said:
That's all fine and good - and this IS - but having professional ears around helps with the learning process........... after all, having a dozen or so people all patting you on the back for doing such a great job is meaningless if they couldn't tell the difference between what constitutes a good guitar sound vs. a poor one because all they've experienced is a Samson mic thru a Rolls preamp.

At least the pro's opinions (mine, and the other pros who hang here) will give you some objectivity in the critique, not to mention experienced ears!
I agree that your opinion is very helpful when it gives real example alternatives instead of simple critique. But I must object to the "tell the difference" line, as this falls into taste as well. All sounds and all smells are of taste. Saying it sounds horrible is a matter of taste.
lexdrummer said:
But I must object to the "tell the difference" line, as this falls into taste as well.
This is where taking one phrase out of the context of what I said makes a huge difference to the meaning.

The statement was "...they couldn't tell the difference between what constitutes a good guitar sound vs. a poor one because all they've experienced is a Samson mic thru a Rolls preamp."

My point is in being able to discern the difference between objective ears that have heard a good-sounding guitar track vs. those who've only experienced a single sound - cheap mics through cheap pres - which they consider to be good-sounding until they hear a better signal chain.
enferno said:
not everyone owns a multi-hundred thousand dollar studio like you do. the site is called home recording, not profession. i value youropinions, but sometimes i don't think you have all things considered. a lot of people can't afford the kind of equipment that we dream about, like myself. i'm only 17 years old recording out of my bedroom for christ's sake.

Getting a good electric guitar tone is very rarely about the gear, and almost entirely about the ear.

You need to learn what constitutes a good guitar tone. Then you work towards getting it and then tracking it. It's really annoying to hear people give the old, tired excuse of "Yea, but I don't have all the nice, fancy gear to get it done." Again, that's a lame excuse. It's like a fat person saying they're fat because they don't have the money for gym memberships, healthy food, and personal trainers. Or someone who doesn't spell or use proper grammar saying they don't have the money for education. Ahem.

You have ears. Use them. And ears, by the way, are free, so I'm afraid you're out of excuses. :D

enferno, all I have to say is...thanks for the examples!
I do feel that that this is illustrating something useful because I have been thinking about the 609 mic for a while and this type of thing is exactly what I would like to hear!
I know that this is not the end all test, but I least I can hear some characteristics of the sound that are drastically different.

thanks for posting this
enferno said:
i suppose what i'm getting at is that it's not very helpful to say it sucks get better gear. it would be infinately more appriciated if you offered some alternatives or at least say why you think the guitar tone sounds horrible.
When did I tell you to get better gear? Re-read my first post....

First, I tell you that I don't think either of those guitar tracks sound very good -- I didn't add "IMO" because you have definitely not captured the full potential of either mic -- they can sound so much better simply by placement and the room they're in.

I added the comment about higher-end mic pres because they are an important aspect to getting mics like the SM57 or the 609 to sound "right" in the first place. People go running out to buy 57s or the equivalent, not taking into account that they only sound good when used with appropriate mic pres.

SM57 thru a budget pre generally sounds pretty bad - but run one thru a high-end pre and it becomes a totally different mic.

This is an important thing to know -- you have to gauge ALL the factors in choosing a signal chain, not just worry about the mic -- it's the mic/placement/pre/room combination that gives you the sound (not to mention the talent/tone that occurs BEFORE the mic, but that's a whole other topic!) The mic alone is only one aspect of it.
chessrock said:
Getting a good electric guitar tone is very rarely about the gear, and almost entirely about the ear.

You need to learn what constitutes a good guitar tone. Then you work towards getting it and then tracking it. It's really annoying to hear people give the old, tired excuse of "Yea, but I don't have all the nice, fancy gear to get it done." Again, that's a lame excuse. It's like a fat person saying they're fat because they don't have the money for gym memberships, healthy food, and personal trainers. Or someone who doesn't spell or use proper grammar saying they don't have the money for education. Ahem.

You have ears. Use them. And ears, by the way, are free, so I'm afraid you're out of excuses. :D


if you read a little more closely, would would see that i wasn't giving an excuse. i stated that i know i am ameature. but blue bears solution was to get better mic pres.

that's why i asked for advice other than buy more gear.
there is no reason to be ripping on enferno right now....

he tried to posts us some tests so that we could all benefit from his work

it just didnt work out how we all would want it to ...

but im sure now he knows what to do for next time

so that should be the end of the story
chessrock said:
Getting a good electric guitar tone is very rarely about the gear, and almost entirely about the ear.
It's really annoying to hear people give the old, tired excuse of "Yea, but I don't have all the nice, fancy gear to get it done." Again, that's a lame excuse. You have ears. Use them. And ears, by the way, are free, so I'm afraid you're out of excuses. :D

All I ever hear around here is "only your ears matter".....immediately followed by "every single piece of your signal chain matters, you can't possibly make a decision based on that!!!!!"
This is kind of rediculous. Did anybody take the time to realize that maybe this thread would be useful to someone else who also didn't have any $3,000 mic pre's?
Also, most people who only have a "samson mic thru a rolls pre" don't need to be told that it is sub-par......even is still all about your ears, right????? :rolleyes:
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