Shure SM7

Teacher said:
never heard of much is it?
Its vintage. They don't make them anymore.

"...Audix 35102: Legend has it that in the 1970s a bunch of disgruntled former Neve employees left to make mic preamps for Audix. The 35102 is one of their designs. Well, actually, it's one of Neve's designs. The Audix 35102 is nearly identical to the Neve 33114 modules, with the same EQ points and St. Ives transformers. ..."

They'll run you about $3000 - $3500 a pair, racked, if you can find them.

Michael Jones said:
You will need a good pre, with clean gain to drive this mike.

My new best friend the mailman arrived yesterday with my SM7A. What a beauty! I have a DMP3 and a Symetrix 528. Any experience with either of these pres and this mic? Should I start saving again? (OK, dumb question, but how much should I be saving?)
Michael Jones said:
Its vintage. They don't make them anymore.

"...Audix 35102: Legend has it that in the 1970s a bunch of disgruntled former Neve employees left to make mic preamps for Audix. The 35102 is one of their designs. Well, actually, it's one of Neve's designs. The Audix 35102 is nearly identical to the Neve 33114 modules, with the same EQ points and St. Ives transformers. ..."

They'll run you about $3000 - $3500 a pair, racked, if you can find them.


:eek: i'm green with envy, im hoping the DIY 1272 my cousins making sounds good...
freshmattyp said:
I have a DMP3 and a Symetrix 528. Any experience with either of these pres and this mic? Should I start saving again? (OK, dumb question, but how much should I be saving?)

I've been using the SM-7 witha 528 and a dmp3, and more recently a Sytek. You'll do fine. Either one has plenty of clean gain -- in fact, the dmp3 might even have an edge on Sytek in terms of headroom and total output (not necessarily sound quality, though). Probably at least half of the radio and TV voiceover spots, movie trailers and documentaries, etc. you've heard through over the past 15 years or so have been cut using an sm7 in to a symetrix 528.
chessrock said:
I've been using the SM-7 witha 528 and a dmp3, and more recently a Sytek. You'll do fine. Either one has plenty of clean gain -- in fact, the dmp3 might even have an edge on Sytek in terms of headroom and total output (not necessarily sound quality, though). Probably at least half of the radio and TV voiceover spots, movie trailers and documentaries, etc. you've heard through over the past 15 years or so have been cut using an sm7 in to a symetrix 528.

i agree that the sm7 is used everywhere but how do you know the symetrix is used as the pre amp? just curious how'd you know...the dmp3 has more head room then the sytek??
chessrock said:
I've been using the SM-7 witha 528 and a dmp3, and more recently a Sytek. You'll do fine. Either one has plenty of clean gain -- in fact, the dmp3 might even have an edge on Sytek in terms of headroom and total output (not necessarily sound quality, though). Probably at least half of the radio and TV voiceover spots, movie trailers and documentaries, etc. you've heard through over the past 15 years or so have been cut using an sm7 in to a symetrix 528.

DOH! I was so busy razzing DJL, it never occurred to me that both are broadcast booth standards.

I'm betting the other half are RE20's through the Symetrix.

Thanks for the reply, Rockchess :D
69ShadesofRed said:
Does anyone know if there are major sonic differences between the original SM7 and SM7B?

Thanks for the help
I'm not sure... but, my SM7B sounds great on many vocals... but, IMO it sucks on kick.
Woohoo! Won the auction on a 3 day used SM7B and just picked it up... looks brand new... for under $300!!! :D

Now, can't wait to get home and plug it in and make some noise.

DJL, that's cool because I won't be recording drums anytime soon. It will be used for vocals, and maybe sampling things like electric drills and such.
Well, got home, plugged it into my Aardvark Q10, and..and..and DUDE! This thing is friggen silky smooth! Positioned right, there is no hint of sibilance, and it sounds so... hmmm, what's the best word for it... relaxed! Yah, that's it. Not only that, I can't believe how easily the voice recorded with this thing takes to being processed and seriously mangled. Loaded the sample up in the sampler, and made myself sound like Darth Vader meets the Borg Collective... while keeping the words totally intelligible. Just the ticket for the industrial/darkwave track I am working on.

Again, thank you all for the responces. I know the SM7 will serve me well for years to come.
Well, got home, plugged it into my Aardvark Q10, and..and..and DUDE! This thing is friggen silky smooth! Positioned right, there is no hint of sibilance, and it sounds so... hmmm, what's the best word for it... relaxed! Yah, that's it. Not only that, I can't believe how easily the voice recorded with this thing takes to being processed and seriously mangled. Loaded the sample up in the sampler, and made myself sound like Darth Vader meets the Borg Collective... while keeping the words totally intelligible. Just the ticket for the industrial/darkwave track I am working on.

Again, thank you all for the responces. I know the SM7 will serve me well for years to come.
Teacher, I'm curious about your experience with the RNP. I have one and love it, but I find that if I set the gain much past 12 o'clock I start to get a lot of preamp hiss. I can't imagine getting it to 60db. Am I doing something wrong?