SDC's - the other guys

When I think of all the years I spent listening to mics ......

...... when I coulda been out getting laid .....

 makes me realize how much of my life I wasted.

But thanks to you all, it wasn't a complete waste of my life. I can pass on some of the stuff I learned .....

..... but looking back at all those years, I shoulda been out getting laid.
Maybe it's not too late... you know what they say... everyone looks good after midnight at the pub. ;) :cool: :D
chessrock said:
Some ? ? ! ! Is that all? Now this hurts. I've worked way too hard at the rhetoric / bullshit thing and deserve a little more credit than that. :D I'd say at least "above average" or "piled high" on even a bad day.
Well if you're just going to aggravate the situation :p
Harvey Gerst said:
I'm almost 68; I'm way past the point of "looking good" - to anybody. :(

to me and alot of other people .. you look like a rolls royce on the inside!.. ;) ..external looks come and go and are culturally overrated

id rather have a ugly car with a great engine.. than a beauty that doesnt run
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Harvey Gerst said:
I'm almost 68; I'm way past the point of "looking good" - to anybody. :(
No your not... but, you've got to get out and mingle... my dad is older than you (71) and a he has two girlfriends.
I think Harvey is married. I know, I know, that doesn't stop a lot of dudes from gettin' tail (well, maybe at home.) :)
JMarcomb said:
to me and alot of other people .. you look like a rolls royce on the inside!.. ;) ..external looks come and go and are culturally overrated

id rather have a ugly car with a great engine.. than a beauty that doesnt run

Soooo, you and Harvey should get together sometimes? :D
crazydoc said:
I think Harvey is married. I know, I know, that doesn't stop a lot of dudes from gettin' tail (well, maybe at home.) :)
Maybe that's the problem... he isn't getting any at home?
I don't know anyone who's married and still gets any at home. :D Well, maybe once or twice a year. Doesn't all that stuff stop after you get married? :D
Try some GT33's or 44's. Thet are very good (I own a pair of matched 33's). I think they are mid sized capsule mics, but we'll pretend they are SD's!

BTW. If you can find any old Calrecs around, they can be real bargains! I scored about 5 or 6 for about £30! Two were not in great shape, but the others are fine! I think Hebden Labs still make similar and good mics also?
Guys, guys. Let's keep this on topic.

We're talking about whether or nots the nookie stops after the missus gets the rock. Or something like that. What's all this mic talk about?
When you get married, the wife won't accept anything but expensive LDC's! Keep her happy with a BIG C12 or U47 and forget trying to please her with a little pencil mic!

You may be able to pass of an SP C1 or Apex 460 as the real deal, but a little Octava is not going to satisfy her.
chessrock said:
I don't know anyone who's married and still gets any at home. :D Well, maybe once or twice a year. Doesn't all that stuff stop after you get married? :D

I've been married for nearly 23 years and, well, let me just say that "all that stuff" certainly didn't stop for me; I've got no need to go looking. I'm a lucky guy. Sorry for the rest of you wankers, and my apologies for the OT. ;^)