Say No To Smoke Detectors

The reality is we collectively are no longer safe from anything....
WHY CAN'T EVERYTHING BE PERFECT?? I'll tell you why. Joe Biden.

Also, and I have a feeling this will be important information to everyone here, the smoke detect site is a satirical commentary on the nature of the anti-vaccine movement.
Interesting AND informative!

I gotta get one of those sweat shirts....Hanging out down here near Oceanside I also want to get one these ones going around that says "Carlsbad but I'm worse"
WHY CAN'T EVERYTHING BE PERFECT?? I'll tell you why. Joe Biden.

Also, and I have a feeling this will be important information to everyone here, the smoke detect site is a satirical commentary on the nature of the anti-vaccine movement.

The vaccine injuries aren't funny to those of us that have experienced one -- like me.

Even if a lot of the reported C19-vax deaths are fake -- the remainder sends a clear warning signal -- a signal that Joe ignores because he's on the big-pharma payroll. Why else would Joe mandate a vaccine with a risk profile like this? The vax is losing its effectiveness to new variants -- but Joe mandates it anyway. This is insane, unless somebody is getting paid off. Is there a better explanation? Class action lawsuits coming to a courtroom near you.

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