Roe vs Wade Overturned

The extreme left is getting where nobody can live with them anymore.
Saw an article where Biden’s head of the Health Dept is proposing children’s transition treatments be paid for with tax money.


And in sunny California, Newsom says they’ll pay for people coming to Ca for abortions.

How humanitarian of him.
Conservatives will force major medical decisions upon women via big Government.
Reposting post #3 in this thread.

All of a sudden, IBB accusses Conservatives of being all in on on "big Government".

There just might be some truth to that simply because all members of Congress and the Senate, regardless of party affiliation share one thing in common......... re-election...... and to remain in control of 330 million Americans.

The bickering back and forth between DC politicians amounts to nothing more than an agreed upon smoke screen.

330 million Americans allow themselves to be represented by 535 members of Congress and Senate. It makes no sense (to me) whrepresentativesmericans are allowing it that a mere .000001621 % of the overall population is truly capable of truly representing them.

Democrats are chomping at the bit to increase the number of Supreme Court justices. There are 50 States. It stands to reason that because the population of the United States continually grows (due to illegal immigration) it makes perfect sense that every State should have a sitting member on the Supreme Court and every State (regardless of population) should have at the very least 20 representatives serving in DC on behalf of their State as Representatives.

It goes without saying that the seating arrangements would have to be rearranged to accommodate a larger group of representatives even though it might be a tight squeeze.
That person sabatoged the judicial branch of the government, and it lost its ability to function properly going forward.
Unfortunately, that's a true assessment momentarily. The midterm elections are still away off. If abortion proves itself to be the single most important issue of midterm elections it will also be front and center in 2024.
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Unfortunately, that's a true assessment momentarily. The midterm elections are still away off. If abortion proves itself to be the single most important issue of midterm elections it will also be front and center in 2024.
Sad thing is it changes the narrative completely. With that one wedge issue in focus it blurs out everything else more important.

Such as......

Involvement in the ukraine leading to possible nuclear conflict
Possible collapse of the dollar
Energy dependency rather than energy independence
The middle-class being decimated
Freedoms being steadily eroded
Rapid push towards total digital surveillance along with a digital dollar (where every cent is tracked and traced)
Coming higher taxes
Parents non supportive of the school curriculum and policies being labeled potential terrorists
Censorship and the ministry of truth

And a kazillian other things will be all overshadowed by this one wedge issue.
I would think some of those on the pro "choice" side of the abortion debate should seriously take into consideration that the positioning has been co-opted by ghouls who advocate and strongly support the choice for a female(mother) to terminate the life of a child up to and in some cases after birth. Clearly at this point we are no longer talking about an as of yet clump of cells that would not be viable outside the womb. Do you really want to be aligned with those who religiously advocate for such a "right"? If not, at what point will your voice be heard? What number of dead babies is too large?

What's the quote?...forgive if I mangle. For evil to prevail it requires that good men remain silent. Be a good man, come on over and fight this abomination.

This cannot go on. There will be a reckoning.
Reposting post #3 in this thread.

All of a sudden, IBB accusses Conservatives of being all in on on "big Government".

Actually no, this isn't new. Conservatives have always been in favor of using big Government to force their preferred religion-based views on everyone else.
I would think some of those on the pro "choice" side of the abortion debate should seriously take into consideration that the positioning has been co-opted by ghouls who advocate and strongly support the choice for a female(mother) to terminate the life of a child up to and in some cases after birth.

There are legitimate debates within the medical community on how to treat a fetus that is non-viable but temporarily alive.

Unfortunately, some of us lack the intellectual capacity to handle such a reality. And so you resort to demagoguery and vitriol. I don't blame you. Anger at that which isn't understood is a fairly typical human reaction.
There are legitimate debates within the medical community on how to treat a fetus that is non-viable but temporarily alive.

Unfortunately, some of us lack the intellectual capacity to handle such a reality. And so you resort to demagoguery and vitriol. I don't blame you. Anger at that which isn't understood is a fairly typical human reaction.

Don't try to fool yourself, you're no intellectual. You're a dumbass, tool, political hack who chooses an attempted work-around to excuse the worst, government sanctioned and approved killing of a child by its own mother as a lifestyle choice. It's not only approved, but encouraged, coming damn close to sanctified with religious fervor.
^Not're a fucking liar. The push for "choice" is not only for "treating" non-viable "fetuses", but placing no limits on a woman's "right to choose".

Pray tell, if you can manage honesty and truth. What is your personal standing on limitations of aborting a child's life, if any? At what point are you prepared to deny a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body?
^Not're a fucking liar. The push for "choice" is not only for "treating" non-viable "fetuses", but placing no limits on a woman's "right to choose".

Pray tell, if you can manage honesty and truth. What is your personal standing on limitations of aborting a child's life, if any? At what point are you prepared to deny a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body?
A similar point can be said about anti-abortion folks who allow exceptions for rape or incest. It all hinges on where life begins. If it’s conception, there should be zero exceptions, except perhaps for the mother’s life since her death also means the baby’s death. If one is “pro-life with exceptions”, they are morally inconsistent.

Holding a position that a say, 6-week old fetus is so far below the threshold of viability that abortion should not be prohibited doesn’t seem unreasonable, and certainly is not any any less of a moral ground than someone who says abortion exceptions are fine because the father raped the mother.

Edit to add-
I certainly agree that late-term abortions are cruel and should not be used except for absolute medical necessity. Finding a point where we say life begins that is past conception but still early on seems like the path to the least amount of human suffering. That’s just my opinion though.
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It would NOT surprise me if some of them eat babies.

Man arrested for plotting to kill, rape and eat young girl​

View attachment 117951

Interesting to hear you say that.

Like I said earlier, the only 5 people I know who have had abortions are avid PRO-LIFERS. (And three of them have the f*cking gall to throw around the term "baby-killer" at pro-choice people.)

Granted, it could be that several pro-choice people I know have had abortions and just didn't say anything about it. And the pro-lifers that have had them could be like reformed smokers who are loud and proud about their past because it gives them perspective (i.e., They know what it feels like, so they won't ever do it again and don't think anyone else should). I don't know for sure, though. That's just speculation.

Regardless ... still takes a pretty big set of balls to call someone you don't know a baby-killer when you've literally killed a baby.

Just because someone says they're pro-choice doesn't mean they have had, or ever will have, an abortion. And just because someone says they're pro-life doesn't mean they haven't had, or ever will have, an abortion.

It's an extremely nuanced and complex issue. Even the f*cking bible makes special considerations for punishment when it comes to unborn fetuses.
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“pro-life with exceptions”, they are morally inconsistent.

The gray areas should err to the side of life -- whatever the situation.
The human body seems to deal with those anyway.
My wife had two miscarriages before we had our daughter.
Saw an article where Biden’s head of the Health Dept is proposing children’s transition treatments be paid for with tax money.


And in sunny California, Newsom says they’ll pay for people coming to Ca for abortions.

How humanitarian of him.

I'm ready to open a barbecue restaurant chain there over there.
All those wasted fetuses.... 🥲 🥴
The gray areas should err to the side of life -- whatever the situation.
The human body seems to deal with those anyway.
My wife had two miscarriages before we had our daughter.

But where is the life? Is it at conception? Or viability outside the uterus?
At what point are you prepared to deny a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body?

We can all do whatever we want with our own bodies.
There just won't be a doctor there to help somebody commit suicide or have an abortion.
The doctor isn't a part of our body.
That's where I draw the line.
To add further complexity, remember, men can give birth too ;)

But this one SHOULD have been aborted