RNP vs. VTB1 vs. DMP3 (Bass DI)


New member
chessrock and others make excellent points about these preamp comparisons. Separate takes simply do not create the best environment for comparison.

Others make a very valid point that unless a pre is heard in the context of a mix, the test is fairly useless. I tend to agree with that.

However, after listening to the previous test, and similar tests done by others (including Dan Richards), it's clear to me that there ARE audible differences in the files that can't be attributed to performance alone. (circuit noise, for example)

Be that as it may, I have done one more set of comparison files, ONLY because I promised to do so:

4 separate bass DI tracks; same bassline, blind test (ignore file #1... that is unrelated to this "serious" test).

In no particular order, they are:

VTB1 Solid State (Tube off)
VTB1 (Tube Blend set to "3")

Bass was played the same way each time, with my picking hand resting on the bridge. Each of the files are close in volume, so that shouldn't be a factor this time.

If this is a useful test (I'm guessing not), I could do more in the future. If we have decided it is not, there's no need for participation. Again, the main reason for this post is because I promised to do it. Thanks for your attention.

My Guess

Thanks for the comparison.
The only pre I personally have used out of your list is the RNP, but I have become somewhat familiar with its sound, so I am going to make a wild guess on the pres and I'd love to know if I'm close.

Clip 1 is the DMP3
Clip 2 is the VTB1 Solid state
Clip 3 is the RNP
Clip 4 is the VTB with tube

Let me know how close I am!

First off, thanks for posting these comparisons. I thought the first set were very valuable. Not just the samples, but all the feedback about them.

Anyway, I own the DMP3 and just spent about 3 hours running tests of mics with the drummer and bass player using the DMP3 as the main pre. Very helpful for a band that wants to play around with home recording. Based upon this limited expertise, I'm guessing the following:

track 2 = VTB1
track 3 = DMP3
track 4 = RNP
track 5 = VTB1 w/ tube.

If I get it right, do I get a prize? How about that RNP?
My stabs in the dark:

#1 - Studio Projects sans toob
#2 - DMP3
#3 - RNP
#4 - Studio Projects + toob

Shit. Mine were exactly the same as Shortypants.
I was only listening on shitty computer speakers, but here's my initial impressions:

#1 Not bad. Seemed to be a fairly balanced sound.
#2 Very small sounding.
#3 Mucho bass. Best of the bunch.
#4 Sounded like it was crapping out.

So, what were they?
Thanks participant,

Frankly I don't have a clue as to which is which but will throw out a guess.

1. DMP3
2. VTB-1
3. RNP
4. VTB-1 Tube
Ok, if I'm close the only change I would make would be to swap #1 the RNP and #3 the DMP3.

Probably totally screwed myself but what the heck.
I don't have any experience with any of the pre's nor have I got well trained ears but I think the third track was the clearest. Should that be the RNP then?
BTW great avatar, participant.
just a guess

logical guess based on Middleman's and tmix's answer.

1. RNP
2. VTB-1
3. DMP3
4. VTB-1 Tube

3 and 4 are probably the VTB-1, they sound alike.
I think
1. RNP
2. DMP-3
3. VTB-1 without tube
4. VTB-1 with tube
relief is here

sebster is the only one who got all 4 right... after my slip-o-the-tongue about Middleman being the closest...

Deductive reasoning may have had a large part in his sebster's response, though :)

1. RNP
2. VTB-1 SS
3. DMP3
4. VTB-1 Tube

Many people DID get the VTB-1 Tube blend correct.

Once again I'm surprised about the DMP3, and how many folks thought it may be the RNP. When I was tracking the DMP3 bassline, hearing it in my HD280's, I could've sworn it sounded the crappiest. I thought for sure people would pick it out.

Heh... it's gonna start sounding like I'm a plant for M-Audio or something, but I'm not smart/knowledgeable/available enough for the task :)

I thought each of the files sounded reasonable this time, and each preamp setup seemed to yield useable results.

I'm wondering if people are monitoring these files at a loud enough volume, too (I assume so). 85db C weighted (1kHz reference tone) from the median plane.

Again... this test proves nothing. It's just an interesting experiment. If this proves useful or interesting in the future, I may do similar tests w/vocals & mic'ing electric guitar.

Thanks for your participation :)

Interesting. I think either the RNP or DMP3 would be totally useable depending on the circumstances. The RNP was more balanced, but the DMP had a bigger bottom. I can't think of many circumstances in which I'd want to use the VTB-1 though. I've now heard quite a few recordings done with the VTB-1 (some of them single blind, like this one), and I continue to be extremely underwhelmed by it. It always seems to sound small and shitty. The DMP3 seems to be a much better deal.
I frankly think that the DMP3 is a stellar unit for the money. It also holds its own against the RNP for guitars and vocals. For the guy with $200 bucks I think it is the best value out there.

It is definitely not as clear across the spectrum but sometimes you want things to blend in the mix and I think the DMP3 does a good job at this. However, on ballads, I would prefer the RNP as it has a clarity that the DMP3 cannot touch.

All just my opinion take it or leave it.
Wow, I'm quite surprized at the results.

I've been hearing all this hoop-lah about the RNP as a DI, and here I get an opportunity to hear them head-to-head, and at least in this insance it got totally outclassed by the dmp3 of all things. :D The third track just had a deeper bass to it . . . and not just deeper, but clearer, more defined, resonant chest-thumping-type bass and it was pretty evident.

I actually thought number 1 was the very worst, hence my assumption it was the Studio Projects. :D