Recording vocals in car?

Well if this guy did it, I'm sure it'll sound stellar! I assume this guyin the pic is big shit and better than Jay Z, so chances are the OP will also be better than Jay Z. Ask a "producah" and they will tell you.

Well, I have played with an idea of recording acoustic fingerpicking blues in the back of a "car" like this.
Acadiane Citron 2CV based light commercial vehicles
With only a rubber carpet the sound bounces around nicely. You can place a chair in and sit comfortably. If I drive it in my garage I can use wireless qwerty keyboard to operate the DAW. ;-)
Too bad it's still winter in Finland and the car is surrounded by snow at the moment.
I seem to remember John Lennon considered hanging by his feet and swinging around a mike to get a surround/panned type sound. Don't remember if he actually did it but the Beatles were quite the innovators. Who knows, we may all be soon watching the classifieds for a BMW/preamp/ribbon mic combination!
I'm certain this chap has posted/floated/driven/parked this idea elsewhere - no mention of the type of automobile before. P'haps he's upgraded his motor in favour of it's new flavour.
here's an idea - instead of a USB mic, how about a car lighter socket mic?
Could be a growing market - car accessories to distribute and the odd car obsessed callow youth, (is that a new demographic?) to purchase.
These people apparently believe, when watching a video of a guy singing in a car, that he is actually tracking in the car, when in fact he is just lip syncing the audio track while another person(s) films him.

A car Karioke machine is a brilliant idea; hip young commercial rap music enthusiasts could crawl Main Street real slow with the ghetto blaster a'blastin' and be laying down the cool (and well known) hippety-hop vocals live and at full volume as they go. I think it would be a real show stopper.
Oh man, I haven't logged in for over a week. I wasn't expecting this many responses.
I knew it was a dumb idea from the beginning. more of a "what if" for shits and giggles

Some of the responses I got were hallarious. I wish I was witty and swift enough to respond to them all lol
Give it a try, a lot of rappers do it i think. The sirens and gunshots in the background help confirm that the rappers actually live in bad neighborhoods.:D But actually, the acoustics would be crappy and it would be hard to have proper breathing technique inside a car. Vocals should be done while standing.


HA! I was gonna say the same thing.
That or recording from a motorcycle.


I know the polite thing to say is "try it out....pursue your drams.....blah blah blah...".


He locked his keys in his

It musta been one of those stupid iLok's! :cursing:
Jackson Browne's Nothin' But Time (album Running On Empty) was recorded in a tour bus while travelling. On of my finnish friends recorded a vocal only song in a Fiat 127 while driving in the rain (wipers make the rhythm, sort of). He had to stop in traffic lights etc. Record company went and released it :-)
I recorded a great sneeze in a van once. I even used it in a song in the verse about my little brother getting Beijing flu.....
When I first started tracking my own stuff I was in-between studios, so I had nowhere to track my vocals. I got into the passenger seat of my car, moved the seat all the way back. I placed a boom stand on the floor between my feet and had my little interface and laptop sitting on the driver's side. And I was using a Sennheiser E835 at the time.

This is one of the songs where I tracked vocals from the car:
Optimist | DECENTER

They are not the best, but I think they turned out better than some vocals I've heard on this forum coming from home studios with shit tons of expensive equipment.