Rate amp modellers for home recording

Which Amp modeller would you recommend for rawk!!

  • Amplitube

    Votes: 19 20.4%
  • Guitar Rig

    Votes: 28 30.1%
  • Line6 Toneport

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Vox Tonelab

    Votes: 12 12.9%

  • Total voters
The amp modulation in logic isnt too shabby, i can get a decent sound out of my 1999 squier affinity strat haha. I plan to use it with my band as our live room is not well isolated. Its a shame as one of the guitar players has a really nice blues jr.
Mic'ed amps sound great, but I don't have the time to bother with them. I don't have the CPU to run everything through VST amp sims either. That's where my RP350 comes in. It's easy to use and it's a lot of fun. Keep your presets simple: just an amp sim, just some distortion etc. Don't try and use all the features at once. If you try and use a pickup model, preamp sim, an amp sim, a cabinet sim, distortion, reverb/delay, and EQ all at the same time that's when it starts to sound cheap.
I picked up a x amp by behringer as a toy...and I have to say its JCM800 sim is one of the best soft amps Ive heard...dont use it for anything else, and it was only $20...me likey
Great electric guitar sound comes from the tube power section of the amp and the speakers. Take an old Marshall 50 (with no pre-amp knob) put the single volume on 7 or 8, its clear yet has beautiful tone and sustain. This is because the power tubes are cranked. This is a sound that is not in vogue right now, but produced decades of great results in my opinion. The more stuff in the pre-amp section, the more everything starts to sound the same to me. So after all my hot air, I use modellers too because I cant mic up a blasting tube amp.
The amount of effects and tweaking to be had in Amplitube 3 makes it a pleasure to work with for me.

If I really want to sculpt a certain tone, it hasn't been unable to get me there so far. Just the same, if I simply want to plugin and get an idea down quick, the presets are on point for every style I've tried out and often the "scratch tone" is the one I end up using on the final recording.

Guitar Rig has a very nice sound to it as well, to my ears, but I'm not a fan of the interface.
I think eleven has a lot of promise for mid gain and clean tones. The high gain stuff I have heard was terrible.

Fractal's AxeFx I think currently takes the cake on all modelers, but who the hell has $1500/2000 for a fucking modeler.

PodHD sounds good to me, but it still has that stupid high end fizz that modelers are notorious for.

I like the clips I hear from Peavey Revalver MK3.

I'm one of the dudes that falls into the "use a real amp" area. But any of those listed are alright for recording. I think Vai just picked up the Fractal.
I have been using an Adrena Linn III for my current rock project and it sounds very good clean, crunch, lead and high gain. There are the usual Fenders and Marshalls but a lot of other amps that are easy to tailor to your needs.
I was comparing Guitar rig 4 and Amplitube 3 and must say I was more impressed with the Amplitube. I just wish though they would lower the price(before I would buy) considering it needs your computer hardware to run.
I am quite happy with my pod. The possibilities are endless. And if you really spend the time to dial in your sound... like really spend the time... you can fool the sharpest of ears.

I play primarily punk rock only and i'm more of a bass player then i am anything else, so i like to dial in my guitar tones, get them sounding as perfect as possible and then give it the slightest imperfection. add a hair more room to the sound, or dry it up, move my virtual mic... whatever.

i think they are great.

I like micing an amp, and you'll never replace the natural sound of that but in all honesty we are in a homerecording forum, and for those of us that don't have homes and live in apartment complexes, with a crazy relative or in mom and dad's basement... amp sims are handy for getting that cranked to 11 sound at 4 in the morning with out sacrificing too much quality.
I have a POD that I love too. I hear the Behringer V-Amp is very good too, some say better than the POD even. I'd like to get my hands on one of those and see for myself,
I just added a v amp pro to my collection....its pretty good..I like the amp models, no idea if they sound like the originals though...the effects are pretty crap but its built like a tank and has knobs i can turn....sounds way better that my pod or zoom stuff too..though maybe not quite as good as Amplitube 3

Id still recommend it to the casual noodler like meself :)
I have 3 line 6 pod xt pros. 1 fully option packed out , A second with the standard sounds and a 3rd black bass rackmount pod. The bass pod is great with my 5 string Peavey bass very round and full. I have a Digitech gnx3000
as well good effects processing but not so great modelling.

for amps I have a tube Peavey 50 watt
2 Marshall combos
A Park (licensed by marshall)
a traynor VCY40 tube amp..(breaths really well)
and a solid state marshall dgx series.

I find I run with the pods alot. It takes a fair bit of time to sort them out but I seem to get what I want and thats what matters.

How come Peavey Revalver isn't an option? Would I be the only one?! I get some very good results from it... I needed to match my guitarists gibson through his marshall and got very close!