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"The whole history of progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. If there is no struggle there is no progress.

Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning, they want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.

This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.

Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted. . ." -- Frederick Douglass (1857)

""Whether the mask is labeled Fascism, Democracy, or Dictatorship of the Proletariat, our great adversary remains the Apparatus - the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier or the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brother's enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this Apparatus, and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others." -- Simone Weil
The things the worker buys with his wages are first of all consumer goods which enable him to survive, to reproduce his labor-power so as to be able to continue selling it; & they are spectacles, objects for passive admiration. He consumes & admires the products of human activity passively.

He does not exist in the world as an active agent who transforms it, but as a helpless, impotent spectator; he may call this state of powerless admiration "happiness," & since labor is painful, he may desire to be "happy," namely inactive, all his life (a condition similar to being born dead).

The commodities, the spectacles, consume him; he uses up living energy in passive admiration; he is consumed by things.

In this sense, the more he has, the less he is. - Fredy Perlman, The Reproduction of Daily Life
"Society has good reason to fear the Radical. Every shaking advance of mankind toward equality and justice has come from the Radical. He hits, he hurts, he is dangerous. Conservative interests know that while Liberals are most adept at breaking their own necks with their tongues, Radicals are most adept at breaking the necks of Conservatives." -- Saul Alinsky

"I have often heard reformers say that the working class does not revolt because it is not yet wretched and starving enough, and that the sooner economic conditions get worse the sooner they will revolt. This is another wrong conception of men and conditions. Take the coal miners, the most ill paid and il treated wage workers in existence. To try to describe the conditions of the miners of Western Pennsylvania is to attempt the impossible. In many places grown men, with families, have not been able to earn more than $1.50 a week. They are herded together in miserable, filthy hovels, 12 or 15 people occupying one room; for how else can they pay the rent? Yet these men do not revolt, and never will. They have not the strength. They are like animals--dumb, stupid, indifferent, ready to lick the hand that lashes them. But when I reached the districts where they earned $5 and $6 a week (a fortune (?) as they work), I found them carrying themselves with some pride and self respect, and open to ideas. It is therefore an unpardonable mistake to sit with folded hands awaiting the development of things to such a state that it will be too late to act. Men with empty stomachs do not fight for freedom. They fight for bread, and as soon as they get the crust, gnawing on it they forget their good intentions to fight for more. I have not spent 18 weeks in missionary work without learning that it is useless to appeal to the overfed, but still less use to appeal to the underfed. To be successful we must reach that class whose brains have not yet been destroyed by starvation."
"Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of non-combustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely 'brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, because facts of that sort don't change. Don't give them any slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy." -- Fahrenheit 451 (1953) by Ray Bradbury

PATRIOT, n. A dangerous tool of the powers that be. A herd member who compensates for lack of self-respect by indentifying with an abstraction. An enemy of individual freedom. A fancier of the rich, satisfying flavor of boot leather. -- from The American Heretic's Dictionary edited by Chaz Bufe (See Sharp Press)

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate." -- Noam Chomsky
Young people everywhere have been allowed to choose between love and a garbage disposal unit. Everywhere they have chosen the garbage disposal unit. -- Guy Debord
"The establishment people tell us that if the workers wanted to share the profits, it was called communism. When management wants to share profits, it's called a bonus." -- Phil Donahue

"Workers are like lemons: When the rich have sucked out all the juice, they throw them in the garbage." -- Ricardo Flores Magon, Regeneracion, April 1911
"Having to decide between Tweedledum and Tweedledee -- that's not a choice -- that's a threat. Our electoral system favors a two-party race, and we should reject it. We have to start working towards a democratic system that doesn't force people to vote for the lesser of two evils (or the evil of two lessers). We can't keep jumping from election to election, voting for one moron because we're terrified that there's something worse. Now's the time to stop legitimizing this process and take a stand for fundamental, long-term change. It's more important to call attention to the farce of electoral politics than to split-hairs by choosing between Tweedledumb andTweedledee (or The Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts and the Doormouse for that matter)." - The Edible Ballot Society
"Our government is a bird with two right wings... They're devoted to the perpetuation & spread of corporate capitalism." -- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
"The State is a condition, a certain relationship between human beings, a mode of human behavior; we destroy it by contracting other relationships, by behaving differently." --- Gustav Landauer
To the fervent proponents of ruthless corporate capitalism I say: make a millionaire CEO live as a poor sweatshop worker in Indonesia for one month and then ask him about the merits of the world economic system. -- Vassilis Epaminondou

"Personally, I'm in favor of democracy, which means that the central institutions of society have to be under popular control. Now, under capitalism, we can't have democracy by definition. Capitalism is a system in which the central institutions of society are in principle under autocratic control." -- Noam Chomsky
Conservative, n. A statesman enamored of existing evils, as opposed to a Liberal, who wants to replace them with new ones. -- Ambrose Bierce.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

"To forget one's purpose is the most common form of stupidity"
-Friedrich Nietzsche

"But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!"
-Friedrich Nietzsche

"Happy the man with two noses, cause he will be blessed twice as often!"

"After the responses I saw from everyone else, I just had to turn off the ignore and explore the true depths of your stupidity."
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Without music life would be a mistake - Friedrich Nietzsche

Debating against him is no fun, say something insulting and he looks at you like a whipped dog. - Harold Wilson :D
"Quoting great thinkers is fun, but thinking for yourself does not directly follow."
And so I ask again...Do you know who is your enemy? Do you think the men you quote did more by passing on their wisdom, or by killing people? Where are your quotes from suicide bombers, whom you so admire? Do I have anything better to do than waste valuable finger strength typing these questions? Tune in tomorrow for the answers to these and other questions that have absolutely nothing to do with home recording, and now a word from our sponsor.

Do your khakis get dingy after a week spent Guerilla fighting? I used to struggle to remove bloodstains from my husband's uniform day in and day out, but now, thanks to new, improved Napalm, I just burn the whole motherfucker down and go out dancing. Now lemon-scented!
I don't know who my enemy is but I know that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

My khakis...theyr'e a bit snug after washing them. They got very dingy after my last week in the jungle but the lemon scented dryer sheets make them smell almost like spring time.

Is that gonna be a problem?
pacman9000 said:
"The whole history of progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. If there is no struggle there is no progress.

Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning, they want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.
Interesting. I wrote an essay on a nearly identical topic.

An essay on the whole history of progress and human liberty

The subject of the whole history of progress and human liberty has been covered intensively by the world press over the past decade. Many an afternoon has been enjoyed by a family, bonding over the discussion of the whole history of progress and human liberty. While much has been written on its influence on contemporary living, spasmodically it returns to create a new passion amongst those who study its history. Crossing many cultural barriers it still draws remarks such as 'I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole' and 'i'd rather eat wasps' from so called 'babies', who are likely to form a major stronghold in the inevitable battle for hearts and minds. Though I would rather be in bed I will now examine the primary causes of the whole history of progress and human liberty.

Social Factors

There is cultural and institutional interdependence between members of any community. Back when Vealinger reamarked �the power struggle will continue while the great tale of humanity remains untold� [1] he shead new light on the whole history of progress and human liberty, allowing man to take it by the hand and understand its momentum. A society without the whole history of progress and human liberty is like a society without knowledge, in that it raises the question 'why?'

Special care must be taken when analysing such a delicate subject. On the other hand anyone that disagrees with me is an idiot. If society has a favourite child, it is the whole history of progress and human liberty.

Economic Factors

There has been a great deal of discussion in the world of economics, centred on the value of the whole history of progress and human liberty. We will begin by looking at the Maiden-Tuesday-Lending model, a complex but ultimately rewarding system.

the whole history of progress and human liberty

What a splendid graph. Clearly inflation plays in increasingly important role in the market economy. Perhaps to coin a phrase the whole history of progress and human libertyeconomics will be the buzz word of the century

Political Factors

Posturing as concerned patriarchs, many politicians guide the electorate herd to the inevitable cattle shed of 'equal opportunity.' Placing theory on the scales of justice and weighing it against practice can produce similar results to contrasting the whole history of progress and human libertyism and post-the whole history of progress and human libertyism.

To quote a legend in their own life time, Xaviera Rock 'political change changes politics, but where does it go?' [2] This clearly illustrates the primary concern of those involved with the whole history of progress and human liberty. Both spectacular failure and unequaled political accomplishment may be accredited to the whole history of progress and human liberty.
While the whole history of progress and human liberty may be a giant amongst men, is it a dwarf amongst policy? I hope not.


We can say with certainty the whole history of progress and human liberty is, to use the language of the streets 'Super Cool.' It brings peace, brought up a generation and statistically it's great.

The final say goes to the award winning Shania De Niro: 'At first I was afraid I was petrified. Thinking I could never live without the whole history of progress and human liberty by my side.' [3]

[1] Vealinger - Turtle Power - 2003 ICJ

[2] Rock - Roll It Up - 1977 - F. Lower Publishing

[3] Smashing Hits - Issue 224 - Jazz Media