PureMix / Sonnox Mixing Contest!

Hi everybody, this is Angelo from Italy. I used Logic Pro X, iZotope Oxone EQ for vocal tracks, Valhalla Reverb (drum room & vocals) and a great triad in Master Section: Crysonic AnunA, Psp Vintage Warmer 2 and Crysonic Spectraphy V3 HD. I didn't use any special technique in the mix, just volumes balancing and stems positioning in virtual space. That's it!!
Thanks a lot to PureMix for the opportunity!! Have a nice day!! :thumbs up:
I'm going to mix this one for fun when I have the time. I've been too busy. The golf course beckons. Good luck everyone.
Hi, It was a very good song and fun to mix, I use Motu DP 8. I did the sound a little bit "dryer" than the original, so I used a lot of EQs & dynamics and just a little bit reverb and delay. Motu, IK Multimedia, east west, NI, Reason and toontrack are my software tools, and It's the first mix on my new reason "balance" (also use Motu interfaces) and Event monitors. Thank you, and good luck everyone Jokke (Sweden)
Hi guys!! Was very funny and interesting to mix this amazing song! Great production and great voice!!
I used Protools 10 and plug-in from Pt10, Universal Audio, Slate Digital..
First i tried to get the balance with volume and pan, then i started to apply eq and compression where it needs..some effects..little riding..so i sent all the tracks to 7 buses (drum bus, voice bus...) for other compression and eq...finally in the main mix bus i inserted a compressor, eq and limiter.
Thanks a lot to PureMix!
Bye! :cool:
Hello Boys and Girls, Man and Women, Members and Future Ones,

A friend of mine send me a link to this mixing competition. Today I've gave 'em a try, close to finish now ;)

My steps were:

1. Monitor Levels to minimum
2. All faders to "off"
3. Balancing the Volumes (fading in each track separately) to reach a maximum peak of -6 dbfs each track including the question, which way to go? Which Intruments has importance, How it should sounds like?, which genre? etc.
4. First Eq Settings to put things in front/back AND MUTE/DOUBLICATE SOME PARTS (hopefully its ok to do so?)*, pan middle/left/right,
5. Made SubBusses (MixingBusses) for different Groupes (Drums, Reverbs, Git, Revers+Dlys, LeadVocalGrp +>Chorus/Reverbs/Dly/Distortion, BackingVocalGrp S ->+ Chorus/Reverbs/Dly/Distortion, finally three Mixing Grp DrumBassMixGrp, IntrumentMixGrp, VocalMixGrp
6. Volume/Grp Automation, Vocal Riding,
7 Bouncing
8 Next Day, Start at the beginnin'
haha just kiddin', hopefully not :)


Avid/ Pro Tools 11 + Avid Plugins
Plugin Alliance (Brainworx)
Exponatial Audio,
Tokyo Dawn Records,
Slate Digital

*hope this kind of "editing is ok? Pls if it's not pls refer to that Post, I'll will look at it tomorror, befor finishing my mix.

Thank you for the chance to mix this!

Hope you'll enjoy :)

Best Wishes Mountain Lime
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Had a great time mixing this song! I truly enjoyed the feel of it! And I appreciate having the opportunity to participate in this contest. :)

I used Pro Tools 10 on a 2012-2013 generation MacBook Pro 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7. My processing was a mixture of standard PT plugins, freeware, Waves and iZotope plugins. I used the standard ones mainly for cleanup and subtractive work. My mixing process is pretty standard. If I'd say there's anything that sets me apart it would be my incredibly sensitive ear--I pretty much rely on that, along with the fundamentals that every other engineer should know, to come out with the best sounding product possible.

Best wishes to everyone involved. :)
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I finally upload my mix, hope it 'll be nice to your ears, I had many issues: one of my monitors isn't fully functional anymore, so the stereo could be not really great, and my computer isn't really powerful, so I need to export and import my stems all the time, to leave my CPU working peacefully :)

I worked on Studio One 2 Pro, a DT 770 Pro headphones, a pair of m3-8 from M-Audio, a sub sbx-10 (M-Audio too), my audio interface is a RME UFX and... some plugs!

The song is really well arranged, all is quite clean, but I prefer to have all the drums separated, the beat is difficult to mix.

I followed the voices with an automation, put a side chain compressor on the bass, to have the accents of the kick (really subtle), and some filters, delays, reverbs on the voice, some classic things! I put two compressors (one with a quick attack and release; the second one with a more long release, in order to smooth the tracks) on the buses, and I also did paralel compression on drums, effects and some keyboards.

Hope you'll find it cool!

Please note that it's not a master, so the sound could be a bit wick. Please turn the volume button of your player :)

Maxence, form France.
I only have 89 tracks after downloading all zip files... And the DogFX track don't work, I just have a waveform, no sound ! Do you have the same problem ?

Hi, spudstyle
I too only count 89 stems. (Only?) With one stem that has one small waveform in it, but no sound??? What up with that? Maybe the tone is so high that only a dog can hear it? lol!
Oh cool if we are allowed to share heres mine: As i stated in my original post I used Logic and mostly native plugins.

Hope you guys might leave some feedback for m :)
I'm also new here, from Los Banos CA, USA and this is the first time in a PureMix contest. Howling is in a gene I know little of and I've never mixed anything over 52 stems (tracks) before. So the main reason was to push myself and learn from this mix. All comments and critics would be greatly appreciated!
I work in Adobe Audition CS6 with only stock plug-ins.
Intel i7 2500k 3.4 quad w/16GB Memory, SSD drive x 2
Also many HD 2TB drives with a slide out case.


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Hi John Watt,
Just listen to your mix, but my headphones didn't process your bass very good, so I'll give another listen when I can use my speakers, from what I could tell it seem like a well done mix! Only suggestion I might give would be maybe a little smoother fade out, at the end, might work a little better, some people remember the smallest things, especially if it's the last thing they hear.
Hi guys

Since we are aloved to post out mixes in this thread here you have mine :-) hope you enjoy

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5726699/Amber Skye - Howlin Anders Final mix.m4a

And here is my short thoughts regarding my mix copird from earlier post

My mix notes and Thoughts

Hi guys. Here I leave some of my thoughts on my mix and how I worked.
Hope my english is good enough :-)


The piano went through the SSLChannel using eq and compression and after that a delay using the Haas effect on the piano

The vocal verse goes through first of all an dresser and after that a CLA-2A. And after that I use eq and some multibandcompression from the C6. I also send the vocal to a vintage delay. Vintage delay is when the delay frpn the vocal is send to itself so the delay have delay. I use eq after the delay to create an interesting sound cause the delay will change every time it passes the delay.

pre chorus

All the vocal except the verse is send to busses so I could organize them.

The pre chorus vocals is almost the same as the verse but no C6 and an SSLChannel instead. And I also send them to a reverb socially for the pre chorus and the chorus. I Use Revibe for my reverb.


In the chorus I really wanted to have a energy change and I think the producer wanted it so. The way I did it was to let the beat go through the Scheps 73 and use the the drive to get some Neve distorsion on the beat and in the same time open up the top. This is automated and is not on the first verse. It gave it the feeling of energy in the chorus.

The vocal in the chorus have delay and reverb specially for the chorus. And I like to spread the vocal in the chorus.

Verse 2

Automated the kick here to give it an energy drop to have more energy for the next chorus. Other than that I did not so much. Picked out some instruments different than in the first verse.


Picked out the low vocals in this a bit more så the bridge would separate it sound from the rest

In the slow part I made the vocal thin to fit the low energy ind delicate piano.

In the last chorus I raised the drum package to get out that last energy

Other teqniques I used

Parallell compression on the drums. Use the CLA-76 with two different settings

Puigtech on the bass to get that nice low end sound from it.

best regards
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Hi guys

Since we are aloved to post out mixes in this thread here you have mine :-) hope you enjoy


Hi gozmozis,
I just gave your mix a listen. I haven't been at this for too long yet, so don't feel to qualified to really critic anyone's mix too much. But I did notice we had the same thought about the ending. In the music video and the reference mix they fade out the end. But that also took out most of the adlib track, where the lead singer starts too really add more feelings to the song. So I thought it to be very important to leave that in the song and not fade out, but to just let the song end a little more naturally. Thanks for sharing your mix with us, I enjoyed it.
My mix ...

OK, here's my mix from yet another first (and old) timer... any comments gratefully received by an old pensioner (yup, very long in the tooth brought up on 50's music!!!)

John Watt - nice mix, agree the ending could fade a bit better. Found the mix a little "narrow" and the phattybass seemed a little muddy in places. My own view of course :-)

HarvyA - smooth mix - I would have liked the energy in the final section to be more apparent in the earlier verses. But, as above, my own personal view.

Anders - liked the slower middle section processing - not sure yet about the chorus vocals widely panned (the centre seems to lack something when they are in focus) - will have to listen a few more times. Agree about letting the song play out - some nice adlib vocals as you say - also the energy there is great, so seems a shame to miss out on it - makes the track much more memorable.

Mine is perhaps more dense than most, hope the vocals stand out for you ...




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Howlin mix

Hello everyone!
I'm from Brazil and also new to this forum/contest thing. I just uploaded my mix and it was a great experience.

I did it ITB with Protools 10 (2bus to my Fatso Jr and API 5500 eq) and by the end of the mix my mac mini was almost melting down :)

I didn't have a lot of time in hands, so I had to break up my sessions in one hour long little bursts of mixing.

Day 1: Trying to understand the music, going through the stems, general balance and static working mix.
Day 2: Drums/Bass/Lead Vocal.
Day 3: Guitars, and tweaks on day 2.
Day 4: Synths, Vocal Harmonies, fxs, and tweaking on day 2 and 3.
Day 5: Tweaking, lots of fader riding and more effects (mostly delays and some filter automation)
Day 6: Last minute changes and the moment to ruin all my work: I set a Fabfilter Limiter on my 2 bus and after uploading the mix I realise I can hear it working on my grand "explosion into the Chorus" moment and ducking the bass more than I wanted. Anyhow, it still works and I'd have done it anyway if I was to send this mix to a client.

I had a very hard time at first to figure out what to do with all those stems. But after a little organising it made a lot of sense. I used the opportunity to practice using more extensively the "group" function in Protools, using the show/hide functions I usually don''t bother to. It was fun and this alone made my participation here worthwhile!
I used a LOT of plugins. More than I should. After a while I realised I was boosting some frequency with one plug and cutting it out with the next :o Keeping focused was not very easy doing little pieces at a time over a week... I lost perspective many times. But I think it all came together by the 5th day...
I used mostly SlateDigital (VTM, VCC, VBC), Brainworx, SPL, Fabfilter, Waves, McDSP, and iZotope (lots of Trash2 everywhere!). I also used the new Primal Tap Delay from SoundToys. I'm in love with that little freebie!
I used this contest to try out Neyrinck's iPad V-Control Pro app. It worked beautifully!

I think the main weapons here were my Focal Twin monitors. I had to sell one kidney to get one of those here in Brazil, but man it was worth it! Those monitors changed my life!

Anyhow, good luck everyone and a big thanks to the folks who gave us this opportunity!
