Possible submission for HR.com Comp CD

Disclaimer: At work. With headphones

Excellent !!! I'm vaguely reminded of the Smashing Pumpkins.

The guitars sound great. Seriously. Please comment on your mic, acoustic guitar, and set-up for recording the acoustic. Nice solo.

The overall mix is EQ'd just right in my opinion. It has a nice, soft feel to it. I'll repeat. I REALLY like the mix (the song is good too !!). The song even get's better when the percussion comes in.

As far as the vocal. I enjoyed it as well - even the falsetto. I think your vocal gives the song character. I don't mean that as a slam, but any cracking in the vocal or slight mis-tunes work well for this song ... and honestly, you've got a decent voice.

[edit] Good use of the double-tracked vocal during the falsetto parts. Peter Gabriel uses that technique all the time.

HOT LYRIC: "I refuse to waste the remnant light"

Good job.

Now to get to some thorough replies... :p

Gernica... thanks man... I took the vox up a little. Hope that's better.

wfaraoni... thanks, thanks, thanks :D

Pedullist... don't worry... I have other songs with looooong dramatic pauses in them. :p I'm glad you liked it. As for my range... unfortunately, it's not fear. I really do have a physical limitation on my voice. In fact, the reason I "whispered" the high line is because I can hit higher notes when I sing really quiet. If I yell, my voice cracks at an even lower range.

eric... thanks for the comments. I took the vox up a little... let me know. Fortunately, it's going to be a loooooooooooooooong time before I have a daughter to write anything aboot. :p

Kramer... thanks... I hope to get it on the CD... things are pretty freaking hectic right now, but I'll try to get this submitted before the deadline.

James... I'm pretty pleased with the guitar. That's been the most annoying part of my previous recordings, so I was glad to finally have a mix with a really "wide" guitar sound on it. Thanks for the comments.

Lt... Thanks man... I actually tried to fix that high part. I don't think it worked. :p You wouldn't believe how many takes it took just to get some workable samples to use. Needless to say, that part has been heavily edited. :D

bpoco.... smashing pumpkins, eh? Well that's definitely not a comparison I expected. :p The guitars were mic'ed with a C-1 and an MC012. The 012 was at the 12th fret about 6 inches away, slightly pointed towards the sound-hole. The C-1, (this was different), was mounded directly in front of me, 3 feet away, about 5 feet off the ground, facing downward at about a 70 degree angle (or so). I was using it to capture the "vibe" from a vantage point that was "looking down" on the soundhole. The intro git was actually quadrupled. (two mics, recorded twice) As for the double tracked vox... yeah.. I had to do that during the high part to "fill it out" a little. My volume lowered so much when I hit those high notes that I need something to bring it back up to the level of the rest of the vox. I think it worked ok. The main vox, at the high part, wasn't falsetto... it was just sung really soft, but the background vox was in falsetto. I also heavily edited the background part so that it matched up exactly with the main vox. And hey... you found the 64 million dollar lyric. :D "Remnant" is actually a noun, but I liked the way it sounded in that context so much that I just kinda cheated and used it as an adjective. :p

I don't know why everyone is saying the vocals should come up because I don't hear that at all. I'm not entirely sure about the depth of the reverb you have on there. In the quiet parts it is really noticable. Also, another instrument layer might be appropriate for the last verse. You need a reason to justify that extra verse due to song length. I thought the singing was right on and did not mind you backing off the high parts. I think hearing you struggle a bit adds to the emotional impact. Think Joe Cocker here.
Nice pretty song. Good guitars, they sound real full. Very warm vocals.

I think the vox could be brought up just a bit. Words at the end of phrases tend to get buried a bit. Maybe a little compression (or a little more) on them to even the level out.

I'm not if I'd put harmonies on this one or not. But I would experiment with a three part going "AHHH" over the chord progression in spots to see what it sounds like. It might bring a bit more life into the song.

Good job.
Just checking your song out at home this evening. As you recall, I had headphones at work this morning.

I have to concur with some other posters, the vocals could come up just a tad. Some creative EQ might even make the difference. I didn't have a problem with headphones.

first off...COOL SONG TITLE.

man those vocals are RIGHT IN MY FACE sounds cool tho..the guitars seem to me to not have any highs???...is it just me ?..im on phones btw.
love the song.great great vocals on this mutha...i like that "breathy" way you sang them ...
and then the drums kick in ...sounds good man i dont hear much if any highs in the whole damn mix..?.levels are good .
ill be hionest and say i didnt make it 5:45 tho....:D


Too long??? Whoa no! I can see this gem morphing with a whole instrumental breakdown with strings, french horn, whatever! So many directions this tune could go.

As far as sonically, I would maybe add a dash of high end to the guitar. It has a warmth now, but maybe a little glimmer would be nice. Then again, maybe just turning up my treble would do. What if all listeners got to have a mix 'their way?'. This ain't Burger King!

I digress...

Very nice job.
WATYF said:
As for my range... unfortunately, it's not fear. I really do have a physical limitation on my voice. In fact, the reason I "whispered" the high line is because I can hit higher notes when I sing really quiet. If I yell, my voice cracks at an even lower range.

Hey, if it's not fear, you should practice it.... ;) You can get the crack out with proper training, I'm pretty sure of that. :)
First listen to anything her in quite some time :(

I finally got my computer half assed up and running :rolleyes: Good news is I'm building a new one and it's gonna kick ass (well for me anyway) :D. Bad news...I would put this in the keepers folder except I don't have one right now and won't until I get the new machine built.

Hey man. This was very nice. I really liked it. I suppose it could be a little shorter, but it sounds so damn nice I don't mind it being this long. Great easy listening. Very good singing. Very good playing. I like it.

Only thing that bugged me a little (very, very, very minor, but it just hit my ear) is the tamborine sound that came in right around the 4 minute mark. Seems a little up fron to me, but I'm listening, not only on computer speakers, but freshly installed SBLive value card that I had a hell of a time getting running :mad:

Anyway, nice work. Hopefully I'll remember to save this one later.

And sorry to everyone else for not participating lately. Kinda hard without the computer. ;). Now it's off to bed.

First stop in the morning...NWR to finally order my shirts :D
I'd have to get seriously nit-picky to even put a dent in this. Yeah, you missed part of the vocal...so what. Adds character.

I thought that intro was your guitar sound for a minute, lol...it got better. :D - I was reading a couple of the comments about the vocal being too low and I was sincerely confused, b/c it sounds perfect (remix, I guess).

The solo is really tastey...the end of that run at 4:10 sounds loosely "offish," lmao...but the whole thing's just nice.

Ditch that tambo thing?

Have a great day/night/weekend.

Man, this thing is deep as hell...
I'm almost scared by the intimacy.

Nice song though. I don't know about the vocal quavers (is that a word?) but it seems to suit the song.

Do it!
OK... I'm sorry to dig this back up... I'm just now starting to "recover" from that whole "getting married" thing. :p My house is still a mess from some chick who moved all her stuff in.... :p but other than that, things are kind of back to normal.

Fortunately, I was able to submit this in time for the Comp CD, so thanks for all the comments/suggestions. I did make some minor changes to the mix based on comments here and that's the version I sent for the Comp CD. The new mix is up on my NWR site.

ashul... I know what you mean... on my system, the vox are borderline "loud"... but I did try to work with them a little to make sure they were clear enough. And believe it or not, I didn't think the reverb was deep enough at times, so I moved it up a notch in this remix. Sorry... ;)

TripleM... I compressed the vox a bit to try to account for those softer phrases that got a little lost. I think it's a bit better. BTW,... I'd like to do harmonies and "AAHH"s and crap... but I can't really do harmonies very well... I kinda suck at those... and my voice doesn't do a very good "AAAHHH"... when I try to sustain notes, they sound even worse. :p But I will definitely have someone else add something like that in the "official" recording of this. Thanks for the input.

bpoco... I took the vox up a tiny bit with compression, and also tried some minor EQ changes. I hope that helped. Thanks.

shredfit... actually... I was saying that I usually hate the guitar sound on my recordings... if you listen to some of my other tunes on NWR, you'll see what I mean. :p But I was definitely pleased with how the guitars came out on this song.

Jamal... I took your advice and tried to add a bit of highs to the gits... I think it was an improvement... let me know if you agree. As for the song title... I was actually considering changing it... this song was written years ago, but then re-written just this year. The second half of the chorus is totally different than the original chorus (which really sucked.. :p). So anyway... the word "goodbye" wasn't in the original.. but now that it is... it seemed like a logical name for the song. But, I decided that the original "Angels" title was unique enough to be a keeper... glad you liked it.

chrisjorge... thanks a lot man... I totally agree... I would love to hear a full orchestra arrangement on this thing... I guess that'll just have to be a future goal. :p I threw in that dash of high-end on the gits that you wanted. Let me know if it did the trick.

Pedullist... man... I wish it was just a training issue. The thing is... I have a really deep voice. You can't tell from the way I sing, because I make it so "breathy"... but even since I was a kid I had a deeper voice. I can feel the limitation on my voice when I try to sing high stuff... I just can't get my vocal chords to stretch any more... :p Who knows... maybe it'll change, but right now, I'm pretty sure I'm at my limit.

Jagular... thanks man.. glad you liked it... I took that tamborine down aboot 2dB. Let me know if it "fits" better.

chris.... "seriously nit-picky" is what I'm all aboot man... :D I didn't get the vox comments either... it's pretty loud on my monitors. As for ditching the tambo... not a chance. :p I dig that. I did take it down a bit though... you'll have to live with that. :p

jake... yeah.. I know... it's scary deep.. ain't it. :p I wish I could stop the whole "quivering voice" thing.. but that's just the way it is... oh well. :p

bdbd... cool man... glad you liked it.


[edit] skids... fixed the link... thanks for not commenting. :D [/edit]
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WATYF - Your link in your last post in not working "File Not Found" but I went to the original link. Just a heads up.

I listened to this before and looked though and realized I did not comment. I am not going to comment again. :)

I really like your voice. The vunerability works here for sure. Good song too!

The guitar still has a fair amount of low end or the bass is not defined. I need to stop making bass comments as I am on cheap heaphones so take it with a grain of salt! :)

Great work. It should be a good addition to the CD.
Great song, and recording.

Sounds CD worhty for sure!!

Mix, very balanced!!

Sorry I'm late for the comp deadline. Hopefully you sent this!

Way to eat that microphone! Great detail on the vocal. I like the light delay as well.

The acoustics sound great too.

I honestly heard nothing that didn't feel right. Very impressed. Please separate your disclaimers from the parts that actually maean something in future posts.
SLuiCe said:
Please separate your disclaimers from the parts that actually maean something in future posts.
lol... :D :D

I'll try that... :p

Actually, there weren't too many disclaimers on this one... I'm getting better. :p

But just wait 'till I post a recording of my wife... then I won't need em. :p
