Politics and Prime

gecko zzed

Grumpy Mod
When The Cave closed all those years ago as a consequence of it becoming a festering pond of vitriol as opposed to what it had been; a place of spicy off-topic banter, the mods made a decision to band politics from Prime on the basis that these tended to generate into an endless cycle of "I'm right, you're wrong"; "No, it's you who are wrong and I'm right".

They were debates, not discussions. The difference is that in a debate, the aim is to convince others of the validity of your stance, whereas in a discussion, you exchange ideas with the hope of learning something new.

However, over time, that ban was relaxed and some reasonable discussions ensued.

We are seeing an increase in the number of Prime posts that are simply there to slag off at someone or something. And we are seeing an increasing number of reports to the mods along the lines of A reporting B because A doesn't like what B said, and B reporting A because B doesn't like what A said. It's all a bit sad and pathetic. There's no need for that here.

If Prime goes the same way as The Cave, it too faces being closed. Or politics may be again be banned.
I'm all for free speech, but when the same/similar thing gets posted/harped on over and over again it drives me nuts.
I'll leave it to the mods though. :-)
I've been banned a lot. I never really care. What I don't get is, if you're arguing, yelling, or saying some really awful things to someone over the net, why they either don't respond, or ignore you. I will never understand turning in 99.99% of posts. It's the internet.

On the other hand, if you know someone committed a heinous crime, absolutely turn them in to the cops. Be a snitch. Get that scumbag off the street.
I never understood why politics and religion need to be catered for, because if they are there, people read them, the. Get cross and the reply. That’s normal nature. They also spread and looking at new posts, which is how I use the forum, the quantity take up more and more screen space. They also get people normally of like mind to disagree, which colours the real forum posts. Not that I have a vote, but I’d not miss them at all.

free speech is great, as a concept, but the free always wreck it!
This is a good way to focus on a certain individual here without naming names. We all know who it is. It’s one thing to have a discussion but he’s actively fanning the flames and enjoying it.
There have been times in recent months that I have avoided this forum because of the contentious subjects that show up in the new posts listings, which is my main way of browsing forums. This is the kind of place I go to get away from that kind of thing. If I can't avoid it when I come here, I'll avoid it by not coming here as much.
I've been banned a lot. I never really care. What I don't get is, if you're arguing, yelling, or saying some really awful things to someone over the net, why they either don't respond, or ignore you. I will never understand turning in 99.99% of posts. It's the internet.

On the other hand, if you know someone committed a heinous crime, absolutely turn them in to the cops. Be a snitch. Get that scumbag off the street.
It depends who 'they' are.
In this arena they are people who seem to like defending their point or riling people up.
They are not, for example, Me, Gecko, and BSG.
There have been times in recent months that I have avoided this forum because of the contentious subjects that show up in the new posts listings, which is my main way of browsing forums. This is the kind of place I go to get away from that kind of thing. If I can't avoid it when I come here, I'll avoid it by not coming here as much.
Yeah....that's it in a nut shell. Sometimes I'll pop the forum on my screen and see that half of the new posts are ongoing rants (not debates) posted by people who at least seem to be here to release their anger or hatred or whatever. I normally leave when I see that.

I know......you're gonna tell me I have many options to avoid those posts...etc...etc. After a while....it becomes about who I'm hanging with....and what's accepted overall.

Just my 2 cents worth of morning brain fog.

If I'm B, then I'm all for banning politics on this forum. Or perhaps I should just stop coming here. I'm here for "Home Recording" not the same spread of fake news that can be found on Facebook. You'll notice that all of these "new" topics are basically just the same thing over and over again by the same "people".
My politician did whip your politician.:-)

I couldn't be anymore ok with it if politics were banned here. Or is that was banned here?
It's pretty easy to ignore a member if you don't want to see their posts. Personally, I am registered on several sites that promote things I am interested in. I'm not there for a political discussion or any kind of rant. I simply chose to ignore those threads. If you don't like something, don't look at the thread. If you can't help yourself, it's your own fault.
It does affect the overall tone of the forum and what seems acceptable on the site. Once the vitriol is accepted, it will spread to the rest of the site. The whole place will be infected.
The spread has happened in the past. With the current cast of characters, i've personally seen no evidence of it occurring now. Personally I have no problem whatsoever with The Cave being thrown into the dustbin of history. However, if there was one thing good about The Cave, it was like a (somewhat sleazy) backroom you didn't necessarily know was there. You may wander in and never choose to go back there again. If you did go back, although for some there was much gnashing of the teeth from the trauma suffered, the reality was it was on you. Maybe it was the same then, though I can't remember and have doubts, Prime Time posts probably shouldn't be included in the list of Latest Posts. Of course that is not my decision to make and wouldn't know whether a change could or could not be made.

It would seem the temptation is at times too great for the teeth gnashers to resist, bless their hearts.
This is a good way to focus on a certain individual here without naming names. We all know who it is. It’s one thing to have a discussion but he’s actively fanning the flames and enjoying it.

Ha! I see what you did there, #4. Awesome. Have you had any comments on it from listeners outside this forum? I'd be interested in developments on how it is received.

Sorry folks, didn't mean to get all giddy in y'all's serious thread.
Ha! I see what you did there, #4. Awesome. Have you had any comments on it from listeners outside this forum? I'd be interested in developments on how it is received.

Sorry folks, didn't mean to get all giddy in y'all's serious thread.
Yeah, most people love that track!!!
Yes, good song.

I was referring to the title and subject matter. Has anyone made the connection without being told? What was the reaction, how was it received?
Ah, yeah, people have asked me about it and I told them. It’s probably the song that got people most curious.