PMI Audio VT-1

zoetrope, I thought you knew the special pricing Alan gives us "homerec"ers.
It's ONLY an additional 10% OVER list! (just kidding)

I'm curious, however, as to what the heck "Class A/B discrete" means.
VTP-1 Availability?


Why are the Music Center (and Digital Pro Audio) already listing the VTP-1? When I clicked on "add to cart," there was nothing to indicate that it wasn't in stock.

The Music Center also shows a photo of it (attached).

Are they just anxious to get going, or do they really have it in stock?


Mark H.


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about those chain stores...


I have seen Joe Meek products at Mars in the past, so I assume they aren't getting those from you?

Note to self:
When January rolls around, must buy new B series mikes for under $100 and feel extra good running them into my new PMI Audio VT-1. Alan was right and I am feeling pretty good...

Oh wait, I live in Wisconsin, where the heck am I driving to purchase them again? (Chicago?)(help?)


MARS and GC do buy Joemeek from me, but I can get as much Joemeek gear as they can buy. I can't do that with the C Series mics because they are much more difficult to build.

If GC and MARS want the mics, then they have to be willing to buy them just like everyone else. I will say this again, if a line is hot and asked for, then the stores will carry them. If all of you ask for the Studio Projects and then not buy what they try to sell you, they will buy Studio Projects.

In Wisconsin, you have:

Full Compass:
Middleton, 608-831-7330

Music Center Kenosha:
Kenosha, 262-697-9393

DNA Digital:
New Berlin, 262-938-0980

Wausau Music Center:
Wausau, 715-675-9257
Let's storm the castle!


thanks for the list of Wisconsin dealers I definitely would have driven to Indianapolis if I had too! There are Sam Ash stores in Chicago now, do they carry any of the C-series mikes?
You are absolutely right about Mars/GC etc. If people would refrain from buying the discount level AKG-Audix-Nady, etc stuff and demand the Studio Projects line(s) we could make it easier for you to retire early. (cha ching!) Of course , based on some of the past posts I have read, you aren't ready to retire until you pull the really big rabbit out of your hat. Right?
Studio quality 48 channel boards with automation for under $500 dollars ? I'll buy one!
(just kidding, don't every body start asking Alan about that, it's a joke)

I am glad I only have to drive to New Berlin though! I can't wait ;)
alanhyatt said:

All I can say for now is it is Class A/B discrete (pardon the spelling of that one), all electronic balanced. What is unique is the Tube drive. It is not in the gain stages anywhere, so you can use the tube without adding gain. Most units have the tube in the output stages, so in order to push the tube, you have to overdrive the output. That leaves you with distorted shit and crap sound.

This unit is a true blend. The drive only blends in the tube distortion so you can add warmth, or filth, but not effect is really cool. We will release more specifics later, but we looked at the Burr Brown op amps, and there was no real difference, so to keep it at $249.99 list, my guess $199.99 street, we went a different direction, but all we be told in time.

Alan: can you please explain to us all what Class A/B "discrete" means? the benefits over other configurations? Why this is better than than say....Class A.

I thougt a tube was an amplifier? If not being used to amplify, why would you even use a tube in the chain? How much power does this tube get? Does it have a neat little window so you can see it glow?

Just questions from a curious mind.

Let me say it this way. A descrete circuit uses individule components to make up a complete circuit. Some manufacturers use IC Chips instead. These chips are basically a complete circuit design that resides on the chip. It then draws power from an amplifier somewhere.

It is my opinion that descrete circuity sounds better. With the newer more expensive chips like the Burr Brown being used on some high end gear, opinions are changing. As these chips come down in price, it may be worth looking into them, but for more cost effective products, these chips are prohibitive. We still feel the descrete technology is a better way to go for us.

As for Class A, or class A/B, this is a method used in amplifiers. Class A is always an active circuit, while class A/B uses two amps that switch between the two. They are both good. Class A may be preferred, but again the cost issue comes into play. Good low noise, low distortion A/B amps are just fine.

We do have a series of holes that form a V so you can see the tube, and we have a couple of blue LEDs behind the tube so a blue glow comes out of the holes. It looks cool and is a marketing thing, but the tube sounds great.


Even if GC and MARS had the line, I will not retire yet. I have too many things to finish up, but once I do finish it, I am out. My sons will take over...I hope they continue on because the products we will come out with will have a long life span. While I will still be involved, it will be on a limited basis. I can still hang on the groups, but no more trade shows, and only a few hours a week in the office.

Its not about the money anymore, its about what I want to do. Who knows, if all of this takes off, maybe Mackie or Harmon will buy me out!! :D
Thanks Alan,

It just seemd like you were trying to use the Class A/B Discrete thing as a selling point to pimp your gear.

I'm actually impressed that it's a discrete circut you are using. Are you using discrete opamps? I agree that discrete circuts sound much better.

Was this a new design? Or did you borrow anything?

Would it be cost prohibitive to use a transformer to balance this thing and take out the tube circutry? IMO, IME, proper use of iron and a solid layout and design would "warm" up a track more than an underpowered tube. YMMV.
I agree with Ametth... how much more expensive would it be to nix the tube and its neccesary circuitry and get the nice heft of some iron in the signal path? Seems in a decent bulk you could get a good price on a decent x-former. Much better route in my opinion, and its just an opinion. I like what iron does to a signal more than I do an average tube path. And about the op-amps, if it has them... if you pick an opamp that can be upgraded to another pin compatible opamp of higher quality, Like a Burr, then you could offer it as an option and possibly even make money doing the "mods". Just a thought.
c-1 and joe meek question

i just got my joe meek "british channel" and my c-1 mic. i have a question for alan or anyone else who can help me. im recording with a korg d-1600...which has good sounding mic pre-amps...just not enough head room on the trim. should i run the joe meek pre-amp into a channel input on the recorder? it seems like this would be putting a pre-amp into a pre-amp. if not, how can i bypass the onboard pre-amps and go direct from the joe meek to the hard drive. i would reed the manual for the joe meek, but unfortuneatly i recieved the manual for the joe meek stereo compressor in stead of the manual for the "v-6 british channel. i haven't tried it out yet (going to when i finish this post). im hoping the c-1 will sound better than the 80$ nady condenser i have (it sounds a little harsh)...but i noticed the same company in china makes both mics.
Jimistone's question

Can anyone answer Jimistone's question about running his preamp directly into one of the Korg's input channels? I've had the same question on my mind. I was about to order a preamp, but not sure whether I should. I plan to get the D-1600 in a few months and I'm not sure whether the preamp would become largely useless then. Even if it would still be useful, can it go straight into the Korg's onboard preamps?

The preamp should convert it to professional level signal and then will NOT need to be run into another preamp. That would add noise and who knows WHAT else, and is not recommended. I'm not familiar with the unit, but many devices like that have a 1/4 input in the middle of the mic pre that acts as a line in, or will have seperate inputs for a professional level signal. Those are where you want to input the signal. The stock preamps PROBABLY suck, but I cant say.

Sorry, Tubedude, but I don't understand which units you are/are not referring to. Are you saying that the preamps on Korg D-1600 probably suck and to therefore run the signal into a separate preamp and then into Korg but somehow bypassing the Korg's onboard preamps?
I used to have a Roland VS880EX and like you was dissatisfied with the preamps.I found a Midiman 24 bit Flying Calf A/D converter for $100 and went in to the Roland via S/PDIF with it.Big improvement.You should be able to do likewise with your Korg.
thanks for the input guys. the onboard pre-amps in the d-1600 don't suck...they are very transparent and sound good. i was just wondering if i could bypass them with the joe meek unit. the only problem i have with the korg built in pres is headroom....on a condeser mic the trim has to be turned up too high. well, since i made the other post i have been experimenting with the joe meek unit and the studio projects c-1 mic. i got a real nice sound on vocals by using the d1600's onboard noise gate...then plugging the c-1 straight into the meek and going from the meek into the channel input on the d1600 (it was very quiet, the gate was for the back ground noise that i was creating... fiditing around cars going down the road.. ect...ect..). the c-1 sounds real good run straight into the recorder...the meek warms the tone very nicely though.
i made a discovery though, running a guitar into the joe meek unit...then into the d1600, using the buit in REMS modaling effects
produced some jaw dropping guitar tones!! blew me away. i went thru the meek and into the d1600 and pulled up the "detune" effect on the recorder and my drummer looked up and said "damn! save that setting...whatever it is...that sounds real good.....DAMN THAT GUITAR SOUNDS GOOD!" we tried all kinds of settings....clean....distorted,, and everything in between and the tone was super on everything. ditto on bass guitar. soon i will have some finished songs and i'll post them.
thanks again guys